
  1. W

    What is the best way to get rid of this sore throat?

    I woke up with it this morning, but now it's extremely worst. I feel so sick I feel like I have fever to
  2. H

    Extremely sore blocked ear?

    On Monday night I had a very sore ear, it didn't seem blocked though, after just leaving it for a while it finally went away. Yesterday night I woke up at about 3 in the morning with a extremely painful ear but it wasn't like the other time, it still hurt but it felt blocked aswell! I tried...
  3. A

    What We Learned: Complaining about NHL officiating? Time to fine these sore losers

    Hello, this is a feature that will run through the entire season and aims to recap the weekend’s events and boils those events down to one admittedly superficial fact or stupid opinion about each team. Feel free to complain about it. No one is ever going to be totally happy with the ways in...
  4. A

    Florida water polo sore loser uses handshake line after state title loss to launch op

    Things are always tense when archrivals face off. When the teams are competing for a state title, the tension is even more pronounced. Yet that doesn’t excuse what happened at the conclusion of the Florida state water polo championship match between traditional rivals Ft. Lauderdale (Fla.) St...
  5. S

    How to get rid of my sore throat?

    I've had a sore throat for 5 days I've taken medicine eaten popsicles drank water and tried everything but I can't seem to get rid of it
  6. A

    Can I Get Some Dr. Scholl’s With That? Mobile Shoe Truck Promises Relief For Sore Fee

    Nathan Fleischmann is officially my new hero. Why? Well, the 30-year-old Missouri native recently launched a Kickstarter for the country’s first mobile shoe truck, Stadium Shoes. More » Can I Get Some Dr. Scholl’s With That? Mobile Shoe Truck Promises Relief For Sore Feet is a post from...
  7. T

    Can oral analgesic help a cold sore ?

    Does it help prevent it of you get the beginning signs of a cold sore ?
  8. M

    My piggy has a sore tummy!?

    Hi my guinea pig Mushu has a sore tum(I think) because when I lightly touch his stomach he squeals quietly and them runs away from me when we have cuddle time, he also isn't as crazy as he used to be but I would like to know if anyone can tell me what they think it is and whether I should take...
  9. L

    What is on my lip? is it herpes? cold sore? possibly pimple?

    Hi i'm 14 and have a red bump on the top of my lip that is pretty good sized and hurts a lot I have not been sexually active still being a virgin and I haven't kissed anyone in a few weeks does anyone have any idea what this could be? Oh and it will not pop
  10. T

    Canker Sore Drug Lowers Weight In Mice Without Diet, Exercise

    An off-patent drug used to treat canker sores and asthma helped lower the weight of obese mice without diet or exercise. The drug, known as amlexanox, was also able to reverse their diabetes and fatty liver. Researchers at the University of Michigan's Life Sciences Institute analyzed the mice in...
  11. M

    Help, really sore stomach ache!?

    Basically, i have a sore stomach all the time it wont go away! So, I went to the doctors around 3 days ago and he said to keep drinking fluids and try eat. I've been taking paracetamol tablets every now and then but nothing's working! It sorta feels like your hungry but you don't want to eat but...
  12. S

    How do you get rid of a sore throat?

    I've tried warm salt water and it just seemed to sting my throat and make it feel worse so i just spat it out and when i try throat sweets that didn't seem to work either.. I've had this sore throat for 4 days now and I cant take it one second longer. I've been eating chicken soup, having hot...
  13. A

    Feeling Sore? Muscle Pain Could Come From Diet Or Dehydration

    End of the work week have your muscles aching? Sitting for long periods of time isn't just bad for your long-term health, it can make you feel cramped, stiff and sore from all the hunching and slouching and inactivity. But some muscle tension or pain that gets blamed on sitting could actually be...
  14. S

    my friend is sore and hyper and can't sleep?

    my friend is now sore and hyper, and wants to sleep but can't sleep, how can u calm a person down and try to make them sleep?
  15. L

    Throat is sore, but abnormally and neck....?

    Hi, What is wrong with me? my throat is not the usual "sore" it feels like their is actually something stuck in their, and it is not sore at all, when I do swallow it feels like my spit gets stuck, but I do not know if this is the case, but my throat has a tingling feeling. IF I BREATH IN...
  16. H

    sore spot where my armpit and breast meet, its right on top where the

    pectoris starts but meets at the crease? it doesnt feel like a lump there and its only on my right side. i work out at least 3x a week and just recently its been kind of sore there in that one spot. ive been working out since january.
  17. M

    Can I work out/Bike if muscles are still sore?

    I started to work out last weekend. Since Thursday, I've been so sore in my shoulders, chest and forearms. Today it has gotten better, and almost not there, but can I work out now, or should I wait until it's completely healed? Also, what about the same about biking? If ride 20 miles in a day...
  18. L

    Anyone experience sore nipples before period?

    I have sore nipples, not sore breasts. The nipples are SO tender. I have irregular periods and not sure what is normal anymore. If I was pregnant, the only date I had sex was August 16th 2011 and that'd mean I would be six months now with no symptoms or weight gain just sore nipples. I haven't...
  19. A

    Feeling Sore? A New Study Suggests You May Want To Rethink The Ice

    If you were a high school or college athlete, it's like that any and all injuries you ever incurred were treated with Coach's surefire remedy: an ice pack. But according to a study published earlier this week, prolonged periods of icing or cooling using therapies like creams and salves may...
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    Get Kate Middleton’s Hair (Plus A Sore Throat, Headache, and Itchy Eyes)

    Kate Middleton's stylist finally spilled the beans about how to get her straight, chestnut-brown locks to the Daily Mail (although honestly, I didn't know her particular style was all that mysterious). In addition to the big reveal that you should dye your hair brown and grow it past...