
  1. M

    What kind of sickness is this?

    Ok so I can't figure out what's wrong with me can you help? Basically, I am sick to my stomach all the time and I have a terrible headache that just wont go away. I can't eat anything without it tasting disgusting. And I'm so cold like I feel like I can't get warm even though if you touch me I...
  2. D

    Throat Sickness Question/Diagnosis?

    A few days ago, I woke up with a very sore throat. I thought it was allergies, even though there wasnt many in the air, but I've taken a lot of benedryl and other allergy meds since. I have a bad headache, my thraot hurts worse, and I non stop cough all the time. My throat is a weird hurt. It...
  3. G

    Morning sickness and antihistamines: Watch out

    Women with a severe form of morning sickness who take antihistamines to help them sleep through their debilitating nausea are significantly more likely to experience adverse pregnancy outcomes, including low birth weight babies and premature births, a UCLA study has found. The findings, the...
  4. T

    Pregnant Mothers Benefit From Preemptive Treatment Of Severe Morning Sickness

    In a study to be presented on February 14 between 1:15 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. PST, at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine's annual meeting, The Pregnancy Meeting ™, in San Francisco, California, researchers will present data showing the effectiveness of preemptive treatment for hyperemesis...
  5. A

    Kate Middleton Tries A New Kind Of Therapy For Morning Sickness

    So far, Kate Middleton has endured a whole lot for her future child. Not only has she continuously dealt with the press, she's also had acute morning sickness, causing her to be extremely ill. For Kate Middleton pregnancy is not just a 9-month journey, it's practically a worldwide sitcom that...
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    X-Ray Laser Helps Slay Parasite That Causes Sleeping Sickness

    An international team of scientists, using the world's most powerful X-ray laser, has revealed the three dimensional structure of a key enzyme that enables the single-celled parasite that causes African trypanosomiasis (or sleeping sickness) in humans. With the elucidation of the 3D structure of...
  7. T

    Stomach hurts sickness and diarrhoea?

    Yesterday I had nothing to eat as felt so ill My stomach fells sore and aches had a drink of orange juice and then a while after was sick felts better after being sick but then a while later was sick again. Fell asleep and woke up with the same stomach feeling had a bowl or cornflakes as was...
  8. B

    Best way to get rid of travel sickness?

    i have suffered from travel sickness since i was a child i am now in late 20s and still suffer really bad from it only on buses,coaches and cars im fine on trains only i have taken travel sickness tablets and sit in the front of the car but it does not seem to work ,i avoid going in a car where...
  9. G

    Why We Get Motion Sickness [Video]

    I'm incredibly jealous of people who can read a book while riding in a car or hang out on a boat in choppy waters or act completely normal on a plane without getting motion sickness. Those bastards. So why is it that the rest of us get motion sickness? It's an eyes and ears thing, apparently...
  10. T

    Demonic sickness healing - Sep 19,2012

    Rising Out of Hell Ministries presents... Demonic sickness healingDemons | Angels | Jesus | Healing | Miracles More...
  11. L

    Can a pharmacist tell if a baby is going to have sickness in future ?

    Yesterday i took my baby for skin check at the pharmacy and i was told that he is going to have asthma at the age of two, i want to know if it's really true that the pharmacist can see that just by looking at the baby. I am so sad and if there is something i can do to prevent that asthmatic...
  12. M

    Christians: What does the bible say about sickness?

    I've had bad asthma and anxiety for a month now and sometimes I wonder if I am even going to make it through the day alive. I worry a lot. I was hoping to find some verses on sickness and maybe anxiety too? I am going to a doctor. Seeing him next week, hopefully, but I might not get a therapist...
  13. A

    CASE CITATION FOR Bell v. Ameritech Sickness & Accident Disability?

    Bell v. Ameritech Sickness & Accident Disability please help! need the case citation!
  14. T

    Researchers Identify Potential Risk Factors For Severe Altitude Sickness

    According to a study published online ahead of the print edition of the American Thoracic Society's American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, physicians can determine who is likely to have a higher risk of severe high altitude illness (SHAI) by measuring specific...
  15. B

    travel sickness tablets?

    I have been on warfrin for more than 8 years, can anyone advise me whether it is safe to take a travel sickness tablet to sail to uk this month, I will be 24 hours on the boat and am not a good sailor, especially in the Bay of Biscay at this time of the year
  16. B

    Motion sickness help please!?

    I am leaving for Paris in a couple weeks and I get motion sick on air planes lately. It Is a 12 hour flight an I am really nervous. I get motion sick when the plane takes off and while it lands. I am fine while it's up in the air and at a level which it is going to stay at for a while. I'm...
  17. T

    Motion Sickness A Reality In The Virtual World, Too

    Clemson University psychologist Eric Muth sees motion sickness as potential fallout from high-end technology that once was limited to the commercial marketplace moving to consumer use in gaming devices. Microsoft's Kinect is the latest example of technology with the potential to use a...
  18. B

    is there a sickness in which you loose interest in almost anything you do or...

    ...use to do? does this mean you could be depressed, or is there some kind of emotional/mental issue with you if this happens..?
  19. C

    My pup has had diahorheoa and sickness for two days should I be worried?

    Take her to the vet! no dog is to young! She may have parvo!
  20. C

    My pup has had diahorheoa and sickness for two days should I be worried?

    Take her to the vet! no dog is to young! She may have parvo!