
  1. T

    Secondhand Smoke Linked To Hyperactivity And Bad Behavior Risk In Children

    Breathing in secondhand tobacco smoke may have mental health consequences for a child, as well as physical ones, British researchers reveal in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. The authors say they found an association between secondhand smoke and more psychological...
  2. P

    Why aren't cigarettes illegal especially since secondhand smoke causes cancer?

    I posted something similar a bit earlier but I'm more interested in this viewpoint. Why should others have to suffer from something so easily preventable? I'm not interested in smokers justifying their answers with metaphors like the Co2 released from cars and that "even exercise causes cancer"...
  3. C

    Nintendo DS Secondhand?

    I need help quick! Im selling a NintendoDS Second hand. Its brand new so scratches. How much for? Just on its own? I have 10 games to go with it aswell. but they only want to know the DS? How much for? Its white and brand new!
  4. C

    Nintendo DS Secondhand?

    I need help quick! Im selling a NintendoDS Second hand. Its brand new so scratches. How much for? Just on its own? I have 10 games to go with it aswell. but they only want to know the DS? How much for? Its white and brand new!
  5. M

    Android phones, what're the cheapest secondhand models that can run latest OS?

    I would like a secondhand Android phone with a physical keyboard, which models are old enough to be selling cheaper while still able to run the latest Android release? I'm in the UK.
  6. B

    I'm finally goiing to buy second-hand mobile. It is Nokia N86 8MP?

    The retailers for such businesses (second-hand selling) are selling good quality phones. So, I'm now going for this phone. Do you think that I must buy it?
  7. M

    I am considering a second-hand Suzuki GSXR in bad need of a new rear tyre?

    Could somebody just give me an idea how much a new rear tyre would cost (a decent one but nothing too OTT) as it would affect whether I get the bike or not. Thanks!
  8. M

    I am considering a second-hand Suzuki GSXR in bad need of a new rear tyre?

    Could somebody just give me an idea how much a new rear tyre would cost (a decent one but nothing too OTT) as it would affect whether I get the bike or not. Thanks!
  9. Fred

    I believe it is OK to not hire a smoker, because who wants the second-hand death

    smoke? What do you think? There are buildings which are totally smoke-free. Would you like to live in a town which is totally smoker-free? I would. I mean, build a new community that forbids all smoking, tobacco, marijuana or what have you., not get rid of smokers.
  10. P

    I'm selling a second-hand Nokia N97 (original). How much do you think I should...

    ...sell it? I'm trying to sell my second-hand N97. It doesn't have that much scratches, but on the screen protector, yea. But anyone can just buy a new screen protector. I've had this phone for like 7-8 months already. So how much would it be if i sold it to someone? Anyone? I need help asap :S
  11. K

    What could make a pair of second-hand basketball shoes be worth $6,000?

    a news from says Many fashion fiends wouldn't think twice about shelling out nearly as much as a mortgage payment for Manolos or maxing out the charge card for Choos, but they scratch their heads when they see kids queued up around the block for athletic shoes. What...
  12. K

    What could make a pair of second-hand basketball shoes be worth $6,000?

    a news from says Many fashion fiends wouldn't think twice about shelling out nearly as much as a mortgage payment for Manolos or maxing out the charge card for Choos, but they scratch their heads when they see kids queued up around the block for athletic shoes. What...
  13. K

    What could make a pair of second-hand basketball shoes be worth $6,000?

    a news from says Many fashion fiends wouldn't think twice about shelling out nearly as much as a mortgage payment for Manolos or maxing out the charge card for Choos, but they scratch their heads when they see kids queued up around the block for athletic shoes. What...
  14. T

    The Toxicity Of Second-Hand Smoke In Cars: Myth Into Fact

    There is no evidence to support the fact that smoking in cars is 23 times more toxic than in other indoor environments, states an analysis article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) . The article, by Australian researchers, describes how a local media report of an unsourced statistic...
  15. B

    How much does a second-hand Nokia N73 costs?

    Please give me an exact detail in US$, Pound or UAE dirhams. Thanks!
  16. J

    Anyone selling cheap second-hand blackberry 8900/9000 in singapore?

    I got a budget of $300-$350. Maybe you could also give me some opinions where to get cheap Blackberry 8900/9000. Please e-mail me at [email protected]
  17. M

    Secondhand woes: 10 recalled children's products to avoid

    [No message]
  18. T

    Any Places to buy second-hand Xbox 360's?

    I am looking for second hand xbox 360, i have already tried ebay but have had no luck. I am a British citizen
  19. M

    How much is GMC YUKON (secondhand_ good one) IN USA?? in NOWADAYS?

    wanna know... in my country it costs about 32000S Amrican Dollar>> is there big diffrent in price?? and if it's yes>> pleeez just gimme some website to buy some...
  20. J

    Where can I buy either new or second-hand VHS players?

    I've had a look online and can't find any websites that have what I want. Even ebay isn't great. Please can someone help me? Thanks for all the suggestions!