
  1. T

    Hundreds Of Random Mutations In Leukemia Linked To Aging, Not Cancer

    Hundreds of mutations exist in leukemia cells at the time of diagnosis, but nearly all occur randomly as a part of normal aging and are not related to cancer, new research shows. Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that even in healthy people, stem...
  2. Y

    Random survey/poll time?

    Dark or milk chocolate rap or rock sports or art math or english cute or hot ps3 or xbox
  3. B

    Survey: A random one...?

    Here you go people :) 1. What is your least favorite color? 2. What movie do you wish to never see again? 3. What were you obsessed with as a little kid? 4. Have you ever met anyone famous? 5. How old were you when you had your first crush? 6. Do you have any scars? 7. What's the worst gift...
  4. R

    Spiritually speaking, is this video random enough to be funny?

  5. R

    Is this video random enough to be funny?

  6. Z

    Just a weird and random thought lol.. why do people get so excited over

    something that doesnt last? Think of a planned out holiday for example. Yeah, its all good fun at the time, but the sad and truthful reality is that it DOESNT LAST.. Obviously its going to end at some point. I cant help but look past that. What do you think? Lol
  7. B

    Survey: A random one...?

    And another :D 1. Has your mom (or relative) shown any friends or boyfriends/girlfriends embarrassing pictures of you as a baby? 2. If you were to go to Disney, what is one character you just haaave to get your picture with? 3. What is the strangest movie you ever saw? 4. Do you like or hate 3D...
  8. A

    Random acts of kindness with: Mario Balotelli

    How has your week been, Mario? So-so. Man City only managed a draw at Stoke. I didn't score. Roberto Mancini is frustrated with me. I rediscovered the value of silent meditation. I intruded on Inter's press conference and I helped a depressed young boy. Wow, how did that last one happen? It's...
  9. L

    Poll: Should I blow a bunch of points and ask random, pointless questions?

    Like I did last night? Or no? Up to you people. BQ: How are you doing? :) Lbee
  10. J

    Random Clicking noise on my computer?

    Every now and then when I'm using my computer I randomly hear that particular sound when you click a link on Internet Explorer. It sometimes happens at every 15-30 minutes but I haven't really figured out the time interval pattern. I don't get any popups or anything though so I'm not sure if...
  11. J

    do you believe in life signs... like that subtle random things are signs...

    ...telling you about your future..? ...or where you should go in life?
  12. L

    Are there any apps that will let me just chat with random people?

    Like I don't have to make a profile and I can say whatever I want.
  13. B

    browser keeps browsing to random sites?

    My friends ASUS laptop running windows 7 premium and internet explorer acts weird. Every once in a while, if I click on a link on a webpage (not porn mind you - but any given webpage, even facebook) the browser will resolve at some completely random shopping site or something like that. The...
  14. B

    browser keeps browsing to random sites?

    My friends ASUS laptop running windows 7 premium and internet explorer acts weird. Every once in a while, if I click on a link on a webpage (not porn mind you - but any given webpage, even facebook) the browser will resolve at some completely random shopping site or something like that. The...
  15. L

    A random person is ringing my bell...?

    for some reason this guy has been ringing my bell for the last two days. last night at 10.15pm and today at 12.30 his always holding the same drink. and wears a hoody over his head. what shall I do.,...? i would'ave called the police but my mum and sisters say to leave it and see if he does it...
  16. M

    R&P...Mr Tambourine Man's mostly random 'because I'm bored' lyric

    question/quiz thingy? Can you fill in the blanks for the below lyrics, name the song and artist as well if you want to make yourself look extra special... 1. Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis, Pumped a lot of pain down in New Orleans But I never saw the ____ ____ __ ___ ____, 'Til I hitched...
  17. J

    PORTUGUESE speakers, please translate this random statement :) xx?

    Okay, so, how would I say ' I'm sorry I called you a dish washer. ' Slightly random, I know, but my Brazilian friend needs to be told in his mother tongue as well. Thank you kindly :)
  18. S

    sharp random pains under my chest?

    ive been sick this past week. I have been coughing a little but not to much. For the past couple of days ill get like 6 sharp pains a mintue apart from eachother underneath my breasts. It happens randomly threw out the day. Im thinking that maybe my abdomen is brusied somewhere. I thought it...
  19. M

    funny youtube vloggers that rant about random shiz?

    Does anyone know any youtube vloggers that just rant about things that piss them or typical everyday things.. examples of vloggers I love -JennaMarbles -Gradualreport -NigaHiga -Jaackmaate
  20. D

    Random Hockey Survey? (20 Characters)?

    1. Favorite players on this years Red Wings? 2. What do you think people should do to prevent concussions & other head injuries in the NHL? 3. What does everyone think about Ryan Miller get ran over during his first game back after getting a concussion from Milan Lucic...