
  1. T

    What movie could I critique the science in that's not a "Sci-fi" movie?

    I have to watch a movie and critique the science in it, but I hate alien/outerspace sci-fi movies, so I need a movie that has science in it (cloning someone, for example) but also has a story line that isn't like Star Trek or anything like that. One example I was thinking of doing was Weird...
  2. M

    Are you familiar with this Science gadget?

    It has the Sun pivoted and all the planets revolving around it which can easily be rotated. Do you know where I can purchase one?
  3. G

    Balancing Acts in Science

    How do you know when alternative views are real alternatives, and thus should be considered in a "balanced view" vs. when those views are not any longer valid and should be ignored? This sounds like a hard thing to do but it is not as hard as you might think. I suggest two different...
  4. D

    how come in science fiction movies?

    the space stations or base or whatever you want to call it. how come they seem smooth from a distance. but really jagged when they get close? one example is the death star with the treches and all the edges that seemed to of poped up when they got closer. the space shuttle doesnt have these...
  5. G

    What It Feels Like To Get Hit By Falling Space Junk [Science]

    We know that at least one person has been hit by space junk. Her name is Lottie Williams and she was hit by a piece of a Delta II rocket that fell to earth in 1997. More »
  6. G

    New Study Suggests We Really Are What We Eat [Science]

    Scientists at Nanjing University made a startling discovery about the food we eat. Not only do we ingest the nutrients from our food, we incorporate some of the genetic material as well. More »
  7. D

    The faculty of science is holding their annual ball next month, and I was hoping

    that you might be interested? in joining me. Would you be my partner for the ball?
  8. M

    How many people have died for the war between science and religion?

    By this I refer to the number of people who have been put to death or killed because of the clash between science and religion. i.e how Galileo was persectuted (even though he wasnt put to death) Obviously an exact number is impossible, but from looking at history would you say that the number...
  9. A

    Why doesn't science channel offer How It's Made on dvd (excluding seasons 1 and 2).?

    If anyone knows why or where I can find the seasons on DVD please tell me!!!!!
  10. L

    why are developments in science and technology important for future science ?

    for the health, culture, information and environment ?
  11. G

    Prune Fingers May Help You Hold Onto Things [Science]

    Scientists know a lot about the body, but they don't know everything. Take, for example, the pruning that occurs when you spend too much time in the water. Scientists don't know why these wrinkles occur only on the hands and feet. More »
  12. G

    Study Says Babies Make Men Less Masculine, More Nurturing [Science]

    A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests men's testosterone levels fluctuate when they have children. More »
  13. G

    Eat Up Everyone, Chocolate Is Good For You [Science]

    Good news! Another study suggests chocolate may be good for you. And the more you eat, the better off you are. More »
  14. G

    A Social Network Based On Your Gastrointestinal Bacteria [Science]

    MyMicrobes is a new social network that'll pair you up with people who share the same gut bacteria as you. Seriously. On the surface, its a crazy idea, but when you think about it, MyMicrobes could makes sense medically. More »
  15. G

    Life Science and Earth Science Teachers: A few books for your classroom

    I like to pass books about science on to the teachers in my daughter's school for them to have in the classroom (or to pass on to the library, as they wish). Now that you've heard this idea, you will want to do it to! Here's a few suggestions of recent titles that could be available used...
  16. G

    Watch How You Walk If You Want To Remain Anonymous [Science]

    If you're in a crowd, it doesn't take long to notice that people walk differently. A recent study suggests each person's gait is supposedly so distinctive that their way of walking could be used for identification purposes. More »
  17. G

    Back To School: Your Letter to you Child's Life Science Teacher

    You have to tell your child's life science teacher (or, any science teacher for that matter) that your family does not support creationism, does not want to see anyone "teaching the controversy" and that you know that "Intelligent Design" is a form of creationism. I promise you, the creationist...
  18. G

    I Don't Want to Live in a World Where Machines Can Read My Mind. Or Do I? [Science]

    Researchers equipped with fMRI machines have shown that they can link specific brainwave functions to specific objects, ideas or emotions. What they see as innovation, I see as the goddamn thought police running amuck in 30 years. More »
  19. G

    Fascinating First-Ever Images of an Electron In Orbit [Science]

    It was only two years ago that IBM showed us an image of a complete molecule, atomic bonds and all, but today's news does that one infinitesimally-sized breakthrough better. Ladies and gents, behold the first image of an electron's path. More »
  20. G

    Combat Cavities By Re-Growing Your Decaying Teeth [Science]

    A team of researchers at the University of Leeds' School of Chemistry is developing a pain-free method to combat cavities. More »