
  1. E

    Atheists and non-christians- why do ypou give your sons to be soldiers and

    daughters to bake cakes for...? New world Order. Ye all are accelerating the coming of the Lord. Your doomsday! Repent!
  2. T

    Severely Wounded Soldiers' Survival Rates May Be Improved By Better Battlefield Triag

    Wounded soldiers who sustained chest injuries in Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq) had higher mortality rates than soldiers in Korea and Vietnam, according to a military trauma study presented at the 2012 American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical...
  3. T

    Study Of Spinal Injury Data May Help Surgeons Treat Injured Soldiers And Civilians

    Spinal injuries are among the most disabling conditions affecting wounded members of the U.S. military. Yet until recently, the nature of those injuries had not been adequately explored. In a new study recently published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS), a team of orthopaedic...
  4. T

    Half Of PTSD Cases In Soldiers Remain Undiagnosed

    One in every two cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers remains undiagnosed. This is the conclusion reached by a working group led by Hans-Ulrich Wittchen et al. They report their study in the current issue of Deutsches Arzteblatt International (Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012...
  5. A

    The Army Finally Makes Body Armor For Female Soldiers

    Hooray! Let's all welcome the U.S. Army into the modern age: they've finally decided to provide female soldiers with protective body armor. Previously, women serving in combat had to wear body armor designed for male bodies (that, obviously, didn't fit them properly). More »Post from: Blisstree
  6. M

    What does it mean to dream about toy soldiers?

    Last night I had a nightmare about a life-size toy soldier that was in a large mansion room painted all white with black and white tiles. It was standing in the doorway and it kept coming right to my face! Then it was like it had been wound up and started to walk down the middle of the room with...
  7. G

    Future Soldiers Could Go to War Wearing Fish-Scale Armor [War]

    Piranha have a well-earned reputation for being able and willing to eat just about anything in their path. One of the few exceptions is the Arapaima, a six-foot long, 300-pound Amazonian predator with bony scales capable of withstanding the toothy onslaught. Researchers are now working to adapt...
  8. T

    Outsiders On The Front Lines - Political Protest From Women Soldiers In Israel

    Women have a long history of protesting war, but anti-war protest by women who've served as soldiers is a relatively new phenomenon. While there's a growing rate of women serving in western militaries (with some women in combat roles), little is known about how military service shapes the...
  9. T

    Potential Uses For New Composite Material Include Facial Reconstruction For Soldiers'

    Biomedical engineers at Johns Hopkins have developed a new liquid material that in early experiments in rats and humans shows promise in restoring damaged soft tissue relatively safely and durably. The material, a composite of biological and synthetic molecules, is injected under the skin, then...
  10. R

    Which Army post in Texas would have the best accommodation for single soldiers?

    I want to know which Army post in Texas is the most developed as far as living quarters for single soldiers. I need to know what standards they have for barracks i.e are they single roomed 1 soldier 1 room, are they 1 room 2 sections connected by a kitchen and bathroom or are they styled...
  11. S

    does anyone know or even remember a time travel film when modern soldiers?

    does anyone know, or even remember a time travel film when modern soldiers (i think) go back to japanese samurai days. i don't know for definite if this film even exists but for some reason it is in my head that i have watched it, can't find anything on imdb.
  12. M

    Do report-monkeys tend to remind you of the soldiers who blindfolded Jesus &

    struck him, shouting, "Prophecy!"? The men who were guarding Jesus began mocking and beating him. They blindfolded him and demanded, "Prophesy! Who hit you?" And they hurled all sorts of terrible insults at him. Luke 22:63-65 Isn't it ironic that most report-monkeys on here are Christian...
  13. S

    Can a Soldiers dwell time be reset after serving a +1 year on orders tour

    seperate from family? I am assigned to an AC/RC unit, our Reserve unit has been on 1 year orders away from our families to a CONUS location. By the end of the one year, I am supposed to PCS, so will have had 30 months assigned, but have spent 18 months of it away from my famliy including 12...
  14. A

    Had Israel + the US media ever used the death of Israel soldiers for...

    ...political rants........ every f day? ADL brought a lawsuit against the State of AZ immirgration Bill but ADL is forcing Americans to allow Israel to kill women and children
  15. C

    Have you ever thought that the soldiers in the forefront in war probably die?

    unless they can annihilate the enemies...
  16. I

    am i the only one who finds christian soldiers ironic?

    love your enemies, pray for those who use you wrongly
  17. R

    Did soldiers in the trenches write in pen or pencil?

    History project, have to write a letter as a soldier in the trenches and we have to make it as convincing and real looking as possible ;) Thanx
  18. S

    Are returning soldiers from Iraq afraid to take hand-outs from...

    ...conservatives..... soldiers don't want to be? seen as welfare recipients
  19. O

    Should not both the Aspirant Sikh Soldiers be posting in Family and...

    ...Relationships and not in Religion section? I mean, if these two men with unnatural sexual preferences want to disguise their identity behind a religious name and political avataars, then at least discuss religion, and stop flirting with each other ? please see links...
  20. A

    We were soldiers blueray not loud enough on surround sound system?

    my volume never goes over 47 and its usually very loud at 38-45... the blueray review for We Where Soldiers in the audio department was rated very high, explosions that shake the room, etc.. but my stereo isn't pushing out all that much omph at all!.. i just watched Shutter island and that was...