
  1. B

    facebook privacy question?

    how do you set the privacy on facebook so that no one who isn't your friend can search for you? for example my mom, who i don't want spying on me or whatev. she's not my fb friend. how can i make sure she cant find me?
  2. K

    iPhone SMS privacy?!?

    Okay so I have a jailbroken iPhone 2g version 3.1.3 (I know, old) anyways, I hate how an SMS pops-up on my lockscreen and my dad is nosy so he reads it. Its a lockscreen right? So it should be secure. Is there a cydia app that blocks all pop-ups from appearing on my lockscreen? By the way, I...
  3. U


    The following message was sent to you via the IhAv.NET Contact Us form by Abdeli. -------------------------------- To whom it may concern: This site holds my identity, i demand straight immediate action on deleting this account/page for it has pictures and personal information on a minor, as...
  4. B

    Facebook won't let me edit my ALBUM PRIVACY?

    I have to photo albums in facebook, and the thing is, that when I first did those albums (about 5 months ago) then I hided those albums from about 150 people (custom).. And now when I try to edit the people that see the photos, add or delete, then I can't do it, it just reads "Loading...", but...
  5. C

    Torrent privacy in two different drives?

    I always wanted to use torrents but need privacy. I got a macbook and installed both osx and windows 7, decided to use torrents on windows drive. The question is: will my osx files be shared if I installed torrents only on windows? Another question is: if i extract the torrent and save to osx...
  6. G

    Privacy for sony ericsson?

    I am using a sony ericsson zylo. When a new sms arrive a pop up just comes as showing the new events and shows the senders name and the starting of the message. Is thr any way to lock it or add a little more privacy for it Not only the sms,if u can plz tell me to protect it fully,such as asking...
  7. G

    This Is How Germany Looks After the Google Street View Privacy Craze [Video]

    I understand people's fear of Google's power. Really, I understand their privacy concerns and fully share them. What I just don't understand is this stupidity about blurring houses in Germany's Street View. 240,000 houses have just been censored like this. More »
  8. H

    Privacy application for iphone that restricts the view to the person next to you ?

    ive heard about an app on the iphone which allows you to use your phone as normal... but while in use it will look off or not in use to the person next to you.. like a privacy screen/glass sort of thing.. does anyone know the name of this app please ?
  9. D

    Photobucket privacy and music. BA 10 pts?

    Hi, I recently created a photobucket account and I had an option to let other people view my uploads or just for myself. Due to lag whenever I go on photobucket I misclicked and chose the option to have everyone view it. Does anyone know how to change this and can you add music to your page...
  10. X

    Facebook privacy setting?

    -I have a friend list for my zynga friends. -I dont want my gf to see that im playing zynga games. -I want for my game such as mafia wars posts to be shown only to my zynga people and not my regular friends. -How do i set it up so that only my regular wall posts are visible to my regular...
  11. J

    How to change privacy settings in google sites?

    I made a form for people to contact me but after you have submitted it you can view previous entrys, I'm including names and addresses here so can't have strangers viewing other peoples details, how do I fix it
  12. G

    Why the Feds Want To Wiretap the Internet, and Why They Can't [Privacy]

    Here's today's jarring news from the NY Times: federal law enforcement and national security officials want to force companies like Facebook, Skype, and BlackBerry to let them wiretap your accounts. More »
  13. K

    Neopets isn't letting me accept the new privacy policy/terms of service?

    so I logged in, checked the box and hit submit, but then it won't load? The neopets header and all is there but where whatever should be on the screen after I accepted is just blank/gray. I don't think it's my computer either because the only thing running slow on it is neopets. Help please?
  14. R

    Privacy setting help on Facebook?!?

    How do you change the privacy set the little "about me" box right under your profile picture? I want to change the privacy setting of that
  15. G

    Google Street View investigation referred back to Privacy Commissioner

    New Zealand Police has referred the matter of data collection from Wi-Fi networks by Google Street View back to the office of the Privacy Commissioner.
  16. G

    The End of Privacy: Entire City to Track People With Public Eye Scanners [Privacy]

    Imagine a public eye scanner that can identify 50 people per minute, in motion. Now imagine that the government install these scanner systems all across an entire city. Or don't imagine it, because it's already happening, right now. More »
  17. I

    school gossip website..its hurting people and invading thier privacy?

    on formspring, which if you didnt know is like a gossip place where you have an account and people can annonomously ask you questions. anyways so someone at my school created an account for the school. its basically so people can ask to give bios of people and ask random gossip questions...
  18. K

    Privacy with Sprint android phone?

    Hey my dad just made the switch to Sprint. He got a family plan and we all got android smart phones with unlimited data/text and talk and stuff. My question is would he be able to get a hold of records of my txt messages and things I downloaded to my phone if he justs requests it from sprint...
  19. T

    HELP NEEDED! Iphone Privacy Concern- Rogers Network?

    Hello everyone, The case is as follows: Due to a personal matter, I was advised to change my cell phone number by the local police department. Within minutes, I have called Rogers Wireless and have done so. Question is: Can the person that had my previous number, find out my new number when...
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    Rite Aid Agrees To Pay $1 Million To Settle HIPAA Privacy Case

    Rite Aid Corporation and its 40 affiliated entities (RAC) have agreed to pay $1 million to settle potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today. In a coordinated...