
  1. K

    Is it possible to fashion a leather coat out of my daughter's skin?

    When my terminally ill daughter finally dies, I want to remember in the most fashionable way imaginable: a human leather jacket covered in glitter and rhinestones.
  2. A

    Studies Confirm That Sun Exposure Makes Skin Weak; Causes Cancer

    Conventional wisdom (and that horrific sun exposure truck driver meme) has long held that you need to stay out of the sun or use a high SPF to keep your skin healthy and avoid jacking up your skin cancer risk. But a surprisingly large number of people either ignore the advice, or remain...
  3. A

    Afternoon Links: Clear Skin With A Virus? Science Says Yes

    • This virus has been found to stop*acne--would you try it? (YouBeauty) • Just how Greek is your "Greek" yogurt? (Well+Good) • Tomorrow morning, you HAVE to try this breakfast smoothie (FitSugar) • Is your sex life "normal"? Find out here (YourTango) • Why one woman's husband is getting a...
  4. A

    Photoshop Fail: Why Did ‘The Mindy Project’ Give Mindy Kaling A Skin Lightening Treat

    Lately, everywhere I go seems to be plastered in advertising for 'The Mindy Project'. Mindy Kaling rocks, so I'm pretty happy about this on the whole. But when one of the ads popped up in the middle of my Mindy-covered New York magazine, I was gobsmacked: Why was her skin a completely different...
  5. T

    Researchers Identify Immune System Targets Associated With Skin Blistering Disease Pe

    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system develops antibodies to two of its own proteins, the desmogleins DSG1 and DSG3 that help maintain the integrity of the skin. The immune attack causes painful blisters on the skin and mucus membranes that can lead...
  6. T

    Study Of Malaysian Tribe Could Help Find East Asian Skin Color Genes

    Genetic investigation of a Malaysian tribe may tell scientists why East Asians have light skin but lower skin cancer rates than Europeans, according to a team of international researchers. Understanding the differences could lead to a better way to protect people from skin cancer. While the...
  7. S

    Why is being gay a sin, but touching dead pig skin or wearing 2 woven fabrics is not

    in a fundamentalist eyes? In a Christian fundamentalists eyes, why do they seem to be so selective of what is wrong and what is right?
  8. E

    did Megan Good bleach her skin?

    or get any plastic surgery?
  9. G

    Hairy Electronic Skin That Lets Robots Feel [Science]

    A coating of hairy electronic skin could soon help robots feel the slightest breath of air or detect the faint vibrations of a beating heart. More »
  10. A

    Video: Facelift Bungee Instantly Tightens Skin, Makes You Look Slightly Crazypants

    Surgical facelifts are invasive, painful, and often leave patients looking a little...unusual, as if their skin is a few sizes too small. The Facelift Bungee*promises to give you all the same visage-tightening results--and, in so far as it appears to be supremely painful and makes the user look...
  11. T

    Treatment Diminishes Overall Size Of A Scar And Improves The Quality Of Skin Within T

    Whether from surgery or battle wounds, ugly scars can affect body and mind. Now a new research report appearing online in the FASEB Journal offers a new strategy to reduce or eliminate scars on the skin. Specifically, scientists from NYU describe how agents that block receptors for adenosine (a...
  12. T

    The Key (Proteins) To Self-Renewing Skin

    In Cell Stem Cell, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine describe how human epidermal progenitor cells and stem cells control transcription factors to avoid premature differentiation, preserving their ability to produce new skin cells throughout life. The...
  13. K

    does any gizmo exist that --if placed on your skin, will tell you where

    a bug bite is, or body part is? am doing stage 1 research for a new medical instrument....... my gizmo is to ID things that are beneath the skin.
  14. D

    How to cosplay (Vocaloid) with Indian skin?

    I would like to cosplay as Miki or another Vocaloid, but I guess you could say my skin color is stopping me. I feel like the red/other colors of the wigs will clash horribly with my skin. I'm Indian, as in from India, and I have relatively fair skin FOR AN INDIAN--I'm from the Northeast of the...
  15. M

    Oops, I got burned: 7 tips for soothing sunburnt skin

    [No message]
  16. A

    Don’t Gamble On Your Skin; Try One Of These 7 Natural Sunscreens

    Cancer-causing chemicals found in some sunscreens don't mean you should avoid sunscreen altogether (or trust untested remedies like coconut oil). There are plenty of natural sunscreens on the market that protect against sun damage without using toxic ingredients. Here are 7 of the best. More...
  17. T

    Agent Identified That Can Block Fibrosis Of Skin, Lungs

    Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have identified an agent that in lab tests protected the skin and lungs from fibrosis, a process that can ultimately end in organ failure and even death because the damaged tissue becomes scarred and can no longer function properly...
  18. A

    Painkillers Could Cut Skin Cancer Risk (But Sun Protection Still Your Best Defense)

    An aspirin a day keeps skin cancer away? It might help. A large*new study from Denmark says*regular use of aspirin, ibuprofen or related painkillers—a class of medicines known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs—could cut your risk of developing certain skin cancers, including...
  19. T

    NSAIDs May Offer Protection Against Skin Cancer

    A new study suggests that aspirin and other similar painkillers may help protect against skin cancer. Published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the findings indicate that skin cancer prevention may be added to the benefits of these commonly used...
  20. T

    Aspirin May Guard Against Skin Cancer

    Aspirin and other commonly used painkillers may help guard against skin cancer, according to a new study about to be published online in the journal CANCER, that was led by researchers from Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark. Previous studies have already suggested that NSAIDs (nonsteroidal...