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    Fertility Center Achieves High Pregnancy Rates While Lowering Pregnancy Risks

    Every year thousand of families are created with the assistance of in-vitro fertilization. Many of those newborns are twins. While some may see this as a double blessing, it is important to understand that there are many potential risks associated with multiple gestation. Statistics show that a...
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    Fertility Center Achieves High Pregnancy Rates While Lowering Pregnancy Risks

    Every year thousand of families are created with the assistance of in-vitro fertilization. Many of those newborns are twins. While some may see this as a double blessing, it is important to understand that there are many potential risks associated with multiple gestation. Statistics show that a...
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    Geographic Information Presents Privacy Risks

    In today's world more geographic information is being collected about us, such as where we live, where the clinic we visited is located, and where we work. Web sites are also collecting more geographic information about their users. This location information makes it easier to identify...
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    Concern About Risks With Total Facial Rejuvenation In A Single Session Are Unfounded

    Multiple facial rejuvenation techniques can be safely and effectively performed in combination during a single operative session under local anesthesia, researchers reported here at a meeting of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS). Brian Somoano, MD, a dermatologic surgery...
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    Measuring risks of vaginal birth after a c-section

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    What are all the possible risks to Jailbreaking your iphone 3gs?

    I just got the 3gs It seems like jailbreaking is a risky thing. Before I decide to do this, what are all of the pros and cons of jailbreaking?
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    The White House Weighed Political Risks In Health Plan Calculation

    The Washington Post: "The president's proposal is striking for the extent to which it hews to the basic scale and framework of the bills on which Congress has toiled for months. That decision -- to go big one last time, rather than small -- emerged quickly inside the White House after senior...
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    Are hand-held cell phone laws reducing crash risks?

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    New Study Confirms High Risks Of Home Births, Australia

    AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that a new Australian study confirms the high safety risks and higher death rates associated with home births in Australia compared to hospital births. The study of home and hospital births in South Australia between 1991 and 2006, published in the...
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    Bone strength risks of birth control shot

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    Transplant Guide Highlights Daily Infection Risks From Factors Like Pets And Food

    Keeping pets healthy can reduce infection risks for people who have received solid organ transplants and veterinarians should be seen as an integral part of the healthcare team. That's just one of the key pieces of advice from a safe living article published in an infectious diseases supplement...
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    News Outlets Examine Conditions Of Refugees In Yemen, Malnutrition, Cholera Risks

    Reuters reports that as a new camp capable of hosting 10,000 to 12,000 refugees in Yemen will open in a few weeks, "[m]alnutrition and the risk of a cholera outbreak are threatening lives at Yemen's main camp [Masrak] for people fleeing fighting in the north." According to Thomas Davin, regional...
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    Q&A: H1N1 vaccine and Guillain-Barré risks?

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    FDA says diabetes drug Byetta poses kidney risks

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    Do the risks outweigh the gain when using BitTorrent?

    I'd like to download Rosetta Stone, but I don't know if it's a good idea or even how to do it. What's the likelihood I'd get busted? and if I decide to, how do I? Don't get all moral on me. $549 dollars is unreasonable.
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    what are the legal risks (will I be committing crime) by downloading using...

    ..."Bittorrent" or "utorrent"? In Indian subcontinent only. I need a correct legal opinion about this.
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    what are the legal risks (will I be committing crime) by downloading using...

    ..."Bittorrent" or "utorrent"? In Indian subcontinent only. I need a correct legal opinion about this.
  18. J

    what are the risks of using a torrent?

    i bought some flight simulator addons and realizing that i would've gotten it for free. here in canada what are the risks of using a torrent??? I heard that you could get your computer confiscated when they track your computer is it Illegal??? give me complete details And what is rapidshare...
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    What are the risks of changing the transmission?

    My car's transmission just gave up a week ago. The transmission fluid was burnt and the car acted as if on neutral when put in drive or 1 or 2. My mechanic told me that it can not be fixed and that I have to put in a new one. Since i cant afford a brand new one I have to put in a used...
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    Why don't I hear vegans promoting awareness of the potential health risks

    associated with veganism? And the ones that do get severe criticism. It seems so wrong. So often I hear "my parents won't let me be vegan" and the responses are very often along the lines of "don't eat" or "have an apple" "they'll give in eventually". It just seems like shouldn't the overall...