
  1. D

    HELP!!! I have jailbroken my ipad 2 and it's stuck!!!!!?

    HELP!!! I have jailbroken my ipad 2 and it's stuck!!!!!? I have applock and i added this cool animation option where you slide the thing to unlock the iPad, the screen turns and does something to get to the home screen, reverts back to the lock screen, and the slide thing just stays to the right...
  2. R

    im planing to get an upgrade and im stuck between an iphone 5 and the evo 4G LTE?

    i want to get the evo because i can root it and be able to tether without any problems but with the iphone i know i can jailbreak it but i cant find a straight answer whether it is possible to tether for free. please help me send me a link if you can.
  3. A

    im looking for a cartoon where in the beginning the boy gets his red kite stuck

    in a tree? I swear the character looked like tintin but cannot find the episode im thinking of. And none of the characters seem familiar. I also remember something about the boy ending up in a castle/mansion in the clouds... its been bugging me so if anyone knows what im talking about...
  4. A

    Watch Tiger Woods? golf ball get stuck in a palm tree at the WGC-Cadillac Championshi

    It didn't seem there was a single golfer in the field at the WGC-Cadillac Championship that was going to stop Tiger Woods, but a tree? Sure, that could do it. On the 17th hole in the third round at Doral, Woods pushed his tee shot right of the fairway, and it looked like it would be fine until...
  5. S

    hi! I am stuck on lvl 394 in 4pics 1 word game on my ipad?

    pictures shown are a man sitting on bench a lady in cockpit showing thumbs up sign someone playing guitar and someone playing saxophone its a 4 letter word with letters as ZLFJSWEOONEH KINDLY HELP
  6. C

    My hp laptop's DVD drive is stuck and won't read discs?

    I can open it simply with the paperclip trick, but when I put a disc in the tray and then push the tray back in, it won't even attempt to read the disc. Device manager says it's working perfectly, though neither CD nor DVD will work. I am on the verge of replacing the drive. I figured it would...
  7. W

    Question about stuck Kindle App on iPad?

    Hi - I hope someone can give me the correct answer for this question. I have an iPad and I keep getting stuck Apps that will not update. I have read and tried plugging it into my computer to see if they would update that way, but have not had success. What I've ended up doing is to just...
  8. A

    iPhone 4 will not turn on after being stuck on apple logo?

    I have never jailbroken my iPhone so this happened randomly, i was on Facebook and the app froze like it usually does so i closed it and tried to open it back up again, however, this did not seem to work. So i turned it off and attempted to turn the phone back on, it didnt work, but there was a...
  9. C

    Nokia Lumia 800 Sim slot stuck?

    I feel dumb but I put it in backwards and now its stuck can anyone help I cant slide it either way
  10. M

    1990 Mazda Miata issue help...the fuel gauge needle is stuck on half full.?

    The car has 60K original miles. I will need to take it to a shop. But before I could use some advice..thanks
  11. A

    Samsung Galaxy Indulge (MetroPCS) stuck in boot loop -- help!?

    This happened a few weeks ago where it went into boot loop. I took out the battery and put it back in and it worked fine. Then today, about an hour or two ago, it went into boot loop... I tried removing the battery again, but it didn't work. Still in boot loop. I tried holding down the power...
  12. R

    iPhone stuck in headphone mode. I've tried everything?

    I've rebooted, reset, and i've done the heaphone in the jack thing. I've cleaned the docks, i've blown in the speakers.. Everything. Help!!
  13. J

    Motorola Atrix 4G, WiFi Error, Stuck in Loop?

    I have a Motorola Arix 4G Provider is Straight Talk (ATT Phone however) My Problem: About two weeks ago my phone's WiFi turned itself off, when I tried to turn it on after a few seconds it said error and then it restarted my phone. Now my phone loads and tries to turn it off and thus it...
  14. lance

    someone stuck there cigarrette in my keyhole and put there cigarette out beside my

    door which left a black? someone stuck there cigarrette in my keyhole and put there cigarette out beside my door which left a black stain in my apt building. What should I do? Me and my neighbor don't get along and he smokes
  15. M

    My dad just stuck a bluetooth usb in one of my usb ports? WTF does it do?

    Apparently its a BELKIN Model: F8T016. I've no bloody clue what this does. I looked it up and it's supposed to light up but it isn't. However, when I plugged it into a different usb port, it lit up (My guess is that i have a broken usb port lel) What does it do though? What information can this...
  16. L

    There is a DVD stuck in my MacBook's disc drive?!?

    I put a DVD in my macbook yesterday, except it didn't really go in properly and now I can't get it out! I think it's really far in as I can't feel it with a credit card. My computer isn't recognising the disk and won't let me eject it. I've tried restarting holding the trackpad and that didn't...
  17. D

    This song is stuck in my head, but I don't know what it is called! Help?

    These are some parts of it, ''Hey babe, I'm yoooooourss'' ''You could...... and then it goes blah blah.
  18. M

    iPhone Apps Stuck Installing?

    I'm on the latest version of iOS, and currently a large number of my apps are "stuck" installing. I've attempted everything on the following thread to fix the issue, and can't seem to find anything else that suggests different solutions that work, either. I'll put the link to the thread in...
  19. F

    What's the Word android game..Help I'm STUCK!!!?

    I'm stuck on level 6-33. It's a picture of a women holding a pencil to her lip,light bulb, statue of man holding his head, and figure with hands in the air. It's a four letter word.
  20. F

    What's the Word android game..Help I'm STUCK!!!?

    I'm stuck on level 6 puzzle 10. It's a picture of 2 ladies and 2 statues of ladies. Also it's a four letter word.