
  1. V

    EveryDad: Ranting About “Tweens”

    [No message]
  2. J

    Do you think people enjoy ranting on Yahoo?

    Or are they just that desperate to find someone who agrees with them? I'd give some examples but I have better things to do then rant.
  3. I

    GS: Would any of you consider this ranting?

    Feminism is essentially the rambling doctrine of uneducated people. This doctrine is neither cogent nor sound. Feminism often makes up statistics and etymology so that it makes men historically sound bad. Feminist doctrine is flat out wrong and any educated person who can think for him/her self...
  4. M

    Why are people always ranting on facebook?

    All people seem to want to do these days is pontificate and rant & push political agendas on facebook. Its annoying; i feel like unfriending the lot of them. Ranting and raving; I'm shocked people are such hot heads all the time! Why do they rant so much?
  5. N

    Why are Atheists so keen on ranting here over something they think is meaningless?

    The atheists say their life is fine without God so shouldn't the topic be irrelevant for them? If so, why do they come here everyday with their usual rants? It's not like raving about your precious science is going to change a person who truely loves the Lord.
  6. I

    JW's please help me understand what this JW is ranting about?

    In an answer to a question here a JW supplied an answer that I copied and pasted his words, word for word as part of my answer. This JW later told me I was putting words in his mouth by copying and pasting the words he used. After telling the JW that I only copied and pasted his words and even...
  7. H

    Why are liberals still ranting about Ryan's budget proposals?

    1) It is not up for a vote. It will never be law. It was only a suggestion. 2) It mirrors Obamacare in most ways (which libs claim to love). 3) It was a bipartisan proposal, written by democrats as well. 4) Their biggest complaint about is about Medicare, but Obama pulls $716 billion from...
  8. G

    WHY-does rough & tough Rush Limbaugh apologize for his ranting regarding

    Sandra Fluke, isn't he always right ? first he looses sponsors then he apologizes is he getting soft so the right needs a new attack monkey?
  9. T

    any new video sharing sites worth visiting?...and general ranting about the

    internet.? ok, i am bored with you tube... are there any other video sharing sites like you tube used to be? I am so-ooooooooooooooooo tired of being 'followed' and quietly market-researched and then targeted by you tubes and googles and yahoos and everyone elses user-specific advertising. at...
  10. K

    I'm ranting a little bit here. I'm just not really sure how to feel right now?

    I'm a junior in high school. My entire life I've been the "smart" one in my family, and have always made As and Bs in school. My parents have flat out told me that I'm either going into the medical or law field, and I'm planning on going to pharmacy school. I have my entire life already planned...
  11. J

    What do you think are the chances that the racist, Arizona girls ranting about...

    ...Mexicans are Republicans? and what do you think the consequences for publishing this clip on youtube should be? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE8RFtsLI6o
  12. P

    I just feel like ranting?

    Now add a little more detail, it says. Jeez, how do I start. My name's Parker, and I'm typically a fun guy to be around. Well, I USED to be. I don't know what happened to me. I don't have energy to be fun anymore. I exercise on a regular basis. I'm 14, and almost 15. When I talk, people just...
  13. I

    Why aren't GOPers ranting about Newt being a draft dodger too like Cheney...

    ...and Limbaugh and the rest? They are always ranting about some "dem/lib" not ever being in the military as if that it suppose to mean doodly squat pfft. And another thing, neither chick Bachmann or Palin has ever seen the inside of a boot camp or military base unless they were visiting one...
  14. R

    Why is it that UFO's aren't taken seriously? NO RANTING ANSWERS.....?

    UFO's -----> unidentified flying object The term itself doesn't imply origin. That being said, this is a very real phenomena... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Dylp6jr_sY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_09AQClOIQ just a couple of good examples. Anyways, even though some UFO's are hoaxes...
  15. K

    Can ranting be considered a talent?

    I've noticed there are MORE and MORE people posting videos on YouTube ranting about random everyday things/issues. Vote: do you consider ranting a "talent"?
  16. I

    How to stop ranting at my ex-girlfriend?

    My ex-girlfriend left me for someone else a couple of months ago and it really messed me up. I've tried to kill myself several times and cut myself a lot (something I would of never even have dreamed of doing before). Since then, every time I see or talk to her, something just snaps inside. I...
  17. D

    do you hate ranting religious nuts?

    I know i do. I can understand that you love your faith and i respect that, but you will not shove it in my face. I can promise you that. But whats your opinion and atheists and in a way i guess i am i'm really just bored and want your opinion, plus its fun to watch the religious nuts freak the...
  18. B

    Ranting: I am so confused..?

    (Just to letcha know beforehand, the reason this is is LGBT is because im a lesbian and you guys give the best help on Yahoo Answers.) Okay so m older sister who is 22 has been with her boyfriend for almost 4 years now and they have a 2 month old baby girl, they seem like the perfect couple...
  19. O

    Would you attend Rev Wrights Ranting Yelling Hateful Sermons for 20 straight Years?

    No wonder Rev Wright was so mean and angry, Obama treated him like a Uncle and influenced Rev Wright for 20 years! look at all the angry mean people Obama has developed in only 3 years time already- OWS protesters!
  20. C

    What is a good name for a youtube channel for 2 girls ranting?

    Well my friend and I want to rant about our high school on youtube but we need an amazing username so any ideas are welcome (within reason) :D