
  1. N

    what do you think about the GNC wheybolic extreme 60 protein powder?

    i used to use cytosport cytogainer, and now i bought the GNC whebolic. what do you think of this powder? is it good and effective? thx.
  2. B

    why people outside sell protein cheaper than gnc is it fake or wat?

    i saw a lot of website selling protein all the protein are cheaper than gnc almost MYR100 i dunnoe i should have to buy at gnc or outside but i scared outside is the fake wan so can u all give me some idea to choose??Thx for helping me
  3. E

    Can I take Whey Protein if I'm going only to swim, without fitness?

    I go swimming 2-3 days a week, can I take whey protein in such case, before and after swimming ? Is the swimming going to be enough to make the protein effective and not to accumulate any fatness on my body? Because I guess the best would be to go to fitness, right? Also, shoud I take glutamine...
  4. T

    Process Leading To Protein Diversity In Cells Important For Proper Neuron Firing

    Cells have their own version of the cut-and-paste editing function called splicing. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have documented a novel form of splicing in the cytoplasm of a nerve cell, which dictates a special form of a potassium channel protein in the...
  5. T

    Lower Protein In Infant Formula Supports Growth Rate Similar To Breast Milk, New Stud

    Newly published findings indicate that infants fed a lower protein infant formula developed by Pfizer Nutrition gained weight at a similar rate to those who were breastfed,(1) according to a study published online in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Pfizer Nutrition has always...
  6. S

    when will the protein bars kick in?

    i have been taking protein bars for a week and i am 14 and have gained only 1 to 2 pounds. When will they really start to kick in?
  7. T

    Gnc whey protein vs BodyFortress Protein?

    Whats the difference am i getting the same ingredients or is it a cheap
  8. T

    Gnc whey protein vs BodyFortress Protein?

    Whats the difference am i getting the same ingredients or is it a cheap
  9. 5

    Discuss/diagram the process from gene to protein?

    How do we build a protein based on a sequence of DNA?
  10. 5

    Discuss/diagram the process from gene to protein?

    How do we build a protein based on a sequence of DNA?
  11. T

    Some People Control HIV Without Drugs Due To 5 Amino Acids In A Protein

    Tiny differences in five amino acids in HLA-B, a protein, are linked to whether people can control levels of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) with just their immune systems, an international team of researchers wrote in the journal Science. These small variants in the protein appear to alert...
  12. R

    why protein shakes nastey?

    i just go them today.tthey are nasty.IM TRYING TO GAIN FACE WEIGHT.THE ONLY REASON IM TAKING THEM.
  13. T

    BC Cancer Agency And Pfizer Oncology Scientists Identify The P-Cadherin Protein As A

    Scientists from the BC Cancer Agency and Pfizer Oncology have published the first results of their three-year research collaboration. The paper, published in the journal Modern Pathology, analyzed the expression of the P-cadherin protein in breast cancer. P-cadherin is involved in controlling...
  14. D

    Are the premier Nutrition Protein shakes good for a recovery drink?

    I do p90x after i drink this shake also should i drink it before i shower?
  15. M

    I just ate 8 protein bars??????????

    What is going to happen to me. I am a 140 pound female. Should i make myself throw up?
  16. J

    What do you think of Optimum Nutrition 100% whey protein powder?

    yea need a good mass gainer took nitro tech hardcore but i heard it was nothing but bull shit. i mean i had results. But there is better and cheaper out there. And nitro tech has high cholesterol and has creatine in it. and muscle milk has a lot of sugar so yea. . .after doing research and...
  17. T

    Is there any side effects for taking protein shakes like gaspari nutrition real mass?

    I just bought this protein today and i want to know if this protein make you fat or something. Because i want to gain muscle gain no fat gain. thank you
  18. H

    protein quality-nutrition class help?

    List and explain the factors that influence protein quality.
  19. A

    what does GNC soy protein do to your body if you workout?

    uhh? i been reading the label eh but i been starting to workout what does it really do?
  20. B

    does gnc protein ever go bad?

    while at school i went into the basement of my dorm and found a tub of gnc protein, i was told it was in the same spot for about a year and and when i checked it out nothing seemed wrong with it, seemed like the person only took a scoop or two, no moister in it and there was no experation date...