
  1. T

    Mothers with sons who are in relationships with girls who have a child (ready made)?

    Do mothers have problems with girls who have baby's and enter relationships with their sons? How do you mothers feel about women who have baby's outside of marriage and enter relationships with your sons ? What should a woman with child do if the mother of her boyfriend does not like her simply...
  2. T

    Mothers with sons who are in relationships with girls who have a child (ready made)?

    Do mothers have problems with girls who have baby's and enter relationships with their sons? How do you mothers feel about women who have baby's outside of marriage and enter relationships with your sons ? What should a woman with child do if the mother of her boyfriend does not like her simply...
  3. A

    Jim Harbaugh responds to President Obama, says size of son?s head bodes well for foot

    Jim Harbaugh never stops sizing up the competition out on the football field — even if it doesn't really exist. He also has an interesting view on which attribute predicts a good football future. The San Francisco 49ers head coach was asked on Monday about President Obama's remarks that he...
  4. A

    Afternoon Links: Teaching Sons Not To Rape

      • A mother writes about teaching sons not to rape instead of cautioning daughters not to get raped (The Frisky) • Texas Republicans are trying to make it harder for women to access the abortion-inducing drug mifepristone (HuffPost) • … More » Afternoon Links: Teaching Sons Not To Rape is a...
  5. E

    Atheists and non-christians- why do ypou give your sons to be soldiers and

    daughters to bake cakes for...? New world Order. Ye all are accelerating the coming of the Lord. Your doomsday! Repent!
  6. C

    Sons of Anarchy...Opie dead. What holds in Lilahs future?

    Opies gone ,Donna is gone Piney is gone. where do you want to see the storyline go with that?
  7. C

    What was your reaction on Sons of Anarchy seeing Opie die? What holds for the...

    ...future of SAMCRO? I know I had tears I was screaming and if it was real I can only imagine how the guys felt. how do you think it's going to play out what kind of revenge is going to happen? A eye for an eye?
  8. G

    Sons of Anarchy Recap: A Whorehouse Wedding We Can All Love

    Last week, on the fifth season opener of Sons of Anarchy, we were in for a bit of shock, and so was Tig, who unfortunately had to witness his daughter Dawn's gruesome muder. She was burned to...
  9. A

    Alabama father arrested for punching son?s own coach following season opening loss

    An Alabama football parent was arrested and taken into custody following an ugly incident after an early season game, where he allegedly punched a coach of his sons' own team after a brawl erupted between players, coaches and parents of the losing team. As reported by the Troy Messenger and a...
  10. V

    Are Our Sons Doomed?

    There is bad news for boys in North America: they are being blown out of the water by girls in academic achievement, and psychologists say young men are becoming more socially awkward, making relationships with young women difficult. Sidney Gale, a medical doctor and author of Unto the Breach...
  11. L

    When does Season 4 Of SONS OF ANARCHY come out on dvd?

    I love watching the Sons! I have seasons 1,2,3 and wasnt able to watch season 4 on tv, that just ended recently. When will it be released on dvd?????? Thanks =]
  12. J

    What or how did my sons DVD player and large canvas get into the floor at...

    ...3.20 thus morning with a big bang? At 3.20 this morning I was awoke with a bang from my 2 year olds room( who was in bed with me) I got up to find his portable DVD player and his canvas picture had fell off the shelf!!I put them back on the shelf and atoid wondering how the hell they came to...
  13. E

    My warranty is running out on my sons Nintendo ds ? ?

    My warranty is nearly up on my sons Nintendo ds. I took out the extra 3 years. I was wondering if there was any way I could accidentally break it so that I can get him a new one. Any advise would be appreciated.
  14. D

    A married couple has five sons who are different in looks and abilities.

    Discuss why this occurs? based on the 2 events in meiosis that increase genetic diversity.
  15. M

    101 Dalmatians 2 Amazing Stories True Blood Sons of Anarchy Chappelle's Show -Discou

    101 Dalmatians 2 DVD A) Cruella downsizes Anita so that she'll then work for Ralphie. Then she has P.H. DeVil kidnap Rolly and replace him with a robot double to spy on Anita's work. B) Pongo and Perdita forbid the Main Pups from using Hiccup Hole when Lucky won't apologize t Amazing Stories...
  16. A

    Cubs play the name game, draft sons of Gretzky and Dunston

    The second day of the MLB draft usually brings some fun with it in the form of familiar surnames. Many times, the selections are good-natured nepotism. Maybe a team's manager has a son who plays baseball. Last year provided some good examples of that. But selecting amateur talent with famous...
  17. C

    Why do I always get td's when I mention that I buy my sons clothing on Ebay?

    Is there some weird Ebay disease going around that I should know about?
  18. S

    Sons of Anarchy Predictions?

    I'm sure other people have asked this (I am usually not in this section) but I feel too lazy to check it out. What are your predictions for the next season of sons? Besides that Charlie Hunnam will still be perfection personified.
  19. B

    GS contributor JUDGE contends that single mothers rear more sons who happen... grow up to be gay. So what? Why would this be relevant (if it were true which it isn't)?
  20. L

    What cr or truck would be best for me and my teenage sons?

    We need something that will seat 6 comfortably in case their friends tag along. I also would like something with good gas mileage because I will travel about 50.miles per day....