
  1. A

    Hostess In Mediation To Save Twinkies…Which Really Don’t Deserve To Be Saved

  2. A

    Q. about the show "Breaking Bad" and drug overdoses. Could Walt have saved Jane?

    Q. about the show "Breaking Bad" and drug overdoses. Could Walt have saved Jane? Okay so I'm watching the show "Breaking Bad" on Netflix. This episode is like from three years ago. So you might not remember. If you don't know about the show it's about this chemistry teacher Walt who starts...
  3. T

    More Than 400,000 Lives Likely Saved By Brazil's Strong Tobacco Control Policies

    High cigarette prices, smoke-free air laws, marketing restrictions and other measures, all part of Brazil's strong tobacco control policies, are credited for a 50 percent reduction in smoking prevalence between 1989 and 2010. The reduction contributed to an estimated 420,000 lives saved during...
  4. S

    Is there any way i can back up my android saved game data to the cloud?

    If i get a new phone i want my saved games. Some offer this feature to save to the server others dont. I cant save to my sd card because my lucid splits.up the memory into 2 halves and doesent recgonize the sd cars.
  5. T

    Lives Could Be Saved By Referring Cancer Patients To More Experienced And Successful

    Researchers at Rice University report that referring cancer patients to hospitals with better track records for surgery could save lives and not raise the cost to patients. The study was reported online in the journal Forum for Health Economics and Policy. The researchers reviewed data on two...
  6. E

    Borderlands 2: Transferring of saved game from torrent to actual.?

    Can I transfer my saved profile from a torrent-downloaded Borderlands 2 to a STEAM downloaded one? I really want to support the game, but I don't want to start all over again.
  7. S

    I saved as Mp3 and not FL format?

    I made this really nice melody in FL studio and instead of saving it as FL format I accidentally saved as Mp3 when I get the full version of FL studio will I be able to open it and see everything as how I made it or am I screwed?
  8. N

    A corrupted.psd file that I saved?

    So I was working on a PSD file in Paint Tool Sai...I saved it a few times before my laptop unexplicably shutdown..I opened it in sai and there was absolutely no layers nothing but a background of black with three red stripes...The same thing for can I fix this? Please help it's a...
  9. D

    Poll: Saved By The Bell or High School Musical?

    If Saved By The Bell, what was your favorite episode?
  10. C

    Is my chat history on Windows Live saved ONLY on my computer?

    By which I mean, does Windows Live save a version online as well that other people can access somehow, like by hackers, or is this file solely on MY computer and only accessible by me?
  11. L

    do you dress like the Elizabeth Berkley on Saved By The Bell?

    Do you wear tucked-in T-shirts with belted jeans like Elizabeth Berkley did on Saved By The Bell?!/photo.php?fbid=436171126395221&set=a.436159499729717.108046.100000070138294&type=3&theater If not, why don't...
  12. A

    Quinton ?Rampage? Jackson and the UFC: Can this relationship be saved?

    Lately, Quinton Jackson has been complaining about how he doesn't want to be in the UFC any more, and it appears the feeling is mutual from the UFC. They have become the couple that everyone knows should break up. Inexplicably, they stay together and annoy everyone around them. It's time to...
  13. B

    Minecraft: My saved game in cracked version is playable in legal version?

    I played minecraft on cracked version. I enjoyed it and purchased the legal version. What's odd is that my saved file in cracked version was playable in the legal version. Is this normal?
  14. K

    Christians: could you please explain what your being saved by Christ actually MEANS?

    I've honestly never understood it, yet you say others need to be... To me it is like being told I have to pat my head three times after entering a doorway in order to not burst into flame. It really does seem THAT abstract to me. I'm not saying it is that meaningless in any kind of absolute way...
  15. J

    Can you transfer saved games between an iPod and an iPad?

    ...I'm playing Shining Force on my iPod, but I thought it'd be cool to play on my iPad, as well, interchangeably (I guess). Is it at all possible to transfer my saved game data between these two devices so that I can simply continue playing the same game?
  16. B

    Where do my torrent files get saved in SoMud?

    Every few weeks all my torrents disappear out of SoMud for some reason. Can't figure out why. Can't bring them back. The partial downloads are still in their folder, but the file(s) that tell SoMud where they're at and continue the torrent seem gone. Where are those located and can I get...
  17. S

    do gopers know that obama saved ford too, along with gm and chrysler? obama save approximatedly 3 million auto and auto related jobs hard to eat ideology gm and chrylser have already paid back the money Mulally, Dec. 5, 2008: In particular, the collapse of one or both of our domestic...
  18. G

    How to Quickly Open Saved Email Drafts in iOS [Tips]

    Here's a tip for you iPhone users: if you want to quickly open your last email draft in iOS, just hold down the compose email button for a few seconds. Your last email draft will open up right away. Nice. More »
  19. B

    how come my saved games for xbox 360 won;t show up on my usb?

    i configured everything and copied a saved game file onto it and when i plug it in to the computer nothing shows. i already have modio but nothing shows up on that either. And i dont know how to reformat or anything so any help would be appreciated
  20. T

    Was Adolf Hitler saved through his belief in Jesus Christ as his Lord and...

    ...Savior (Romans 10:9)? If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 NIV) "My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter." – Adolf Hitler, April 12, 1922 @PastorsRUS -...