
  1. D

    I have a new scratched DVD, should I put files in it or make it DVD

    playable for film? The DVD is scratched but want to use it. It's new. Will it work better by adding files, like storage DVD? Or make a DVD to watch my film in a DVD player? Thanks
  2. A

    Does a samsung galaxy tab 2's screen get scratched up easily?

    I'm ordering one tomrrow and not sure if i should bother with buying a screen protector or not. I am buying a leather case. I baby all my electronics. Do you think the screen will scratch/does it?
  3. D

    I have a new scratched DVD, should I put files in it or make it DVD playable for 2...

    ...films? The DVD is scratched but want to use it. It's new. Will it work better by adding files, like storage DVD? Or make a DVD to watch my film in a DVD player? Thanks
  4. L

    Best way to fix scratched dvd?

    I got a older movie of mine out and it freezes like crazy so what do you suggest is the best cleaning method? I heard of things such as toothpaste , chapstick and also a banana. Thanks!
  5. L

    Best way to fixed a scratched dvd?

    I got a older movie of mine out and it freezes like crazy so what do you suggest is the best cleaning method? I heard of things such as toothpaste , chapstick and also a banana. Thanks!
  6. M

    Is it normal for all DVD disks to get scratched?

    I recently bought the Harry Potter box set and after watching one of them, there are some scratch marks, that though do not wreck the film in anyway but are clearly visible. Do all DVDs eventually get a scratch??
  7. S

    Scratched Punto bodywork down to metal - will it rust?

    My car (Fiat Punto Grande 07) had an incident with another car and the rear panel where it meets the bumper is scratched down to the metal. Do I need to get this sorted out urgently or can I wait a month or two?
  8. S

    HELP!!!Can my slightly scratched uncharted 2 disc damage my ps3's blue ray lens or...

    ...anything? Ok,I have a pre-owned uncharted 2.It has little slight scratches.I play this game a lot,you already know i m in little tension.I love my ps3 and dont want any trouble.So could it damage my ps3s blue ray lens or anuthing? thanks for answers.............
  9. S

    How do you prevent a dvd from getting scratched AND freezing?

    Whoever gives the best answer gets max. points.
  10. S

    Can a slightly scratched blue ray disc damage my ps3's blue ray lens or anything?

    Hello friends,my uncharted 2 disc has got some little slight scratches.And i play uncharted 2 every week.So could the disk damage my ps3s any part such as blue ray lens or anything?Is it safe? thank u so much for your answers.........
  11. L

    My Xbox scratched my MW3 disk, doesn't work. Help?

    My Xbox pulled off a perfect circle scratch on my MW3 CD. Apparently this is caused by moving the Xbox with the CD inside. I was dumb not to install it on my hard drive when I first got it. Now it keeps saying that it can't read the disk. Anyone know what could help? First person whose solution...
  12. S

    Can slightly scratched blue ray disc damage my ps3?

    My uncharted 2 disc has slight scratches.Could it damage my ps3 slim? Thanks a lot for your answers............
  13. A

    Anything to do about scratched iPad 2 screen?

    Not the biggest deal on earth but it is kind of annoying. Its a little scratch towards the left middle of the screen and its noticable when you look at it because it glares. Anyone have any idea how to fix a scratch on iPad 2 screen or a way to convince apple to trade for a new one? I...
  14. R

    What's YOUR way of repairing a scratched dvd?

    I am looking for a way to fix a DVD that goes beyond what one of those Disc Doctor devices sold in stores does. Is there a better way?
  15. S

    i scratched my eyeball?

    ok well my and my brother were messing around and his nails went right into my eye so then i just went to go to bed and today it just hurts alittle bit in the corner and there was a little white pus not alot just alittle should i wait it out and if it gets worse go to eye doc or go eye doc right...
  16. H

    Is there a player or a way to watch a scratched dvd well?

    i have a dvds that i want to watch but when i watched in in my dvd player, vlc player, gom player, and windows media player, some of the scenes just stopped and it really don't play continuously. is there any player or methods that can make the dvd play well even it is old and scratched?
  17. K

    I scratched my steel band of my iPhone 4. Anyone know a way to get rid of it?

    I know I'm being picky but it annoys me. If there is a way to get it out, will it affect the reception?
  18. S

    scratched dvd question?

    I was wondering if a dvd is scratched pretty good does it affect the video? like does it cause the picture to look pixelated?
  19. R

    i am looking for a machine to fix scratched dvd disks?

    i want to buy one that can fix the scratches on my cd's , DVDs , blue ray well pretty much all my disks but i only found one that i have to buy a different kit for all the different types of disks i have i would like to only buy one kit can you help ?
  20. M

    Scratched a car in a parking lot?

    I was trying to park in a mall parking lot and scratched someone's car. I was in a hurry so I went in, figure I'll deal with it after I come back out. The thing is, after like two minutes I came back out, the car I scratched was gone. So what does this mean? The person didn't notice? Just said...