
  1. A

    media is doing bad job in mms scandal cases?

    even normal peoples does't know about the case but media persons are ****** holes they jut hick up and make money instead of help the victim
  2. C

    jon & kate plus eight scandal?

    can anybody please tell me wats going on with the jon guy in jon and kate. i heard something about him and some college students. im just not clear on that
  3. R

    Does the Michael Phelps bong scandal make marijuana not look as bad.?

    I mean is he can smoke weed and win all those medals..................................
  4. R

    Is the response to the Michael Phelps "scandal" as disproportionate and...

    ...hypocritical as it seems to be? I hope he comes out as a Re-Legalization proponent! I wonder what the hypocrites would do then? civil disobedience of bad or corrupt laws (which are passed quite often) is the DUTY of all real citizens of a FREE country. The only people who oppose the...
  5. R

    Is Michael Phelps drug scandal really that big of a deal?

    Pot is a baby piss drug. It's so miniscule these days,compared to meth, crack, or heroin. They're blowing things wayyy out of proportion by suspending him. Now Kelloggs cereals have dropped him. Just a little hit off a bong, he's messed up his career, since he may not be able to swim in the...