
  1. A

    Schools Consider Banning Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Because They Are Unbelievably Unhealthy

    It's not often that a snack food so takes hold of the junior high crowd's collective conscious like Flamin' Hot Cheetos have. Not only are the radioactively-colored, preservative-and-salt-filled curls are a staple on my bus route and in school yards, they've inspired Facebook fan groups, and...
  2. A

    Erin DiMeglio, Florida?s first female QB, is also her school?s homecoming queen

    Erin DiMeglio has had one heck of a year. First, the South Plantation (Fla.) High senior made national headlines by becoming the first female to line up at quarterback in a varsity football game in the state of Florida. Fittingly, she followed that up by becoming the first female...
  3. E

    What are you insights about the use of Ebook in schools ?

    Please Answer this ASAP ..
  4. A

    Report: Junk Food In Schools Accounts For 400 Billion Calories Every Year

    If you side with*"hungry" high schoolers*and uninformed lawmakers*who care about business more than the health of our kids,*you may think that new regulations on school lunches, which are designed to to cut down on junk food, are just too nanny state-ish. But it's not just Michelle Obama who's...
  5. S

    Why do schools in the UK wear uniforms but in the USA they can wear what they want?

    It just came to me that nearly all schools in Britain have to wear a uniform but ten in America they don't. Is this fair? or is it just because Britain are all posh and America are laid back? Could you give me as much information as possible but make it funny because I like to laugh. Im 13 and...
  6. J

    Use your wildest imagination and tell me, how will schools be in the future?

    -Perhaps there will be a portal for students to teleport from their class to labs and such. -No more assembly; important matters/news will be informed through the speakers in every class. -No more books; wasting of paper. -Teleconference with professional facilitators/ international students...
  7. A

    Florida County Boldly Bans All Energy Drinks In Schools

    The school board in Manatee County, Florida has boldly banned energy drinks from all schools in the county. The vote to ban drinks like Red Bull, Rockstar and Full Throttle was 4-0, effectively placing the drinks on the same level as alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Considering that energy drinks...
  8. A

    Sports could be eliminated from seven Ohio public schools if operating levy isn?t pas

    For the time being, seven Akron (Ohio) public schools will be playing sports during the upcoming high school season. But after that, things are up in the air, after the Akron Board of Education voted unanimously on Wednesday to place a 7.9-mill operating levy on the ballot that would require the...
  9. A

    Pay Attention, Schools: Yet Another Study Links Good Grades And Exercise

    Childhood obesity isn't the only reason that schools need to quit shaving off time set aside for PE and recess. According to yet another study on the subject, good grade and exercise go hand-in-hand. Swedish researchers found that student who exercise*are more focused, perform better, and are...
  10. A

    Awesome High Schools Acknowledge That Teens Have Sex, Offer Condoms After Prom

    You know what's great? Low teen pregnancy rates. And what's even greater? That those rates are low not because abstinence-only education is working (it's not, by the way), but because teens are wising up about condoms and other forms of birth control--and because schools are finally getting the...
  11. T

    How much money do schools spend annually on dishes and utensils for lunch?

    I am writing a persuasive speech about how my school should use reusable, washable trays and utensils for school lunch. Does anyone have any idea how much the average school (I live in Ohio) spends every year buying plastic utensils and sytrofoam trays.
  12. J

    In college football, do schools accept walk ons during spring training?

    Tranferring from junior college to a university next spring and was wondering if i would be able to walk on the football team during that time.
  13. G

    Creationism vs. evolution: the meaning to our schools and society

    NCSE policy director Steve Newton explores the evolution of American creationism and how anti-evolution activities have changed from the Scopes era to the present. Newton explains creationism's many faces, from dinosaurs-lived-with-humans young earthers to "intelligent design" advocates to...
  14. K

    best fashion schools in LA, California?

    I'm from TX and was planning to go to FIDM to major in fashion design after i graduate in 2 months but i keep hearing that it's a rip off. and i understand that to be a fashion designer you basically just need to know people in the industry and what not. i am a good sewer but can definitely...
  15. G

    Orcon releases UFB prices for schools

    Orcon first ISP to announce national UFB services for the Education Sector, with plans ranging from 30GB to 1TB.
  16. G

    Kiwi schools to receive ‘all you can eat’ software solutions from Microsoft

    Microsoft New Zealand signs new licensing model with the Ministry of Education.
  17. A

    USDA: “Pink Slime” Is Totally Safe…But Schools Can Serve Something Else, If They Want

    The USDA is sticking to its guns when it comes to the safety of the so-called "pink slime" beef product that has outraged parents and consumer over the last two weeks. But, because of the aforementioned parents, the government branch has conceded to offer schools the option to use something else...
  18. C

    sonography schools in rogers arkansas or online???? help?

    wanting to start school soon please help
  19. O

    Are PDA's allowed in middle schools?

    Just kind of wondering... Our middle school has cameras EVERYWHERE!!! It sucks!!!
  20. L

    What is your thought on PDA in schools?

    What is your take on: •Hugging •Kissing •Holding hands In the hallways at school? If you disagree with PDA, why do you think that, and what should the punishment be? If you think it's harmless and sweet, why do you think teachers make such a big deal out of it?