
  1. A

    Do people still play online (xbox live) Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Online?

    I am thinking about getting Rainbow Six Vegas 2. I am was just wondering if i was to play online will it be easy to find people to play with. I dont want it to be like halo sometime where you wait 7 mins for a game. Thanks
  2. N

    How can I find out about Rainbow Bikes.?

    I have a bike brand named rainbow. I can not find any information about it at all on the net. Is this an obsolete bike brand. If not where can I find out what model this is?
  3. S

    I cant afford a rainbow, but I seen the shark euro pro...is it any good?

    I used to have a rainbow but the x got it in the divorce. I have a crapy vacuum that sucks (no pun intended). Does anyone out there have the shark europro water filtration vacuum, and if so are you happy with it?
  4. N

    Rainbow Colored Circle On Iphone?

    Hi i recently got a iphone 3g and near the bottom of my screen there is a rainbow colored circle apple care dont wanna fix it! Even for money! Do any of you guys now how to fix it!
  5. M

    Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas Unleashed

    Name: Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas Unleashed Category: Games: PC Size: 5594.21MB Added: 2009-02-19 18:55:30
  6. G

    Tom Clancys Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow PAL MULTI5 XBOXDVD-MRN

    Category: Console-XBox Size: 1.86 GB Files: 49 (11 pars) Group: a.b.games.xbox .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sat February 14th 09:35:26 UTC Download NZB
  7. H

    can i get a rainbow shark?and what other fish can i get?

    i have a 30 gallon with only 2 albino cory and an angelfish in there. i was thinking about getting a rainbow shark but will it eventully kill my angelfish?and what other fish can i have.i dont like small fish like neons. just too small. or can i get 3 more angel and 1 rainbow shark?
  8. S

    why does each religion have a different explanation for the Rainbow?

    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=n9T&q=rainbow+myths&btnG=Search ...everything from a giant bow that shoots lightning bolts to a bridge that the gods can walk on but my favorite is ...if you walk under a rainbow, you will change genders
  9. P

    How do you Play 3 player on terrorist hunt locally on Rainbow six Vegas 2?

    I need to figure this out cause on the back of the case it says 2-4 players so help me out on the case it says you can play a co-op game with 1 other player or a terrorist hunt co-op with up to 3 friends
  10. B

    Rainbow Shark, I bought a Rainbow Shark and all it does is hides can anyone help?

    I bought this Rainbow Shark a few days ago and I put it in my 20-30 gal tank with Zebra Danios, Red Platies, Guppies and a few small Tetras. I have this temple shaped decor which the rainbow shark loves to hide in all day, I was wondering if its tankmates may cause problems and if it is ok for...
  11. M

    can cichlids go with australian rainbow fish?

    hi i have a 56 gallon tank full of plants and rocks. well i have 3 australian rainbow fish. i really wanted to get some cichlids. some people say cichlids do ok with australians. is that true and what kind of cichlids go ok with them. btw the tank is cycled and everything i have had it for a...
  12. T

    80's movie containing a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

    Hi Hopefully someone can help... When I was a kid in the 80's I saw a film about 2 kids (a boy & a girl) who go looking for a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The adventure takes them to a very colourful town where I'm sure there are unicorns and the like? I've been racking my brains...
  13. D

    I have a Sony Ericsson w580i and my screen turns rainbow then black. What can I...

    ...do to fix this problem? I only got it in august of 08 and iv only dropped it twice. ( not from a high height).
  14. T

    Can you check to see what your objective is on Rainbow Six Vegas part one (XBOX 360)?

    I've been in the Red Lotus level for a long ass time and there's no objective arrow. Me and my guys killed everyone and now we're just walking around not really doing anything. Please don't answer if your just advertising some website.