
  1. H

    What does Maximum Ride (and other action heroines) do when she's on her period?

    I'm sorry, but she's 14/15, so she most definitely has it, unless the bird DNA messed with it. But she's always on the run, usually with only the clothes on her back. How the heck does she deal with her period? They never have any money, so she can't buy stuff, and she doesn't exactly get a lot...
  2. T

    How much snow do you need to ride snowmobiles in?

    So I ride bikes a lot, but with all of my neighbors getting snowmobiles, it looks kinda intriguing... I also live in the middle of Utah, so yeah... Anyway, The only problem is that my dad says I can't ride it in less then 3 feet of snow! Which we NEVER get where I am! We get 2 feet at most! Is...
  3. D

    Poll: Do you know how to ride a bike?

    I'm embarrassed to say I don't lol
  4. M

    Can you ride a 125cc bike on a provisional license once you turn 17?

    I'm going to apply for a provisional license, but I'm very nearly 17. I was hoping to do my CBT before I turn 17 then ride my dad's 125 Kawasaki Eliminator, but can I do that, as I am 16 I need to apply for a provisional moped license which I think only allows yo up to 50cc? But at 17 you can...
  5. G

    Crazy Trike Concept Gets Taken For a Ride [Video]

    The Trimtab looks like a smooth ride—and the user doesn't seem to break a sweat, traveling at 30km/hr with nary a pedal. Imagine what he'd manage if he put some effort into it! [Losantiville via @seanchon via WIRED] More »
  6. C

    can we ride quad bikes on land that we rent?

    we rent some land 3 acres were hoping to get planning permisssion to turn the stables into dog kennels but was refused but we are hoping to buy some quad bikes but were told that we can only do this if we use them for less than 12 days a year is this correct or just a lie from the council...
  7. M

    does anyone know of a version of the Sleigh Ride song that starts with

    "Ring bells, Sleigh bells"? in high school the choir i was in sand this song we didn't have any sheet music we just had the recording and I don't remember who sang it but i think it was a group of some kind thanks
  8. M

    does anyone know of a version of the Sleigh Ride song that starts with

    "Ring bells, Sleigh bells"? in high school the choir i was in sand this song we didn't have any sheet music we just had the recording and I don't remember who sang it but i think it was a group of some kind thanks
  9. M

    Airplane ride or go cruise?

    Hi soo i'm doing a project in speech which is Persuasive Speech and titled "which is the best ride: Airplane ride or go cruise?" well, i just want to know about what is the best ride for YOU! It would really be appreciated when given with facts. Thank you! in advance.. :D?
  10. L

    do guys like girls who play sports and ride dirt bikes ?

    im a sophmore in high school and i play sports just as well if not better than moslt gusy and i go dirt bike riding like every other weekend. people tell me that im gorgeous and they wish that they had my body or my looks but ive still never had a boyfriend is it because of the sports and dirt...
  11. L

    do guys like girls who play sports and ride dirt bikes ?

    im a sophmore in high school and i play sports just as well if not better than moslt gusy and i go dirt bike riding like every other weekend. people tell me that im gorgeous and they wish that they had my body or my looks but ive still never had a boyfriend is it because of the sports and dirt...
  12. P

    Who taught Alec how to ride a bike?

    not sure what movie this is from, but please help.
  13. A

    Can You horseback ride in washington dc area during winter?

    Theirs a park near the washington dc area, called Rock Creek Park i think, can you horse back ride there during winter? Because theirs this horseback riding area, and lessons you can take, a whole horse area of the park, and i just want to know if during winter you can still horse back ride. i...
  14. T

    Is having a slightly bent rim dangerous to ride on a BMX bike?

    All the spokes are intact and tight. The rim is just a little crooked but its hard to notice.When the wheel is spinning it kind of wobbles but not to a large extent. I tend to enjoy jumping off of tall sets of stairs and/or ledges with my bike causing me wonder if the impact might be too much...
  15. J

    Need some good songs for a long Bike ride!!!!?

    Okay so tomorrow I'm going on a 20km bike ride and i usually like to compile a play-list the night before. So a.t.m I'm a bit bored of the music on my i-pod so i was hoping you guys could suggest some songs that is good for a keeping you motivated and "in the zone" if you know what i mean. no...
  16. P

    One two-hour bike ride or two one-hour bike rides?

    I'm looking to shed some pounds and my weapon of choice is the old Huffy in the garage. I aim to go all around my town, visiting various nostalgia points in life. I'll be going on a salad diet and doing at least 2 hours of bike riding a day. With that said, how would it be best...
  17. H

    How old do you have to be to ride a pocket bike?

    in CA
  18. Y

    is it safe to ride on a bike in first 4 months of pregnancy?

    i am 3 months pregnant and my husband has a bike so can i sit with him on his bike during this time of pregnancy
  19. Y

    is it safe to ride on a bike in first 4 months of pregnancy?

    i am 3 months pregnant and my husband has a bike so can i sit with him on his bike during this time of pregnancy
  20. L

    what would you do after a 10 mile bike ride?

    I just got back from a 10 mile bike ride! And I'm exausted! What should i do???