
  1. A

    can i have references on cheap website tours for europe?

    i am looking forward in going to paris this coming month. i am a student and i am looking for those nice and steamy summer travel promotions that students often talk about - anyone recommend me a good website :) i live in germany p.s anyone recommend me another nice european city apart from...
  2. K

    We need references, our study is all about Humor used in Advertisement/...

    ...humor in ad. Thanks. help us please.? Hello people of the world we need help. We are currently working on our thesis. We need references (local studies) like books, thesis, and etc. Our study is all about Humor used in Advertisement, we are studying at how humor advertisement produces...
  3. P

    Can you explain the battle of the Bulge to me? references to modernity and

    humour appreciated? kiss ya back you errant penguin
  4. C

    Does anyone have any funny pop culture references from the past few years?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Funniest answer gets Best Answer
  5. H

    What citation style in Word 2007 puts in in-text references like [1]?

    Thanks =)
  6. A

    VeggieTales movies that don't make references to God?

    My nephew loves the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything VeggieTales movie. I would like to get some of the other movies for him to watch, but in keeping with my brothers wishes, don't want to get any of the "Christian" movies, as that is not their religion. Does anyone know if any of the other...
  7. B

    what are some literary references to the battle of balaclava?

    I am writing a research paper and I would like to include some literary references not including "The Charge of the Light Brigade"
  8. A

    does the navy ask your references if you've smoked weed?

    i am joining the navy but dont know weather to tell my recruiter that i have tried weed a few times. (last time was a few months ago and i dont want to again.) on some of the papers i am to fill out it has three personal references, will they call these people and ask if i have done anything ie...
  9. T

    References of ares in mordern music?

    I am doing a greek myth project on ares and i need some music for the modern references part
  10. C

    Food references by Edgar Allan Poe?

    I have to plan a meal celebrating an occasion based on Poe. (His stories, and popular food for the time) The party is taking place in 1910, roughly 60 years after he died. For example I'm doing crickets or something for "The Gold Bug." And Amontillado for the beverage from the "Cask of...
  11. R

    movie references involving bells?

    like wedding bells symbolic to a movie
  12. E

    Avatar: The Last Airbender - Aussie References?

    Just a little question. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, what's with the Aussie stuff like the Boomerang and Aussie animals? I tried searching around and read one thing about there being 2 different shows. One for Americans and one for Australians? I haven't seen any of the Americans version - The...
  13. M

    <!-- My T-Mobile hosted js references Note: Path should be configurable in...

    ...your code! -->? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns=""> <head> <title>My T-Mobile</title> <!-- prdebl002-03 --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"...
  14. I

    Where have you seen anime references in non-anime shows?

    On "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" the 16 000$ question in one episode was "What color is Pikachu?" The guy didn't watch anime (and I suppose over 99% of adults don't either) so he had to phone a friend who gave him the right answer.
  15. B is there an android for dummies...that references how to use the

    applications? I had the palm for such a long time and switched over to the Android platform...and now some of the simplest things are hard to discover and the user hand book is a joke...HELP!
  16. N

    What is the pH of cat faeces and dog faeces? Please provide references

    to your answer.? I need to know this for my year 11 chemistry report about water quality and how runoff (namely pet faeces) affects it. Please provide a source or a reference for your answer, as I will need to reference it in my report. Thank-you! :D
  17. J

    Why do so many Christian argument responses include scripture references?

    can't you think for yourselves? @Wisdom I thought the bible WAS sexist, and racist, and genocidal, and infanticide, and slave hoarding...
  18. J

    REFINED: Why do so many Christian argument responses include scripture references?

    Okay, how about this. Why are scripture references included in an argument about the psychological necessity of deities, or of the history of religion, or in a question of the integrity and origin of the Bible?
  19. M

    Can a joke still be funny without the references to hair colour?

    Here are two jokes that I've modified - Joke Number One - Person A walks into a bar around 9:58 pm. She sits down at the bar next to Person B and stares up at the TV. The 10 pm news was on. The news crew was covering a story of a man on a ledge of a tall building preparing to jump. Person A...
  20. M

    Can a joke still be funny without the references to hair colour?

    Here are two jokes that I've modified - Joke Number One - Person A walks into a bar around 9:58 pm. She sits down at the bar next to Person B and stares up at the TV. The 10 pm news was on. The news crew was covering a story of a man on a ledge of a tall building preparing to jump. Person A...