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    Did Scientists Actually Find Two Higgs Bosons?

    The Higgs Boson. The "God Particle." We found it. It's "real science." Story's over right? Not exactly. An anomaly in the data kinda-sorta makes it look like there might have been two. More »
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    Scientists Discover Mechanism That Could Reduce Obesity

    Approximately 68 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, according to the National Cancer Institute, which puts them at greater risk for developing cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and a host of other chronic illnesses. But an international team of scientists led by Virginia...
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    Scientists Revolutionize Pina Colada Production With Coconut-Flavored Pineapples

    Australia's Department of Agriculture has announced that its researchers have made a breakthrough that will send shockwaves across beach resorts and tiki-themed restaurants around the world. Through careful breeding they've managed to produce a sweet pineapple that also tastes like coconut...
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    Scientists Studying Autoimmune Disorders Look To The Traffic Cops Of The Immune Syste

    Now, scientists at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) have looked into the origin of Tregs and uncovered a central role played by the protein IkBNS. Armed with this knowledge, the researchers hope to manipulate Tregs in order to either inhibit or activate the immune system...
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    Scientists Create Roadmap To Metabolic Reprogramming For Aging

    In efforts to understand what influences life span, cancer and aging, scientists are building roadmaps to navigate and learn about cells at the molecular level. To survey previously uncharted territory, a team of researchers at UW-Madison created an "atlas" that maps more than 1,500 unique...
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    Future News: Scientists discover football matches at racism events

    A group of scientists has made the startling claim that professional football matches are taking place in the middle of events across Europe that were previously thought to be exclusively devoted to watching a relative few engage in racism, homophobia and anti-semitism. Though the findings have...
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    Scientists Further Unravel Telomere Biology

    Chromosomes - long, linear DNA molecules - are capped at their ends with special DNA structures called telomeres and an assortment of proteins, which together act as a protective sheath. Telomeres are maintained through the interactions between an enzyme, telomerase, and several accessory...
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    Full Moons Won’t Make You Cray-Cray, Say Scientists

    Urban legend holds that full moons*cause increases in lunacy, labor pains, suicide and murder, but ... not so much. A team of researchers from Quebec's Université Laval have published a study*saying full moons don't mean crap to people's*psychiatric states. More » Full Moons Won’t Make You...
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    Scientists Take A Step Forward In The Study Of Parkinson's Disease

    During the past year, the research group TIC 218 at the Department of Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications attached to the University of Granada and the Andalusian Information Technology and Communications Center (CITIC) has implemented the methods for the detection and diagnosis of...
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    Scientists Identify Gene Required For Nerve Regeneration

    A gene that is associated with regeneration of injured nerve cells has been identified by scientists at Penn State University and Duke University. The team, led by Melissa Rolls, an assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Penn State, has found that a mutation in a single...
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    Scientists Learn How To Unlock The Destiny Of A Cell

    Scientists have discovered that breaking a biological signaling system in an embryo allows them to change the destiny of a cell. The findings could lead to new ways of making replacement organs. The discovery was made in the laboratory of Joel H. Rothman, a professor in the Department of...
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    Scientists Model How Vibrations From Football Hits Wobble The Brain

    It's fall football season, when fight songs and shouted play calls fill stadiums across the country. Another less rousing sound sometimes accompanies football games: the sharp crack of helmet-to-helmet collisions. Hard collisions can lead to player concussions, but the physics of how the impact...
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    Scientists Don't Even Believe in Science Reports [Science]

    You know how every other day a new science report comes out saying this and that gives you cancer? But then a day after it's revealed that the same this and that actually prevents cancer? Yeah. What the hell should we believe in? Who knows because scientists have just found that scientists lie...
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    First Bacon, Now Fish: Scientists Say Fish Are Shrinking Because Of Climate Change

    Last week we wrote about how meat-heavy diets (ahem, Paleos) are probably causing a bacon shortage. Today, there's more bad news in the animal protein world: Apparently, scientists say fish are shrinking*because of climate change, and they'll be down to one quarter their of their size by 2050...
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    Scientists Identify Simple Formula That Allows Bacteria To Engulf Food In Waves

    Move forward. High-five your neighbor. Turn around. Repeat. That's the winning formula of one of the world's smallest predators, the soil bacteria Myxococcus xanthus, and a new study by scientists at Rice University and the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) Medical...
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    Scientists Find New Way To Up Safety Factor Of Stem Cell Therapy By Causing Contamina

    Pluripotent stem cells show great potential in treating various debilitating diseases, but at a risk: during the process of reprogramming the cells so they will grow (differentiate) into the desired tissue, some of their DNA may be damaged causing them to develop into tumors. Researchers have...
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    Scientists Develop Technique to Erase Your Fears [Science]

    Fears are formed when we associate things with a strong, negative emotional response. Now, a team of scientists have developed a technique which lets them erase new emotional memories from the human brain—which could make it possible to wipe out your fears for good. More »
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    Scientists Use Sound Waves To Levitate Liquids, Improve Pharmaceuticals

    It's not a magic trick and it's not sleight of hand - scientists really are using levitation to improve the drug development process, eventually yielding more effective pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have...
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    Scientists Put A Pox On Dog Cancer

    Researchers report that myxoma - a pox virus that afflicts rabbits but not humans, dogs or any other vertebrates so far studied - infects several different types of canine cancer cells in cell culture while sparing healthy cells. The study adds to the evidence that viruses or modified viruses...
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    Scientists Discover Method to Control Cockroaches Remotely [Video]

    Researchers have been working on this for a very long time and now they have finally achieved it: scientists at North Carolina State University have successfully remotely controlled cockroaches. Watch the video. It's both disgusting and impressive, but it could save your life one day. More »