
  1. E

    can i use higher current rated mobile charger?

    My scanner adapter rating is 1.25 mA, but the one available is 2 mA rating. The normal electrical logic says the latter should be even better as it has higher current capacity. But is this true?
  2. E

    can i use higher current rated mobile charger?

    My scanner adapter rating is 1.25 mA, but the one available is 2 mA rating. The normal electrical logic says the latter should be even better as it has higher current capacity. But is this true?
  3. J

    My honda civic radiator cap is rated 1.1bar.Can I use any radiator cap with the...

    ...same pressure rating? or do I have to use a genuine honda OEM radiator cap?
  4. M

    If kids under 18 want to see an R rated movie.....?

    can their parents go to where they buy the tickets and tell them that they have permission and then go to another movie then them?
  5. R

    What are these players rated in FIFA 09?

    Reina, Arbeloa, Aurelio, Hyypia, Lucas Lieva, Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres, Kuyt, Babel, Benayoun, Riera,
  6. W

    How come i can tdownload rated M games on xbox live?

    Ok, iv'e looked into it a little bit. (just on Y!A) and ive seen answers saying "if you put in your real birthdate you cant change it." Is there any way i can change it at all? because i tried to download a demo earlier today and it said i cant cuz of something in the parental settings. And...
  7. B

    why is "the last house on the left" rated R?

    Im going to c it friday and want to kno y
  8. D

    Identical SUV Engines Are Rated Different?

    Hi There, Can anyone tell why the 2008 Mazda Tribute and the 2008 Ford Escape's engine reliabilty on Edmonds.com are rated different? They both have the same engine. The reliabilty of the Ford Escape rated much higher. Thank you...
  9. N

    how can i lower the graphic content of rated M ps3 games?

    my mom doesnt want me playing rated M games but i think i can convince her somehow to let me get a ps3 game called assassins creed or resistence something rated M ( mature ) because all the good game are rated M i want to know what games let you go in at the settings of the main page when you...
  10. L

    Can I watch an R rated movie without an adult if they just paid for the ticket?

    I know this may be a stupid question but tomorrow I'm planning on watching Watchmen with my friends. We're all 16 and I'm asking my dad to pay for our tickets. If he just buys them, can we enter the actual theater with the tickets? Or will they stop us outside the room because we're underage?
  11. R

    What is the best rated bluetooth for the price & quality?

    I am looking to purchase a bluetooth between $20-45. I am hearing different viewpoints on which is the best brand/model for the quality and price. Can anyone help me? I am thinking about buying a Jabra BT-8040 or a Aliph Jawbone Bluetooth Headset but, I heard they can be very uncomfortable -...
  12. J

    A chillers compressors are rated at 359 amps, but the electrician...

    ...installed a 600 amp breaker... I assume thi? A chillers compressors are rated at 359 amps, but the electrician installed a 600 amp breaker... I assume this needs to be changed, just want to know if there is a recommended breaker size
  13. L

    If you plug an electric toaster rated at 110-V outlet, current in the toaster...

    ...will be? a more than twice what it should be b half of what it should be c twice what it should be d the same as if it were plugged into a 110-V 220-V outlet, sorry!
  14. S

    who is the most over rated female celebrity?

    And who is your favourite under rated one? There are so many I cant decide. Angelina Jolie is a bit over rated, because shes had surgery. Are there any natural beauty's anymore? Is there anyone that you think is 'deserved' of their adoration ?
  15. D

    best rated GPS devices?

    Who has a good rating system for GPS devices
  16. O

    Why is the game "Bionic Commando" on Xbox Live Arcade rated "M" for 17 or older?

    Why is the game "Bionic Commando" on Xbox Live Arcade rated "M" for 17 or older? I'm 56 years old, and I've been a gamer gamer since Pong. I own many game systems and I'm knowledgeable about the whole thing. This particular game is a remake of an old game that came out on the 8 bit Nintendo...
  17. T

    What celebrity do you think is under rated?

    I think Ben stiller he is extremely talented and funny.Much funnier than chris rock but everyone makes a big deal out of him.
  18. S

    good ps2 game rated t or ya know cant be m?

    ill have 20 bucks i was thinking bout getting Rampage : Total Destruction but idk any sugjestiosn on some good games?(i llike action and fighting alot some shooters and scary games ^.//)
  19. B

    can 14 year olds get into rated r movies?

    okay so this friday me & some friends wanna go watch friday the 13th do they let kids go in? ive also heard that if you go before 7 to watch it you can go in is it true. thanxs :))
  20. A

    What does 2.4 ghz performance rated at 5.4 ghz mean?

    I went to System Requirements Lab and thats what it said for me. What does it mean by performance rated? Can i overclock up to 5.4?