
  1. K

    what are remedies for frequent urination especially on travel?

    are there any remedy or things that i can do to prevent frequent urination? i have uti and i urinate frequently. are there anything i can do to prevent it especially when traveling long distances.
  2. S

    Are there any good sleep remedies?

    I am having the hardest time sleeping anymore. I will get up early and start my day but when it is time to relax and settle in for the night I just can't. I can maybe fall asleep for an hour or so but then I am up and ready to go again. It is so frustrating! Are there any natural sleep remedies...
  3. P

    Are there any home remedies to cure fungal nail beds?

    Can over the counter treatments really cure nail fungas?
  4. C

    home remedies for stretchmarks?

    iv lost a lot of weight but i still have those awful stretch marks. please help. no jokes please. i need home remedies please.
  5. N

    dose anyone have any home remedies for thrush?

    dose anyone know how to get rid of thrush ?
  6. S

    Nasal congestion. Any remedies?

    Getting over a cold and now I think I have a head cold. I've had headaches come and go and now I have a stuffy/runny nose. It's stopped up, but running at the same time. I've used nasal spray, but the effect only last an hour or two. I blow my nose, and it clears for a few, then stops up again...
  7. J

    Need Help Falling Asleep, Hints or Remedies?

    Does anyone have a hint or something to help me get sleepy at night? I am an insomniac. My insurance is horrible and I can't afford Ambien or any of that and don't want to be on it really anyway. I take NyQuil once in awhile and drink chamomile tea but I could use other ideas please...
  8. K

    Any home remedies for a tooth ache?

    I have braces and my teeth are hurting and Orajel's not helping.
  9. I

    whats it called when people try to heal you with natural remedies such as herb

    and diet? i think it starts with an H they specialize in helping people with natural remedies like herbs and teas and special foods etc.... it almost sounds like homo--something can someone please give me the name, and tell me whether or not it's a good profession to go into (im not...
  10. G

    I'm ill!! any home remedies?

    I'm really ill. I recently caught bird flu, smallpox and ebola. Bad times. can anyone think of a way to make me better?
  11. A

    Any home remedies for getting rid of acne?

    I use facial cleansers, but then it dries out my skin so I moisturize it and then I get pimples, and then it gets all oily, and I;m really annoyed with my skin. I've heard vinegar works, but any home cleansers or moisturizers ot anything?
  12. P

    Are there any home remedies for a headache?

    I heard of the lemon or lime on your head--Does that work? Are there any other remedies that you people know? I'm not cheap or anything i'm just curious for the future.
  13. X

    what are some good home remedies to releive headaches and sore throats? :[?

    hey guys. can anyone think of any good home remedies that work to releive headaches and sore throats? thank you so much everyone!!
  14. R

    weirdest acne remedies?

    i was just wondering what is the weirdest acne/spots remedy you have heard of? Have you ever tried any and did they work? I heard Keisha from the Sugababes ate 5 red apples a day for a while and it cleared up her acne!
  15. J

    what is remedies for gum infection?

    i have gum infection,my gum is little swell and sometimes little pus coming out,i cant make any dentist appt before 10 days,what should i do