
  1. U

    Who is the Holy Roman Empire!?

    In Hetalia, you see this little guy on Chibitalia. He looks so much like Germany! But I don't think he is Germany. .is he? I'm so confused! And I really want to know!
  2. B

    The service in the Roman Catholic Church that symbolically reenacts the...

    ...sacrifice of Christ is...? vespers, matins, office, or mass
  3. C

    Poll how many of us have a problem believing in God because of the Roman...

    ...Catholic church because of the abuse.? USA, Canada, Eire, Italy ect.
  4. A

    Who is the roman boy who sunk in the nile river and eaten by crocs in egypt?

    I cant remeber his name... plz tell me!!
  5. F

    When the Roman soldier pierced Jesus' side with the spear, had Christ already died?

    It was in the movie, "The Passion of the Christ". But it is also recorded in the bible. I am not looking for sarcasm, just looking for sources for a paper I am writing for school.
  6. B

    Do Roman Catholics Take Seriously The Prophecy Of Saint Malachy Of Only...

    ...One More Pope After The Current One? Saint Malachy's predictions for the previous 110 Popes were meticulously accurate.There is to be one more Pope after the one we have now and then comes the end of all things.
  7. K

    I have a roman crossword puzzle due and i am having trouble please help!!!?

    1. 8 letter word for we know it as Italy. 2. 7 letter word for He controlled the weather. 3. 7 letter word for She married Aeneas. 4. 5 letter word for goddess of spring time. 5. 7 letter word for Lavinia's royal father. 6. 5 letter word for He guarded Romes city gates. 7. 7 letter word for...
  8. G

    Roman Pushkin-Fat Bottom Girls-2009-WHOA

    Category: Music-MP3 (Records) Size: 116.74 MB Files: 21 (4 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Thu September 17th 09:16:41 UTC Download NZB
  9. A

    according to the roman catholic religion jesus christ sits at the right hand of

    GOD, who sits at the left hand? maybe no one sits at the right hand of GOD?
  10. V

    what are the Greek gods vs. the Roman Gods? (NAMES PLEASE!)?

    umm... i need to know which gods belong to which culture (roman or greek)
  11. J

    Was religion actually a fashion during roman times?...?

    I remember learning in grade 5 or 6 that religion was basically a fashion amoungst the roman's. Can anyone help me attach any credibility to this? Basically the teacher was reading it, by the book, out loud to us. While we followed in our textbooks. Serious answer's only. Thank you for your...
  12. F

    Is it true that religion coincided with the decline of the Roman empire and...

    ...democracy...? ...which, after centuries of democracy, was followed by 1500 years of burning people at the stake
  13. R

    Is it a sin in the Roman Catholic religion to get a Tattoo?

    Well I was asked this question alot recently and I always answer that some other religion actually abide by them. But I just want to be more sure then I am now. So tell me, is it a sin to permently tattoo our bodies in the Roman Catholic religion?
  14. T

    Germany in WW2 was 51% Lutheran, 45% Roman Catholic. What religion were the...

    ...guards in the concentration camps? Source: Encyclopaedia Brittanica
  15. R

    Fellow atheists, is Roman Catholicism still the most powerful single religion?

    Fellow atheists/people of science do you think that the Roman Catholic church led by the man known as the Pope is still the single strongest religion out there? Countries that are at least 10% Catholic which include most of what is commonly known as the "western world" lead the world in a lot of...