
  1. J

    Who do i complain to about yahoo sports writer Jeff Passan being a racist?

    The only email link on his racist article about Dice K was his. Im sure he already knows hes a racist. Is thete a yahoo sports editior?
  2. A

    What are some funny racist jokes?

    I know some people might get offended, but I laugh at jokes about my race, and they are just creative and silly. So if you don't like this I am sorry, if you have a terrible joke let me hear it! (:
  3. G

    We are tired of blacks, negrahs, muslims, and hispanics calling us racist

    Tea party clarifies its position on race and racism. Not current, but increasingly relevant: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  4. D

    Is this joke that I heard racist?

    " Your more untouched than an Asians Indicator :D ... " It was something like that...
  5. J

    why do people always make racist jokes at my school?

    im black and theses kids always makes raccist jokes i think i might commint suicide if they dont stop
  6. H

    My friends are making racist jokes about me cuz i'm asian.?

    I don't know y two of my friends are making racist asian jokes about me. it's been happening for months now. At first my friend steven was really nice to me and just one day... he changes. He just decides that he could make fun about me just because i'm asian. Like oh.. you eat dogs.. and btw i...
  7. H

    My friends are making racist jokes about me cuz i'm asian.?

    I don't know y two of my friends are making racist asian jokes about me. it's been happening for months now. At first my friend steven was really nice to me and just one day... he changes. He just decides that he could make fun about me just because i'm asian. Like oh.. you eat dogs.. and btw i...
  8. H

    My friends are making racist jokes about me cuz i'm asian.?

    I don't know y two of my friends are making racist asian jokes about me. it's been happening for months now. At first my friend steven was really nice to me and just one day... he changes. He just decides that he could make fun about me just because i'm asian. Like oh.. you eat dogs.. and btw i...
  9. J

    why do people always make racist jokes at my school?

    im black and theses kids always makes raccist jokes i think i might commint suicide if they dont stop
  10. J

    why do people always make racist jokes at my school?

    im black and theses kids always makes raccist jokes i think i might commint suicide if they dont stop
  11. H

    My friends are making racist jokes about me cuz i'm asian.?

    I don't know y two of my friends are making racist asian jokes about me. it's been happening for months now. At first my friend steven was really nice to me and just one day... he changes. He just decides that he could make fun about me just because i'm asian. Like oh.. you eat dogs.. and btw i...
  12. Y

    Do you think the joke below is funny or racist?

    Q: What is a mexican without his lawn-mower? A: Unemployed!
  13. P

    Why do black people think its racist when you say a racist joke about them?

    but when they make a racist joke about anyone else its fine.
  14. L

    Have you seen UCLA's Alexandra Wallace's Racist Rant against Asians in the Library?

    After Alexandra's ridiculous You tube video , there have been a number of response videos This is my personal favourite response - ...... too funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO7jRTEiQy8&feature=related
  15. A

    .... aaron rogers just called someone racist....?

  16. R

    Is Niko Bonedisk a racist? I've heard the rumors, you've heard them.

    They must be true, Korn will not win!? The topic, go!
  17. M

    If president lincoln was not a racist what did he mean in this quote exactly?

    "I am not now, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social or political equality of the white and black races. I am not now nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor of intermarriages with white people...
  18. T

    Am I racist or do I unintentionally support racism if I find b-b-brotha from the...

    ...h-h-hood funny? I've always been a fan of satire comedy and black comedy ("black" here does not relate to race, search the term "black comedy"). That's why I always crack up when I read posts from b-b-brotha. Even thug just finds him funny. Is that wrong to find him funny? Btw, I am one...
  19. N

    Is it safe to say that racist trolls are actually geeks who come here to vent...

    ...their frustrations? These keyboard warriors actually think theyre tough. I mean seriously, these trolls are either: someone whos really boring (anyone who actually find trolling an entertainment must have a serious lack of entertaintment and a social life) or a geek who got bullied, and...
  20. B

    What are some really funny racist jokes?

    i'm not racist or anything, i especially like jokes about my own background but my sister and i were trying to think of some good ones.