
  1. A

    Can't get in shape? After riding my bike for 1 month?

    I am a student who is 18 and trying to get a little fitter. I ride my bike too and from class everyday (about 2 miles). I have done this for about a month. By this time you would think I would be at least a little in shape. However, I still run out of breath exremely easy and just walking up the...
  2. T

    How do I get in UFC shape?

    So my friend has been training to fight me lol because he knows he'd lose I am in very good shape I'm not being cocky but im quite heavily muscled but he is taller and has better cardio but i can literally smoke him in wrestling if i wanted to I could break his limbs. What are some very good...
  3. S

    POLL: Name the top five countries that shape the pop/modern culture of the world

    thesedays? ? @Special Ed Kid--------------- haha, okay tell me your favorite Pakistan song or two?
  4. LaraineThomas

    How can i gain weight and stay in shape?

    I weigh 122 lbs and I'm 5"6. Idk how its happening but I keep losing weight along with my boobs and butt. I eat everyday. How can I gain my weight back and still stay in shape? I want ma stomach to stay flat but I don't wanna become anorexic. I don't wanna take any gain weight pills either.want...
  5. J

    How great of shape can i get in at planet fitness?

    Looking to join a gym in nothern nj, and planet fitness is cheapest but it does not have a lot of heavy weights and only a couple of benches. Will I be just as capable of getting in good shape at planet fitness then a more expensive gym?
  6. T

    Shape Of Key Protein Surprises Researchers Offering New Clue To Parkinson's

    A new study finds that a protein key to Parkinson's disease has likely been mischaracterized. The protein, alpha-synuclein, appears to have a radically different structure in healthy cells than previously thought, challenging existing disease paradigms and suggesting a new therapeutic...
  7. T

    How Early Human Embryo Acquires Its Shape, Shown By Scientists For First Time

    How is it that a disc-like cluster of cells transforms within the first month of pregnancy into an elongated embryo? This mechanism is a mystery that man has tried to unravel for millennia. The first significant step towards understanding the issue was made nearly a century ago in experiments...
  8. D

    Need ''How The States Got Their Shape'' trivia answer.. Please.?

    my bf and i were watching that show and i guess the dvr stopped recording before the show ended and we didnt get to see the answer to the trivia question, which state had the best bbq.. nc, tx, mo, tn or none of the above.. i know this is such an unimportant question, but its killing us to not...
  9. Q

    How do race, ethnicity and religion shape national politics Germany? What

    are the most salient cleavag? The thing about this question is I do not want to spend too much time talking about the Holocaust, I know that is a significant part of Germany's history and it did shape Germany. And I know how Germany split and has East and West Germany and East Germany is...
  10. P

    Do i have to be in shape in order to take the gnc multivitamen pack?

    So I just bought this GNC Mega Men Sport vitamin pack. It contains 30 small packets of 7 pills. These pills are mega men sport vitamins, Energy Enhancers, L-Glutamine, and Nitric Oxide Maximizer. The store manager instructed me to take all 7 in the morning with my breakfast as the pills have a...
  11. T

    Can you override or modify the suspension settings on a citroen c5 (old shape 2004)?

    Can you override or modify the suspension settings on a citroen c5 (old shape 2004)? It is being used as a tracking vehicle (camera car for film/TV) and sometimes it would be handy to be able to drive at more than 24mph with the suspension in its high position or low position. Is there a way to...
  12. A

    Religion-wise, how did your name shape your future?

    . Rephrase: When you were a child, what did you think about your name? Dear Moose, Are you telling us that you have never thought about your name? Also: Are you telling us that your thoughts do not affect your future?
  13. R

    Marthon running for newbie(completely out of shape)?

    i've decided to make it a lifetime goal to run a marathon. i haven't ran in over a year. if you can send me some links to websites that have good workouts i'd appreciate it :)
  14. D

    Is 3 Months long enough to get into decent shape and fitness from the gym?

    I am 19 years old with an almost faded six pack (covered by fat lol) would 3 months of the gym most days and a more balanced healthy diet be enough to shed that excess fat? - details of advisable programmes eg aerobic exericse or weights would be greatly appreciated also :)
  15. F

    How to get in shape for a cruise in June?

    I'm 20 years old, 5'6, at 120lbs. I don't want to lose weight, I just want to tone up my body (Lose my belly fat, love handles, fatty thighs, etc). Any easy solutions that I could do other than going to the gym?
  16. S

    How much is a 1970 Chevrolet Pickup C series, one owner, great shape, no rust worth?

    It is a one owner, beautiful pickup. It has an in-line 6 cylinder engine. It is all original except rear bumper. No accidents, no damage, no rust. How much do you think is a fair price to pay for it? It is a fleet side long box. I already tried Kelly Blue Book, that was my first choice...
  17. S

    How much is a 1970 Chevrolet Pickup C series, one owner, great shape, no rust worth?

    It is a one owner, beautiful pickup. It has an in-line 6 cylinder engine. It is all original except rear bumper. No accidents, no damage, no rust. How much do you think is a fair price to pay for it? It is a fleet side long box. I already tried Kelly Blue Book, that was my first choice...
  18. S

    How much is a 1970 Chevrolet Pickup C series, one owner, great shape, no rust worth?

    It is a one owner, beautiful pickup. It has an in-line 6 cylinder engine. It is all original except rear bumper. No accidents, no damage, no rust. How much do you think is a fair price to pay for it? It is a fleet side long box. I already tried Kelly Blue Book, that was my first choice...
  19. L

    Pinup hair style for my face shape help!!?

    So im getting pinup photos done with a friend, and I was thinking about just doing curls, something a little more modern, but is there any easy pinup hair styles ??? ( WITHOUT CUTTING MY HAIR / GETTING BANGS) or putting fake ones on... - Hair length - goes a little past my shoulders - Face...
  20. A

    How can I create a star shape transition slide shows of photo DVD using Windows

    Movie Maker? I want my photos to come out in a STAR shape transition using Windows Movie Maker or Nero 9. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!