
  1. G

    Rand Paul Rally Head Smasher was Local Campaign Coordinator

    The man who stomped on the head of a woman at a Rand Paul campaign event has been identified, and it is a person close to Paul and involved in the campaign. He was one of several campaign workers who seemingly premeditated the attack, part of which was recently caught on videotape...
  2. T

    Hugh's Injured, But Hilary And Dee Rally 1,800 Alzheimer's Society Runners In The Bup

    'Outnumbered' actor and comedian, Hugh Dennis, looked on glumly yesterday as Alzheimer's Society supporter and football legend Lawrie McMenemy started the 21st Bupa Great South Run in Portsmouth. Hugh's injured, but Hilary and Dee rally 1,800 Alzheimer's Society runners in the Bupa Great South...
  3. F

    Did more people attend the Beck rally or the communist rally, each held at

    the Lincoln Memorial? http://cpusa.org/oct-2-one-nation-rally-calls-for-jobs/
  4. B

    Why was the lefts DC rally, socialist, communist and union thugs?

    You all keep saying 0bama is American I did not see one Real American there at there nasty party. Omission Watch: Communist, Socialist 'Partners' of One Nation Protest Left Out of News Accounts Read more...
  5. G

    Why do leftists suddenly claim they don't care about rally turnout, after...

    ...they ranted about Beck's turnout? After the disappointing turnout for today's Desperate Democrat rally in the same place as the Beck rally, why are liberals suddenly pretending rally turnout doesn't mean anything, even though they ranted for days about the turnout at Beck's rally?
  6. L

    Why was the Liberal rally in DC so lame today and why the low turnout?

    With over 400 organizations, labor unions, Leftist TV stars and even the President begging people to counter one man's rally- Glenn Beck they could only get about half of Beck's turnout. Why is this so? The AP reported that the crowd today was much much smaller than Beck's...
  7. L

    Why was the Liberal rally in DC so lame today and why the low turnout?

    With over 400 organizations, labor unions, Leftist TV stars and even the President begging people to counter one man's rally- Glenn Beck they could only get about half of Beck's turnout. Why is this so? The AP reported that the crowd today was much much smaller than Beck's...
  8. K

    huffington post providing free buses from NY to DC for Rally to restore Sanity?

    where can i find out more about this? i'm very interested in dates/times, etc.
  9. K

    John Stewart - Stephen Colbert Rally in DC - What signs should I make?

    I'm going to the John Stewart and Stephen Colbert rally in DC this October. We don't know what to put on signs. What are your suggestions to put on rally signs? Sarcasm is always a winner with me. Also, Equality means a great deal to me, so something with that would be good, too. Thanks.
  10. P

    Why Would Harry Reid show up green rally in 12 SUVS--Yukons? What was he trying to

    say? Harry reid shows up for a 'green energy' rally with dozens of yukon SUVs in tow. Does this show americans how stupid the Congress members are who CLAIM for political clout to support green like Gore who lives in 9k square foot energy hog house--and now reid showing up in the biggest gas...
  11. B

    Is there really a Nazi Party rally in Washington DC today?

    I heard this on the news. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYsLF2PDopc
  12. B

    How many copies of the Turner Diaries were sold at Glenn Beck's recent rally?

    Does anyone know how many copies of the Turner Diaries were sold at Glenn Beck's recent Rally at the Lincoln Memorial? I've heard some amazing estimates that run into the 10's of thousands. Also how many copies of Todd Palin's Turner Diary Study Guide were sold?
  13. G

    Colin McRae Rally 2005 USA XBOXDVD-USA

    Category: Console-XBox Size: 1.79 GB Files: 46 (10 pars) Group: a.b.games.xbox .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/244049.asp Posted: Mon September 6th 08:41:39 UTC Download NZB
  14. G

    Colin McRae Rally 04 USA XBOXDVD-CONSOLE

    Category: Console-XBox Size: 1.23 GB Files: 36 (10 pars) Group: a.b.games.xbox .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/241492.asp Posted: Mon September 6th 05:16:25 UTC Download NZB
  15. L

    Obama eligibility rally October 23rd, 2010 in Washington DC. Will you be attending?

    Whether he's eligible or not is irrelevant, there are over $2TRILLION other things to criticize.....no, I won't be there.
  16. N

    rally cheer for class of 2012?

    rhyming words
  17. M

    Why did Al Sharpton's rally yell and rant about Glenn Beck's rally?

    When Al is a reverend and Glenn Beck only spoke about bringing god and honor back into the American mindset? Why were Al and his speakers so angry at the whole Glenn Beck rally? It wasn't political, it was about honoring our military men and women, being the best human being you can possibly...
  18. M

    Do you know which restaurant parking lot the Kieth Olberman rally will be held?

    I've been trying to find it online.
  19. M

    Do you know which restaurant parking lot the Kieth Olberman rally will be held?

    I've been trying to find it online.
  20. M

    Do you know which restaurant parking lot the Kieth Olberman rally will be held?

    I've been trying to find it online.