
  1. Y

    Is it possible to smell smoke from my air vent if someone smokes in the basement?

    Ok, One of my family members smoke in our basement. I think I can smell it through my air vent, is it possible, and what can I do to prevent it.
  2. Q

    what are the effects of cigarette smokes for non smoker?

    at work, my boss keeps smoking near me and i have to breath in his cigarette smokes, how this affect me?
  3. E

    Is it a turn off if a girl smokes cigs?

    just wondering what you guys think.
  4. A

    Dad drinks and smokes everyday?

    Hey everyone, my dad is 51 now, an just smokes and drinks everyday. He's a nice guy, even when drunk and caring, an usually just drinks because he has a hard time conversing when sober, just not use to it. He only gets drunk late at night with my mom, then they just go sit out by the fire. I...
  5. H

    what if my dad smokes?

    my dad has been smoking for abou 25 years to 30 years... and im scared that he'll get sick so... any ideas of what i should do to help him stop?? its his birthday today and wrote him a card telling him to stop smoking.. but he stil smokes.... what should I do?? and i can't give him those...
  6. Elsie

    My husband smokes and then holds our baby son? What can I do?

    My husband is 41 and smokes, he won't quit no matter what I do or what I say. We have a 2 month old baby son and my husband comes home from work, goes outside to smoke and then wants to hold and cuddle the baby. And I can smell the smoke in my son after he held him. I'm sure this must be...
  7. P

    What percentage of US population smokes tobacco pipes.?

    I thought this would be an easy question google, but I cannot find it anywhere, anyone know what percentage of US populations smokes pipes (tobacco pipes)?
  8. P

    how much of the world smokes pot?

    my sister and i got in a fight because she 17 and im 14 and i have smoke pot before. i told here that half of the world has smoked pot in there life and she doest believe me.
  9. N

    Ok...what do I do about my neighbor who smokes downstairs?

    I live upstairs in a condo unit. My neighbors down and over one unit below me have been my neighbors for as long as I can remember Very nice folks and we chat once in a while when we pass each other. The wife smokes, the husband does not. I like to open my windows when I get up to work each...
  10. S

    My neighbor smokes and leaves his cigarettes in the floor...alot of trash...?

    what can I do with my neighbor...? everytime I go to my apartment there is cigarettes in my door....I just push them with my shoe to their door...Well today...I push one to their halfway looks so ghetto and smells so bad... she leaves a bottle of alcohol full of cigarettes and a box of...
  11. H

    What would a cancer female do if she found out that her crush smokes cigarettes?

    She's very family based.... I by accidently talked about cigars and lighters with my friend when i nticed one of her close friends was behind us listening. She doesn't know, I thought it wasn't important. If she finds out, do you think she just not like me anymore? i'm a taurus
  12. L

    I just found out my daughter smokes and drinks...?

    She is only 16, she swears and tells me to shut up. I've tried talking to her but she doesn't change her behavior. She is out on weekends till midnight. Is it possible that she's on drugs too??! Thank you
  13. K

    my brother smokes please help meee:((((?

    ok so I was suspicious but today I am certain. He doesnt know that I know and my parents dont know either. I am 20 he is 17. I dont want him to smoke. he even knows its bad for him but he still does it. we havent talked about him directly smoking but we have discussed how smoking is such a bad...
  14. T

    How can I tell if my boyfriend smokes cigarettes?

    My father died of lung cancer from smoking, so I am very against it. My boyfriend and I have been together a year. In this time, I have found 2 packs of cigaretts in his room. We once went to a baseball game with a friend of his and he was shocked when he found out my boyfriend had stopped...
  15. R

    I Would Like to Know, WHERE to LOOK for A Female 50 to 70 Who Smokes , and is

    Heavily Madeup? I am Seeking a Long Term Relationship with a Female 50 to 70 Who Smokes and Drinks and Wears Very Heavy Makeup. I would Like to Know if Anyone can Help Stewzzr
  16. S

    Which brand of smokes do you buy?

    I love Pall Mall (Red's) @House: Great choice, I smoke them when I go out drinking... @House: Good news bud, Coles and Woolies are releasing a home brand version of the durries, they might be 10c cheaper than we pay now.
  17. F

    Why My "01 740iL BMW smokes every time i turn the egnition ON?

    Every time i turn the egnition on my car smokes blue smoke once it gets to normal temperature and your turn the car off and you turn it back on it wont do that again.. no idea.. anybody Please..
  18. F

    Why My "01 740iL BMW smokes every time i turn the egnition ON?

    Every time i turn the egnition on my car smokes blue smoke once it gets to normal temperature and your turn the car off and you turn it back on it wont do that again.. no idea.. anybody Please..
  19. M

    Can social services take children because the parent smokes marijuana (Pennsylvania)?

    Okay I had a question about how much power the social services have. Today very randomly SS showed up and asked to come in. When they came in they explained how they received a phone call stating that we were smoking pot and not taking care of our children. They asked to see the fridge it was...
  20. J

    Girls, why does my gf. say my pants get tight when she smokes a cigarette, what...

    ...does she mean, is it bad? My beautiful and sexy girlfriend said to me the other night "john, I notice when I light up and smoke a cigarette your pants get tight"....what does whe mean? Is this a bad thing, and how should I respond to this comment