
  1. M

    IPhone and computer addiction - PLEASE help it is almost ruining my life!?

    So I am literally ADDICTED to my iPhone - I cannot spend even half an hour away from it (except during school where you are not allowed to take them)! If somebody confiscates my phone I will rebel and scream and find it, and if they have hidden it in somewhere with a lock (eg safe or a room) I...
  2. M

    IPhone and computer addiction - PLEASE help it is almost ruining my life!?

    So I am literally ADDICTED to my iPhone - I cannot spend even half an hour away from it (except during school where you are not allowed to take them)! If somebody confiscates my phone I will rebel and scream and find it, and if they have hidden it in somewhere with a lock (eg safe or a room) I...
  3. F

    why can't female authors write sci-fi or horror without ruining it?

    i made the mistake of seeing "the host" this weekend, expecting an action-packed, body-snatcher type movie. turned out it was another dumb chick flick based on a story written by a chick. it was all about their "feelings" and jealousies over which dude they liked. yechhh! just like how they...
  4. M

    Am I ruining my relationship already?

    I have a boyfriend of almost three months. I also have a history of pushing people away. I believe I have commitment issues. Is it bad if I think my relationship will last longer, the less we hang out outside of work?
  5. G

    Social Media Is Ruining Our Real Life Conversations

    If you use Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, everybody already knows everything there is to know about you. That sailing trip you took? Liked. Breaking up with your girlfriend? Replied to on Twitter. All these over-sharing, always-on social networks create situations where there's nothing left...
  6. A

    Sabotaging Your Sleep? 7 Habits That Are Ruining Your Slumber

    Before reaching for sleeping pills to get some shut-eye, you may want to think again. According to a recent study published in the British Medical Journal, adults who take sleeping pills in even small numbers over their lifetimes may be nearly four times more likely to die earlier compared to...
  7. G

    Dear Sports Fans: Your iPhone's Flash Is Ruining Your Photos [Photography]

    This is a screenshot from yesterday's NBA playoff game between the Heat and the Pacers. In the background you'll see a man taking a photo of David West and LeBron James with his iPhone, and its flash. That is very stupid. More »
  8. F

    Could my DVD player be ruining my dvds?

    I was watching a tv series on DVD. I have had the DVDS years and they have always worked, but at around the 40 minute mark on every episode on 3 separate dvds they start glitching, freezing and skipping. It is odd it is happening at the same time mark and also I put another DVD in and watched it...
  9. G

    Is Roger Goodell ruining the NFL?

    Football is a manly game. Despite the equipment, it's mono e mono, men versus other men. Full contact, with one objective, stop the guy with the football. When you have a full contact sport like this, injuries are going to happen. Injuries happen in every sport, including basketball where there...
  10. M

    Anyone else think apple is ruining handheld gaming?

    3ds or ps vita, sony or nintendo, I think we can agree the games on our portables are (generally) deeper and better than ios games. And yet ios devices are becoming more and more popular for mobile gaming, and dedicated handhelds are shrinking. Crappy games that occupy you for a week or two like...
  11. R

    Tech gadgets are ruining the human experience, agree ?

    Since the tech gadgets have taken over (ie) i tunes, i pads, kindles, I pads, netflix on WII or x box 360's... There are no music stores to go to anymore like tower records... Blockbuster stores are impossible to find, and pretty soon the book stores will be gone too.... I don't know about...
  12. chick

    neighbours ruining life, spreading rumours, abusing my family?

    since moving 2 years ago, ive had a life of hell, its chipping away at me bit by bit. all neighbours took instant dislike to me due to rumours n things they heard about me, i dont no why but over th years iv developed an appauling untrue reputation and i feel its going to follow me
  13. A

    Florida Panthers are ruining most of our Hugh Jessiman jokes

    The first members of the 2003 EntryDraft's first round to make their debuts were Eric Staal of the CarolinaHurricanes (No. 2) and Nathan Horton of the Florida Panthers (No. 3) on Oct. 9of that year. Marc-Andre Fleury of the Pittsburgh Penguins (No. 1) soonfollowed on Oct. 10. Other names, in...
  14. D

    Can my 2006 Chrysler Sebring pull a 5'8" Uhaul trailer without ruining the

    transmission? My husband and I are moving from Colorado to Ohio and we want to bring our bed....we can only afford a trailer. Can we do it?
  15. S

    My physical fitness is ruining my whole life!?

    OK so I'm 13 and I'm a girl. My physical fitness sucks really bad. I am about 90 pounds; yeah sound OK for a 13 year old girl but whats going on is very different. When i was in 2nd grade i used to sit a strange way, like instead of criss cross i would sit with both of my legs out to both of my...
  16. K

    How can I tell my friend that I like him w/o ruining our relationship?

    So, I've liked my friend Nick for a long time & all my other friends are always saying that we'd be so cute together! Only a few people know that I like him, my brother & my dad. (oh, by the way, he's my brothers best friend. My brother thinks that Nick does like me, but he's not sure. Nick is...
  17. T

    Roger Goodell is ruining the NFL?

    He's doing a bunch of things to raise profit but at the same time ruin the game. Yes, the NFL surplus is up...but is the quality?? i hate, ABSOLUTELY HATE everything this guy does 9 out of every 10 times he does something. when exactly is he going to be fired? we dont need a business as...
  18. X

    sh1tty time management skills ruining my life, any way to make my ipod touch

    into a pda? i was wondering if there was a way or some app or something, to make my ipod touch 1g into a pda which beeps, it will really help my crappy time management skills -.-
  19. S

    How do you remove smeared super glue from a car fender without ruining the finish?

    My husband was using superglue near his car and apparently dripped some on the fender. He didn't realize the drip was superglue and wiped it thinking it was water. Now he has a permanently dirty smear.
  20. J

    Is Roger Goodell ruining the NFL?

    With all this stuff about players getting suspended for hitting people helmet to helmet, is Goodell ruining the NFL?