
  1. M

    Thoughts and Criticisms on an introduction sentence lead-in?

    Hey Yahoo. I need your feedback and criticisms regarding this lead-in sentence for my essay. My essay is about the repression of the intrinsic human desires and how this repression is actually a good thing. The following is my Hook-in sentence (the first sentence of my entire essay). I would...
  2. J

    How would your start the first sentence of the first paragraph of an...

    ...essay about music repertoire? I already wrote an essay on this, just before sending it I want to make sure its 100% ok.
  3. P

    People of all faiths: if you could sum up your religion in one sentence, how...

    ...would you do it? What is the one most important thing that describes your religion? In Judaism I would say it is "don't do unto others what you don't want done to you." (if you are Jewish and disagree with this, give me your quote :-) There is no right answer). Thank you in advance for your...
  4. Y

    What is your sign and introduce yourself in one sentence, yeah?

    Do it like this., I am a (what sign are you) that loves to (zodiac characteristic #1), to (zodiac characteristic #2), to (zodiac characteristic #3) and I am compatible with (which sign) (gender). For example. I am a Cancer that loves to feel, to impress, to dream and I am compatible with...
  5. J

    Help with finishing this sentence for my story?

    I dont know how to end this haha.. "This moment couldn't have been predicted by _____" any suggestions? :/
  6. D

    I can't understand the meaning of "mingled voices" in this sentence.?

    As you are aware, though in general one gives no thought to it, the world is a place of infinite variety and richness. In it you have magnificent cities, filled with mingled voices and fabled treasures, you have royal palaces, hovels, mountains enchanting and drear, murmuring groves, tranquil...
  7. I

    Is "lol" the new way to begin and end a sentence instead of using

    capitalization and punctuation? lol I've been wondering about this for a while lol. lol is it some kind of texting thing lol? lol is it like saying "over" while talking on a two-way radio lol? lol how do you use it, and what do you mean by it lol? lol how have you seen others use it, and why...
  8. W

    What is the adverb in this sentence? During summer vacation i usually go to camp?

    During summer vacation i usually go to camp. What about this sentence? The actor would not wear the silly costume chosen by the director.
  9. A

    What is a short sentence for Interest Groups?

    This is for my homework. i cant find a short sentence for this word so can someone help? thanks
  10. W

    Please help with the introduction sentence?

    My mom wants me to help me little sister with writing, and I'm not so good at writing, so I really some help with this to give her a GREAT example! Well, the thing is, my mom told her to write an introduction to an eassy about the best day she has ever had. She doesn't really know what to write...
  11. J

    Tell me a joke and ignore the question mark after this sentence.?

  12. E

    Is the sentence correct?A new law for families was introduced in the UK in 1998?

    Please tell me the name of your country to know if you are an English native speaker.
  13. M

    First sentence in my introduction essay about who to blame in romeo & juliet death? ?

    First sentence in my introduction essay about who to blame in romeo & juliet death? ? Soo i need a first sentence in my introduction a quote or question that can attract the essay is about who to blame in r & j death. Ipicked friar lawrence, their parents & themselves..any suggestion...
  14. M

    Introduction in romeo & juliet essay who to blame: just the first sentence.?

    Soo i need a first sentence in my introduction a quote or question that can attract the essay is about who to blame in r & j death. Ipicked friar lawrence, their parents & themselves..any suggestion will help!
  15. M

    Introduction in romeo & juliet essay who to blame: just the first sentence.?

    Soo i need a first sentence in my introduction a quote or question that can attract the essay is about who to blame in r & j death. Ipicked friar lawrence, their parents & themselves..any suggestion will help!
  16. D

    John grilled the fish. John cooked the fish. Identify the sentence relationship .?

    Whether it is entailment, implicature or presupposition....
  17. W

    in this sentence, what do all the "se" and "niwa" mean literally?

    ?? ? ???? ?? ??? ? ? ????? thx
  18. J

    How do I wrap a sentence ending with an em-dash in quotes in Microsoft Word 2007?

    Whenever I try to do this: "And Jesus said to Mos--" in Microsoft word, the quotation mark instead of wrapping the sentence, will go the opposite direction. If that isn't clear. I mean, instead of the last quotation mark going this way: <----- it'll go this way -----> How do I fix this...
  19. M

    HELP*****mystery introduction sentence?!?!?!?

    im writing a research paper....and i have no clue how to start off my paper! any ideas? just like. mystery is........or start off with a question?! best pt answer;) thankss!:)
  20. V

    use the following terms in the same sentence: evolution, natural selection,...

    ...adaptation, and fitness? this is a question i have in my biology hw. &i cant come up with anything >.< i suck at bio. Help Anyone, please and thank you's (: