
  1. T

    Novel Techniques Utilized To Show Preferential Repair Of The Human Cytomegalovirus Ge

    A new study about Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a leading cause of birth defects, reveals how the virus co-opts cells' abilities to repair themselves. In the paper published on in the Open Access journal PLOS Pathogens, O'Dowd et al. describe their utilization of a novel technique for the...
  2. G

    These Patents Show A Seriously Shocking Future for Handcuffs

    If you thought plasticuffs were the future of restraints, well, you might still be right. But handcuff technology is also preparing to fork in a much more high-tech direction. According to some recent patents, the future of handcuffs may be shocking. Literally. Shocking you. With electricity. More »
  3. B

    How should I style my hair for a livestock show?

    Ok I need to hurry but I was thinking about curling it or putting it in a pony tail, just give me you're opinion
  4. C

    Scared to show my humour?

    There's something wrong with me, seriously. Throughout my whole life, I have been that 'funny random kid,' cracking a smile out of anyone and everyone in the uneasiest times possible. From this, I had great relationships with people and had numerous amounts of friends and was respected by...
  5. T

    Hustlas Build Web Radio Show Host: Rooks Star - Dec 01,2012

    The Hustlas Build Web Radio Show, Is live every Sat 5pm To 6pm Hosted by Rooks Star, ... Listen for interviews with the hottest up and coming Hip Hop artsits, special guests, and the hottest music from unsigned hip hop artist. Join us for heated discussions of the latest topics and music...
  6. V

    LA 2012: Auto Show Wrap-Up

    With press days for the LA Auto Show nothing more than a memory, it’s time to compile everything that debuted leading up to and during this year’s show. It was a decidedly green show this year (not that uncommon for the LAAS), with more than a few electric vehicles. Ford’s Fusion range was...
  7. G

    The Daily Show's Correspondents: Where Are They Now?

    Stephen Colbert is the new Hobbit king. Nate Corddry is guest starring opposite Zooey Deschanel. And Ed Helms has taken over Steve Carell's coveted spot on NBC's long-running series The...
  8. D

    Anyone agree? old tv show?

    That freaks and geeks was a really good show?
  9. E

    How would a man with venus in pisces/4th house show they are interested in a woman?

    venus is trine pluto, trine ascendant and in opposition to the midheaven. Would he act aloof? Would he act super-caring? Both?
  10. T

    T.V Show Name idea's for story? help please<3?

    Hai! for my story/fanfiction i'm creating a T.V Show. where my five girls (in a band) will take part in a new show called "insert name here." 100 students (from two different schools, 25 boys/boy groups, 25 girl/girl groups from each Musical school) have been selected to take part in it, Each...
  11. P

    tv quiz show said the main element in a human body was oxygen- but isn't it hydrogen?

    At first I was going to say carbon, with is the most common element on Earth, but remembering that a human body was almost 70% water , and knowing water is mainly hydrogen ( 2 atoms of hydrogen per every one atom of oxygen) why was the answer oxygen , and not hydrogen? I'm confused. Does the...
  12. V

    why won't my yahoo calendar show up on my iphone (OS 6)?

    i have 2 calendars--a yahoo and a gmail. gmail syncs and shows up just fine. ever since i upgraded to OS 6, i cannot get my yahoo calendar to sync. i have deleted my yahoo account off my phone and re-added it just like it says to on the website. i am usually pretty tech-savvy, but i cannot...
  13. R

    I can't remember the name of a movie/tv show, can anyone help?

    I saw something on TV over 15 years ago. I'm not sure if it was a tv series or a film. But I can't remember the name of it. Here's what I can remember: It was about a family Their mother died They kept her body in the freezer They tried to look after themselves At one point the son runs around...
  14. A

    High Fructose Corn Syrup Might Be Linked To Diabetes, But New Study Doesn’t Show That

    Don't let anybody make you believe that high-fructose corn syrup is harmless just because it's "not more fattening than sugar. Animal studies have shown can be bad for memory and learning, and human studies have linked high consumption of HFCS with cognitive decline and dementia in older adults...
  15. G

    Of Course There Is a House with a Christmas Lights Show Set to Gangnam Style

    Gangnam Style has over 800 million views on YouTube so it's only fitting that a house has its Christmas Lights set to the South Korean horse dancing song. Watch it, it's kinda amazing how well it works. I guess Gangnam Style can be the new Jingle Bells. [YouTube via BuzzFeed] More »
  16. J

    The movie or show was on Cartoon Network where this boy I forgot how but get...

    ...this black goo all over his arm? The movie or show was on Cartoon Network where this boy I forgot how but get this black goo all over his arm and while he was getting chase on a horse he shot bow and arrow and arrow took off the chaser head off i think..........plz help
  17. Olivia

    Facebook app on iphone does not show mobile icon/green dot when im online?

    Whenever i open my facebook app on my iphone 4s and turn on chat people can never see that im online, a mobile icon does not show nor does a greeb dot I have tried the chat app also but nothing! help! I have the latest version of iphone update and the fb app itself
  18. A

    is there a way to get a gadget like display that I had in windows 7 to show my

    cpu and gpu temp? I use to have a gadget that showed on screen the temp and usage of my CPU and GPU. this came in handy to have on my second monitor when I was playing a game that required more power to make sure I wasnt going to fry anything. Is there a way to do this in Windows 8?
  19. L

    What was the name of the cbbc sci fi show about sone kids who use a metal suit

    to fight crime? It aired on cbbc around 2000-2004. There was an underground base in it, which had a talking head on a computer screen. They also drove round in a van. It had a bad guy, who had a red metal suit that was much faster, and I think it had a crab on it. It was something to do with...
  20. T

    Slow Jams | Sunday Night Live and The Late Night unwind Show - Nov 26,2012

    A late night radio show for the lover in you. Listen to EOTM Radio - E Jay slow jams with Miss Anonym0us! Get industry tips, shout outs and more --- Follow Miss Anonymous on Twitter @MissAnonym0us . Find out what indie artist made our top 100 slow jam Set! Are you an indie artist and would like...