
  1. E


    CHAT EVEN AFTER HEARING G GADGET? I USED TO USE GOOGLE TALK extensively on another computer. I need to leave messages on my son's computer...we used to see them pop up on our screens..for quick attention, but for some reason, after confirming all of my account information (sent email...
  2. J

    Can a video game (ex: Xbox 360 game) be referred to as a DVD?

    I know that a DVD would generally mean a movie in disk form. But my friend referred to his new video 360 game as a DVD. He was a bit drunk at the time but I was just wondering if what he said has any validity or not.
  3. J

    Can a video game (ex: Xbox 360 game) be referred to as a DVD?

    I know that a DVD would generally mean a movie in disk form. But my friend referred to his new video 360 game as a DVD. He was a bit drunk at the time but I was just wondering if what he said has any validity or not.
  4. D

    Do Christians mind being referred to as "the religious"?

    As in, why do the religious frustrate the atheists?
  5. J

    0bama referred to as *cool* and Romney referred to as *old fashioned*?

    When will Americans deal with leadership qualities, ethics, proven experience and on the straight and narrow for qualities needed in a POTUS?
  6. T

    The Number Of GP Visits Before Cancer Patients Are Referred To Specialists Examined B

    More than three quarters (77%) of cancer patients who first present to their family doctors (GPs) with suspicious symptoms are referred to hospital after only one or two consultations, a new study has found. However, the new research also shows a wide variation in the number of times a cancer...
  7. M

    What mixed breed is referred to as a 'Shnorkie'?

    Before the breed police jump in...I am well aware that they are mutts, mongrels or what ever you choose to refer to them as and I am not approving or disapproving of anything so please dont waste your energy preaching about cross breeds and back yard breeders! All I am asking is when these dogs...
  8. S

    I was asked or referred to host a charity fashion event the?

    people that asked me backed out there were no funds to be raised alhough I brought up that minor detail shall I jest bring it up or jest let it go.
  9. O

    Has any President since Lincoln ever referred to any legal American

    voters as "enemies" before 0bama?… As a matter of fact, I do not follow Glenn Beck, however, when I searched to find a video clip of 0bama saying EXACTLY what he said, up popped Glenn's site, I didn't read what Beck said, only listened to the Prez. You...
  10. M

    Who are the Gods referred to in King Lear?

    Who are the Gods that are always being referred to in King Lear?
  11. G

    Google Street View investigation referred back to Privacy Commissioner

    New Zealand Police has referred the matter of data collection from Wi-Fi networks by Google Street View back to the office of the Privacy Commissioner.
  12. T

    Trivia. Archie Moore referred to this opponent as being slick as lard and...

    ...twice as greasy. Who is he? 1st correct answer gets the points
  13. N

    Do you think that God is male? (God is referred to as male in the Semitic religions)?

    Im sure many will get fired up and defend the sex of God.. for some odd reason. What do people think? (I personally do not believe that God or the higher being the lifeforce has a sex.. life and creation has no sex or gender)
  14. M

    A historian who referred to Christians as "atheists"?

    Sounds odd, but it's not an offensive question. Trust me. Okay, I was reading an ancient historian's (probably 1st-2nd century A.D.) book at the library, I believe it was a Roman historian, but I'm not sure. I was wondering if anyone knew off the top of their head who it was. In his writings...
  15. C

    Are the residents of the Philippines referred to as Philippinos or is it...

    ...spelled with an F? I was told when referring to people it is spelled differently than the country.
  16. S

    Should generation be referred to as generation whine?

    I have this as a debate topic and I need some negative points. Any help would be great, thanks.
  17. S

    Should generation Y be referred to as generation whine?

    I need negative arguments for this topic. any help would be great, thanks.
  18. B

    Why are BMW M3's referred to as e90,91,92,e36, etc...?

    I can't find any info why. Is that just for the M3 or other cars too?