
  1. D

    My cellphone is retarded?

    no I don't actually mean my cellphone is retarded lol. Anyways, all my earphones that I have play fine on anything else but except on my Samsung :/ it's always the left earphone that never works when I plug it in my cellphone when I listen to my music. It just happened today, and it's new phone...
  2. ¢

    The rules about PDA at my school are retarded as heck?

    If I like, hug my Boyfriend AFTER the last bell rings for 2 seconds in the hall, The teachers literally have like an Aneurysm.. Yet if you hug someone of the same sex or whatever it's perfectly freaking fine. Like wtf. Give me your opinions, do you think hugging should be against the rules?
  3. W

    Why is my cat so retarded?

    She runs into walls... And chases her tail... And bites her tail and sometimes legs... She's still a kitten
  4. M

    So is this a weird pet peeve or im just retarded lol...?

    So i know my boyfriend loves me. weve been together for a long while. but very rarely he will put "i heart you" in a text or whatnot. idk id much rather him just say i love you like normal. we talk everynight and he says i love you everday. its just random!!! so annoying!! haha am i just being...
  5. C

    Why are atheists so functionally retarded when it comes to anything that isn't

    Christianity, Islam or Judaism? I mean, there are at least more than a few billion people who aren't any of those, and the fact of the matter is, atheists have proven time and time again to be completely ignorant of these beliefs when it comes to arguing against them (for example, vast majority...
  6. S

    Is it OK to make fun of a retarded kid if he is in on the joke?

    This retard that lives on my street has the nickname "Blithering Idiot" named after some beer that's made in PA. We bought it a shirt that shows the beer label on the front and it loves it. It wears the shirt all the time and laughs with us about it. My mon said it's cruel. but if it's having a...
  7. C

    Is it retarded to marry stranger?

    I'm going to marry a girl whom i met couple of hrs ago her name is Ashley
  8. F

    Anyone here think the Sci-Fi channel has gone retarded?

    They went from Sci-Fi to SyFy which is an idiocracy way to spell it. They took out Stargate Atlantis and practically all of the other exciting programming. I am shocked they still have Stargate Universe. They did can Caprica so its only a matter of time before they can Stargate Universe. All...
  9. T

    WHy is facebook so retarded sometimes...?

    Apparantly I have been temporarily blocked from adding people. because "Alot of my friend requests have gone un answered" look I add people I know and what not. Whether they accept it or not or neither accept it or not is none of my business, and it shouldn't be any of facebooks business and is...
  10. V

    My boyfriend is pda retarded only when we are outside?

    He hates going out but he does it for me, but when we are outside he doesnt hesitate to show that he hates it! He barely holds my hand, he doesnt put his arm around me, sometimes he walks in front of me, like if there is any pda it was intiated by me. He just doesnt have fun outside, im always...
  11. M

    this site is a full blown joke.....why do i get some really retarded answers ?

    i'll ask something about my family or something like that and they will respond by saying either my older sibling is being abusive,etc...or that my brother is intentionally being a certain way to absue me?how the hell would people on here know?it's like they are so self righteous in their...
  12. M

    I'm a retarded homo jacking my azzhole; any instructions? I'm having trouble

    with the computer? Where's the pamlet from Washington DC to guide me?
  13. R

    Do my dreams have meanings or am I just retarded?

    I'm happy either way. Any dream interpretators have ideas on these two? - The "screen" (let's just call what I'm seeing the screen, kay? :V) was looking at my primary school, and this text came on the screen that said, "You'd drive a purple mad." Two worker people were walking along and one of...
  14. D

    Does My Anime Drawing Look Retarded?

    "Hikari Hanazono" Hugging "Kei Takashima" From "Special A". A Thought I'd Try A New Style Of Drawing: This Is "Yumemi Hidaka" From "Munto"...
  15. B

    My girlfriend thinks Im retarded because I want to smoke weed?

    Do you think its a bad choice or a good one? I am tired of alcohol and nicotine. The trouble I have been into in the past has resulted from alcohol. Nicotine is highly addictive and makes me feel like crap.
  16. Y

    gtx 280 acting really retarded?

    i was playing cod WaW on my gtx 280x2 and i can usually max out all settings with 4xAA on 1920x1200, but for some reason im only getting 30 fps exactly, doesn't go up or down, i tried benchmarking it, Min Fps: 30.00 Max Fps: 30.00 Average Fps: 30.00 what do i do?
  17. F

    My dad calls me retarded...?

    My dad isn't like other dads (or at least, he's not what I think a dad should be). He doesn't have a pet name for me, he never gave me any advice, nor does he support me in any way other than financially. We've never had an emotional conversation. My dad’s the man in my life that gives me...
  18. U

    My phone is retarded.. HELP PLEASE!!?

    ok ok so my phone the tmobile gravity is relitively new, and just out of the blue it says i have no reception by showing the phone symbol with the little red slash through it, but at the same time i have full bars, it wont let me call anyone or send texts and when someone calls me or texts me i...
  19. M

    Music Poll: Am I retarded for liking....?

    Creed ?
  20. V

    Why does America always wait until Celebrities do somthin retarded to focus on

    an issue? I don't know about you but I'm tired of hearing about this Chris Brown bullcrap. Everytime they do something stupid evrybody goes crazy as if it was never heard of. Domestic violence has been going on for years. Why the hell is evryone mmaking this a big deal.