
  1. A

    Why is my mobile no. not being recognized while registering for Sony

    Ericsson playnow-arena? I am from India.While signing up, when I am putting my mobile no, error is shown that "Invalid phone number. Please remember the country code" though I am putting the country code before my mobile no. i.e. +919428998888. Plz help me
  2. K

    My Cd/DVD drive is not recognized on my pc?

    My Pioneer DVR-117d is not recognized on my pc, i can see it in the boot but i cant see it in my computer and it isn't even installed onto my computer,( through device manager). Need help asap My Pioneer DVR-117d is not recognized on my pc, i can see it in the boot but i cant see it in my...
  3. T

    Gokhan Hotamisligil, Recognized Metabolic Disease Expert And HSPH Professor, To Recei

    Gökhan Hotamisligil, the J.S. Simmons Professor of Genetics and Metabolism and chair of the Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), will receive the prestigious Wertheimer Award from the International Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO)...
  4. L

    How the hell can i fully reset my comp when my DVD drive isn't being recognized!?

    Ok. Here's the problem. My DVD drive just disappeared. Ive tried NUMEROUS attempts at trying to fix it. But no. It is recognized on device manager which says its "working properly" but its not seen on the control panel. I have a boot disc that im TRYING to use to fully reset this effing thing...
  5. H

    How can I initialize a hard drive not being recognized by Disk Management?

    I have an 80GB hard drive off an Ipod Classic, it's a Toshiba MK8022GAA. I had no use for the Ipod and I needed more storage so I bought an enclosure for it on Ebay, before purchasing it I asked ALL sellers if it was compatible with the specific drive, and I bought one that corresponded to the...
  6. E

    Samsung YP-K3 MP3 Player isn't recognized by my computer!?

    I lost the charger for my mp3 player a while back and just recently bought a new one from Samsung. It looks different than my older one and it'll charge the mp3 player but nothing recognizes it. Also, the green arrow on the charger is always red. I've tried installing Samsung Media Studio but...
  7. C

    My CD/DVD drive is not recognized?

    I have an acer aspire 4520 laptop and my CD/DVD drive is not recoginzed and there are no upper or lower filters in the registry and there is no cd drive listed in the device controls. How do I get it to work?
  8. T

    Sims 2 disc not recognized by DVD drive?

    OK, so I've had the Sims 2 game with the University expansion for a few years. Last year I got a new Gateway Laptop with Vista as the OS, and put the game and expansion on it, ran it in compatibility for Windows XP, and it ran fine for a few months (a few problems and conflicts, but nothing...
  9. D

    DVD drive not recognized, after flashing firmware?

    My LG drive which was SUPPOSED to write to DVD's would not, so I went in search of answers why. I read some advice to update the firmware. I did that and I screwed it up, windows can not find it and neither can the program from Hitachi / LG anymore, when I tried desperately to downgrade the...
  10. N

    My Samsung Rant cant be recognized by my pc even though i press connect

    to pc on my Rant? Well ever since I got my phone it worked perfectly but just recently it would not connect to my pc and my pc said "device not recognized" and my phone said "please connect USB cable" and if was firmly in, and it still wont work so i really need your guy's help.
  11. L

    When i connect my samsung rant to my MAC it is not recognized by my computer....

    ...How can I fix this issue? I have a MAC and when I connect my Samsung rant to my Mac it wont recognize it. Help.
  12. billd

    How do I bypass an internet filter without using a website that is recognized as...

    ...a "Proxy Avoidance" website? I have read answers to similar questions, and they suggest going to websites like, or using vtunnel. My filter recognizes these as "Proxy Avoidance" websites, and blocks them. So how do I get around the filter without it knowing what I'm doing?
  13. A

    Mbox 2 isn't recognized on my Mac. HELP?

    I have a Mac Book Pro OSx. I have the Mbox 2 Pro and Protools 7 LE. I reinstalled Protools to make it work. It made things worse. Now the Mbox isnt recognized. I get the yellow power light when it is connected with the fire wire to my Mac, but the rest of the lights don't turn on. It won't...
  14. M

    Ipod Corruption, can't be recognized by computer, and will not charge?

    Okay, I have an ipod, and I have it since December of 2007. All of the sudden in the last couple months, its has been driving me insane. My sister lost my original charger chord to the Ipod (which is 80G Ipod Video Classic), and so I have been using the USB chord for powering the ipod, meaning...
  15. B

    How come my TI-84 Plus is not recognized by my computer?

    I have everything installed like TIConnect and i followed all TI Device Explorer with the black cable firmly connected between my calc and comp. what can be fixed?
  16. M

    SURVEY: If You Won An Award For Being Most Famous (As In Recognized) On The...

    ...Internet, How Would You React? I'd say it would be time for me to get a damn life -_-
  17. T

    Ipod Touch not being recognized by Itunes...(Mac)?

    My dad just redid the hard drive on our family computer, and now iTunes won't acknowledge my iPod Touch. The rest of the computer does, and I know because iPhoto opens up because I have saved photos on my iPod that it wants to upload. I've gone to the apple website, searched all over the web...
  18. I

    What is the Largest Number, other than Infinity, Recognized by Mathematicians?

    Is that for the opposite as a negative number?
  19. J

    why is my Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic being recognized as a camera when i plug it into

    my computer? I don't know why it keeps doing this.when the window comes up it has the title of my phones name but then it has like word thing and camera wizard stuff i don't know what to do i just want to upload more music to my phone. any help will be appreciated 10 points the the best answer
  20. O

    Songs are not recognized on my Ipod?

    I have an 8GB Ipod Nano and when I put my songs in there using Windows MP or RealPlayer, the computer says they are in there but when I look in the Ipod, they are not. The memory is taken up but no songs are there. I used iTunes and that works, but it only syncs a fraction of my songs (227 out...