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    Progression Of Glioblastoma May Be Accelerated By Cytomegalovirus

    A virus that infects most Americans but that usually remains dormant in the body might speed the progression of an aggressive form of brain cancer when particular genes are shut off in tumor cells, new research shows. The animal study by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive...
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    How Metformin Prevents Aging And Cancer Progression

    University of Montreal researchers have discovered a novel molecular mechanism that can potentially slows the aging process and may prevent the progression of some cancers. In a recent online edition of the prestigious journal Aging Cell, scientists from the University of Montreal explain how...
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    Findings Offer A Better Understanding Of The Development And Progression Of Multiple

    Researchers from Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason (BRI) have found that proteins in the IL-6 signaling pathway may be leveraged as novel biomarkers of multiple sclerosis (MS) to gauge disease activity and as a target for new therapies. The research, which investigated how several...
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    Progression Of Parkinson's Disease Slowed And Symptoms Improved Over At Least A 2-Yea

    Treating Parkinson's disease patients with the experimental drug GM1 ganglioside improved symptoms and slowed their progression during a two and a half-year trial, Thomas Jefferson University researchers report in a new study published online in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences. Although...
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    In Patients With An Inactive NF2 Gene, Mesothelioma Drug Slows Disease Progression

    Preliminary findings from the first trial of a new drug for patients with mesothelioma show that it has some success in preventing the spread of the deadly disease in patients lacking an active tumour suppressor gene called NF2. The study is presented at the 24th EORTC-NCI-AACR [1] Symposium on...
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    Blood Tests Predict Level Of Enzymes That Facilitate Disease Progression In Atheroscl

    Predicting how atherosclerosis, osteoporosis or cancer will progress or respond to drugs in individual patients is difficult. In a new study, researchers took another step toward that goal by developing a technique able to predict from a blood sample the amount of cathepsins - protein-degrading...
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    AIDS Progression May Be Affected By Diverse Intestinal Viruses

    In monkeys and humans with AIDS, damage to the gastrointestinal tract is common, contributing to activation of the immune system, progressive immune deficiency, and ultimately advanced AIDS. How this gastric damage occurs has remained a mystery, but now researchers reporting in the Cell Press...
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    Targeting Dual Roles Of PARP-1 May Slow Cancer Growth And Progression

    A newly discovered function of PARP-1 could be the key to more effective therapeutics to treat advanced prostate cancer patients, a recent preclinical study published in Cancer Discovery by Jefferson's Kimmel Cancer Center researchers suggests. The team, led by Karen E. Knudsen, Ph.D., Professor...
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    Important Advance Towards Understanding The Mechanisms Of Colon Cancer Progression

    Researchers from IMIM, Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, have succeeded in determining the function of a new variant of enzyme IKKalpha (IKKα) to activate some of the genes taking part in the tumor progressions of colorectal cancer. In the future, this fact will make it possible to...
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    Researchers Find Potential Key To Halt Progression, Reverse Damage From Emphysema

    A study led by researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) has shown that a compound used in some skin creams may halt the progression of emphysema and reverse some of the damage caused by the disease. When the compound Gly-His-Lys (GHK) was applied to lung cells from patients...
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    Studying How Antimelanoma Immune Responses Develop During Disease Progression

    In many types of cancer, activated immune cells infiltrate the tumor and influence clinical outcome. It is not always clear where these cells are activated, but results reported in Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, indicate that in a subset of patients...
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    "Spaghetti Models" Of Cancer Progression Built To Fight Cancer

    Using mathematical models, researchers in the Integrated Mathematical Oncology (IMO) program at Moffitt Cancer Center are focusing their research on the interaction between the tumor and its microenvironment and the "selective forces" in that microenvironment that play a role in the growth and...
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    Improved Understanding Of Cancer Progression

    Researchers at the Hospital de Mar Research Institute (IMIM) have discovered that the protein LOXL2 has a function within the cell nucleus thus far unknown. They have also described a new chemical reaction of this protein on histone H3 that would be involved in gene silencing, one of which would...
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    Comparing Disease Progression Of MS Between Consumption And Non-Consumption Of Alcoho

    Patients with relapsing onset Multiple Sclerosis (MS) who consumed alcohol, wine, coffee and fish on a regular basis took four to seven years longer to reach the point where they needed a walking aid than people who never consumed them. However the study, published in the April issue of the...
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    Research Suggests New Pathways For Cancer Progression

    Observing that certain cancer cells may exhibit greater flexibility than normal cells, some scientists believe that this capability promotes rapid tumor growth. Now computer simulations developed by Boston University Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor Muhammad Zaman and collaborators at...
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    Researchers Slow Progression Of Huntington's Disease In Mouse Models

    Working with genetically engineered mice, Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered that a gene (SIRT1) linked to slowing the aging process in cells also appears to dramatically delay the onset of Huntington's disease (HD) and slow the progression of the relentless neurodegenerative disorder. HD...
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    Genetic Factors Can Predict The Progression Of Parkinson's Disease

    Parkinson's disease is marked by the abnormal accumulation of α-synuclein and the early loss of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra region of the brain. A polymorphism in the promotor of α-synuclein gene known as NACP-Rep1 has been implicated as a risk factor for the disease. Now...
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    A New Pioneer Factor Identified Underlying Progression In Breast Cancer

    The presence of a new pioneer factor, known as PBX1, can guide the response to estrogen in breast cancer cells according to researchers at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center in results published in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics. This research reveals that PBX1 alone can...
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    Antiviral Drugs May Slow Alzheimer's Progression

    Antiviral drugs used to target the herpes virus could be effective at slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD), a new study shows. The University of Manchester scientists have previously shown that the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) is a risk factor for Alzheimer's when it is...
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    Blood Tests May Hold Clues To Pace Of Alzheimer's Disease Progression

    A team of scientists, led by Johns Hopkins researchers, say they may have found a way to predict how quickly patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) will lose cognitive function by looking at ratios of two fatty compounds in their blood. The finding, they say, could provide useful information to...