
  1. C

    how do i unlock my phone nokia 3500 c and i cannot remember the security code?

    i bought a phone from Dubai Nokia 3500 classic and i changed the security code.unfortunately. i forgot the security code. How can i unlock it and restore the factory settings?please help me
  2. T

    Do you remember when everyone wanted the Motorola Razr?

    i remember like 5 years ago it was the coolest phone ever. now compare the razr to the iphone. imagine what we will be comparing the iphone to in another 5 years.
  3. H

    Did anyone watch Good morning America yesterday? Remember cooking recipe?

    Okay so i can't remember what channel it was on...either Good morning America, or the Today show...but it was this lady cook (first name Kate i think) and she was showing the healthy ways to make junk food. She made like zucchini with cornflakes over them...and also these chocolate chip cookies...
  4. W

    What is this anime? i dont remember?

    ok so long ago i watched this anime i dont remember the name of but it was something like a church and something about angels or people with wings i dont know i know thats not alot of details but that damn Axe excite commerical keeps making me think of that anime and i want to watch it sooo...
  5. A

    I don't remember the anime? What was it?

    In the past like a year ago or something, I remember watching a 12/13 episode anime that had high school violence. Like a high school fighting against another high school. I think it was this picture...
  6. S

    Thinking of a book I reas a couple years ago, but can't remember the title? Help... please(:? Okay, It was by an English writer, and It has a blue cover, with all kimds of colorful writing on it. It was about a girl ( i forget her name :c) and she was hosting a French foreign exchande student named Edouard. she lives with her mum, and her dad lives on an island(i think...
  7. A

    Things to remember while planning a formal 21st party? (for cooking class)?

    •Number attending- RSVP for information •Catering •Beverages •Decoration •Invitations •Venue •Budget •Time •Music •Recipes organised with ingredients ready •Birthday cake and candles •Good cutlery and serving dishes •Entertainment i have that so far but i need more for a higher mark
  8. C

    I am looking for a animated music video. All I can remember is in the... the guy is sent to the Iraq war? In the video he gets a shot in the butt, Eminem uses that scene in a music video he made ( Mosh ) only he puts GB face where the guys face is. At the end I think the screen blacks out on a girls face.
  9. C

    Trying to remember the name of a movie I watched when I was a kid (sci-fi)?

    So there was this movie that was either from the early 90's, or from the 80's that was something about a guy whose girlfriend gets trapped in another dimension or something by some evil character guy. Now the good guy of the story goes through all kinds of alternate dimensions looking for his...
  10. N

    Im trying to remember a book, can you help?

    Its about this boy, who cant get along with anyone, hes always looking down he cant stand to look at peoples faces(I want to say he is around 11 to 13 years old). He is really good at writing, so he writes stories and posted them up online. One of them was about a guy who was afraid of germs so...
  11. Jordan

    Does Anyone remember that cartoon show about a boy and his blue fish thing?

    When i watched it, it was on Teletoon. It was about a boy that had, what I always assumed was a fish because it was in a fish bowl. but it was blue. and when he fed it, it turned into a talking blue person like thing hahaha. I can't remember that name of the show to save my life!! someone MUST...
  12. O

    How do gadgets remember the time?

    Well, I just started up my PS3 after about 3 and a half weeks of it being disconnected and put in my room. It still remembered the time and date. How is this possible? It was completely disconnected with no power supply.
  13. J

    can anyone remember the documentary that was on chanal 4 a few months ago about

    a 14 year old being a pap? I need it for and english assignment for an argumentative essay
  14. O

    Don't remember band name, lyrics, or song titles... help?

    All I remember is that it's a band with a one-word name, and I think they're a British rock group, and I think the cover of one of the albums featured, like, a compass in the corner with their name on top of it and a parchment-style map. If anyone can help me---I know that's crap information...
  15. M

    Do you remember the last words of "Clara Bell The Clown"?

    on the last episode of "Howdy Doody"? Little Trivia here to see who watched and remembers.
  16. M

    Do you remember the last words of "Clara Bell The Clown"?

    on the last episode of "Howdy Doody"? Little Trivia here to see who watched and remembers.
  17. A

    trying to remember this two music video?

    i'm really not sure about what i remember. 1. its a rock song( like punk or kind of) and they are singing on the bridge in the dark maybe under the moon. i'm not sure but maybe theres a car crash scene. and maybe the vocalist's is blond. 2. the band came out from the TV and sing.
  18. S

    Does anyone remember the comedian Rikky Fulton, he used to have me in fits laughing?

    I just came across this clip and it brought back some funny memories.
  19. Z

    POLL: do you remember this song??!?
  20. ¢

    POLL: Remember those happy days... then condom was invented.?

    matchura, i guess ur parents arent happy tht u were born..