
  1. K

    sony ericsson j20i HOUSING CHANGED- signal flex stickers trashed..please help?

    I have got a sony ericsson j20i hazel green heart phone..and recently I changed gave it a full housing change..I didn't knew that the signal wifi and gps signal flex stickers are sticked inside the housing..I just trashed them and inserted my new signal doesn't work at says...
  2. T

    Looking for key finder gadget but has stickers?

    Pretty sure I saw a gadget on yahoo news or similar that you could use to locate things like keys, and you stuck a little sticker/tracker on your keys or whatever and then you had a device that would find them. Key finders for keys are too big for our requirement, please help
  3. S

    when some stickers were shared mike got 2/5 of them. he gave 5 to pat and had...

    ...nine left how many altogether? maths
  4. J

    how much would 1969-71 basketball team stickers go for now?

    ive looked all over the web and couldnt find anything on it at all, can someone help me out?
  5. U

    does anyone know where i can find the 3 set of number one stickers for a suzuki lt-r

    450 2006? i need to know??? and while you guys r at it what is puto??? i know its a phillipino food or something but what is it?
  6. U

    does anyone know where i can find the 3 set of number one stickers for a suzuki lt-r

    450 2006? i need to know??? and while you guys r at it what is puto??? i know its a phillipino food or something but what is it?
  7. E

    How to remove stickers on a bmx bike?

    I dont care if there ripped i just want to take them off but its hard! Plz give me advice on how to remove stickers( they are like glued on the bike) really hard
  8. S

    How do you get remove the stickers on a new 2011 nissan altima?

    I just got the car and on the both sides of the car there is a stripe on the doors like a long silver line..the car dealer said you can take it off but it's taking forever to take it off. I've tried wd 40 and vinegar and it's still hard. ANY HELP?!?!? ***10 points for the best answer..GUARANTEE!!!
  9. L

    Have you seen any interesting political bumper stickers lately?

    This time of year tends to bring the political side out in all of us. Have you seen any interesting political bumper stickers?
  10. Z

    What is that Anime/Manga, In Which the characters obtain powers using stickers?

    Asking you for a Direct answer, not where to look, considering, if i am asking on here, i have expended my searching capacity looking everywhere. Much Appreciated. =)
  11. B

    Is there a way to take off stickers without damaging your bike?

    I recently got a black bike and has some stickers I can't take off easily and at the same time if I do take em off, I'm afraid the paint might scrape off or damage. Is there like a liquid or a special something to take stickers off bikes? Thanks for your answers!
  12. S

    Is it illegal to take pictures of bumper stickers on cars?

    I saw some really interesting bumper stickers about religion. It caught my eyes because it had the Star of David. Just out of curiousity, can I post it on facebook? I am not planning on it. I am just curious. I live in Maryland but the car was in D.C.
  13. S

    Is it illegal to take pictures of bumper stickers on cars?

    I saw some really interesting bumper stickers about religion. It caught my eyes because it had the Star of David. Just out of curiousity, can I post it on facebook? I am not planning on it. I am just curious. I live in Maryland but the car was in D.C.
  14. T

    what stickers fit on a 97 suzuki rm 125?

    what other year stickers can fit on a 1997 suzuki rm 125
  15. T

    T-mobile Blackberry 9700 has two seal stickers?

    Hi, I was going to buy this Blackberry from ebay a Blackberry 9700 from T-mobile. The only problem I got with his product is that there are two seal stickers on that phone. For all the phones that I've seen, there's only one sticker but for this one, there are two. Anyone knows why? Thanks
  16. T

    Dk Bikes; are the stickers on 2010 models clear coated on or not?

    Does anyone know if the stickers on the 2010 models of DK Bikes are clear-coated on, or ontop of the clear coat?
  17. G

    B Is for Bowie, A Is for Awesome Keyboard Stickers [Art]

    OK, listen up undapants! I'm so getting these keyboard stickers by Chris de Lorenzo. Why, you ask? What do you mean why? It has ninjas! And umbrellas! And pirates! And elves! And yetis! And ice cream! And freaking David Bowie! I rest my case. I want Ziggy in my keyboard now. [Chris de...
  18. J

    how do i take stickers and paint off my bike qickly ?

    hi im getting my bike chromed next week and they want to charge extra to do it and its like 50$ and i dont really got that at the time and i really want it to get chromed next week i have a 1990 gt vertigo what is the fastest way i could get the ugly stickers off lol and the paint... Thank you
  19. S

    I've noticed that Valentino Rossi has two dog stickers on his bike now...

    ...does he have another one ? Does Valentino Rossi have another dog, does anyone know what its name is. And has he moved back near his mum.
  20. B

    How do you remove stubborn stickers from a car?

    I put some stickers on the back of my car about a year ago, but they were damaged from the sun when I put them on. I think they look tacky now, but they refuse to come off! How can I remove them without damaging the paint on my car?