
  1. R

    In response to the Confederacy taking control of Fort Sumter, President Lincoln?

    In response to the Confederacy taking control of Fort Sumter, President Lincoln A. Ignored the Confederacy's actions B. Ordered the bombing of the South Carolina capital C. Launched a full blown attack of the South D. Established a naval blockade around the Southern states
  2. A

    what kind of specific job did abraham lincoln have before he was president?

    im doing a powerpoint project and i was just wondering what jobs abraham lincoln has had before he became president..?
  3. P

    49ers President claims they take division?

    Today, the president of the 49ers stated they will take their division. Smart move, or stupid move?
  4. N

    Poll: Are you glad that Sarah Palin will be running for president in 2012, and why?
  5. K

    Which president is worse, Bush or Obama?

    Just curious to what you guys think
  6. K

    Which president is worse, Bush or Obama?

    Just curious to what you guys think
  7. K

    Was former President Ronald Reagan gay?

    A lot of the actors who stayed back in Hollywood instead of enlisting and going to fight during World War II were gay
  8. H

    How did John Wilkes Booth get past the President Lincoln armed gaurds. AT...

    ...Fords theater.? Have searched the net and seen many docs, but that detail is never addressed.
  9. T

    New RACGP President Takes The Reins At GP10, Australia

    Professor Claire Jackson will this afternoon officially take over from Dr Chris Mitchell as President of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). The change in leadership will occur at the Academic Session held at GP10, the RACGP and Australian Association of Practice...
  10. T

    L. D. Britt, MD, MPH, FACS, Installed As 91st President Of American College Of Surgeo

    L. D. Britt, MD, MPH, FACS, a general and acute care surgeon from Norfolk, VA, was installed as the 91st President of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) last night during Convocation ceremonies that preceded the official opening of the College's 2010 Annual Clinical Congress in Washington...
  11. T

    San Jose Physician Elected CMA President

    James Hinsdale, M.D., a San Jose trauma surgeon, took over as president of the California Medical Association on Sunday, as physicians elected new officers and voted on a wide array of medically related policies to guide the organization in the coming year. "No one in this state can deny that...
  12. T

    Canadian Psychiatrists Welcome Dr. Nizar Ladha As New Association President

    Dr. Nizar Ladha was inaugurated this weekend as president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) for 2010-2011. The exchange of office from Dr. Stan Yaren to Dr. Ladha took place at the CPA's 60th Annual General Meeting in Toronto, Ontario, September 23-26. A psychiatrist at the...
  13. G

    Léo Apotheker named CEO and President of HP

    Apotheker, who previously served as CEO of SAP, will also join HP's Board of Directors. The Board also elected Ray Lane, Managing Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, as a new member of the Board and designated him as non-executive Chairman.
  14. T

    Warwick Plunkett Re-Elected As PSA President, Australia

    Warwick Plunkett was re-elected as the President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia for the third consecutive year at a Board meeting held in Adelaide today. South Australian community pharmacist Grant Kardachi and Victorian pharmacist Joe Demarte were elected Vice-Presidents at the...
  15. O

    If we considered Obama as more of a joke than a President would his...

    ...failures be more humorous & less stressful? I think people are way to serious about Obama, they should lighten up and laugh at him
  16. M

    poll: do you think hitler would have made a great president?

    back in Nazi Germany if he wasnt for fascism and all the destruction and death of the jews and other countries and religions? but instead for liberty and peace?
  17. D

    Hi to my friends who are muslim. What do you think about President Obama

    sends greeting on Muslim Holiday? H to my friends who are muslim. What do you think about President Obama sends greeting on Muslim Holiday? Good or bad? I'm Catholic American & is just a simple general question. Happy Muslim holiday...
  18. C

    Liberal lemmings: If Obama isn't, then who was the most Far Left president...

    Where can I buy the cheap and good quality M3i Zero card for Nintendo DSi? How about
  19. R

    Have we ever had a President that complained (make that whined) about how

    Lg neon problem.. The screen is just black,? The screen is just black, and its not showing anything. But whenever I press a button the buttons light up (its supposed to) Anyone know how to fix it? Already tried to turn it off didnt work, already took out the battery, already charged it -.-
  20. T

    AAMC President Says New Doctors Are Key To Advancing Patient Safety

    In an article published in the September issue of Health Affairs, AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) President and CEO Darrell G. Kirch, M.D., says the next generation of physicians will drive a culture of patient safety in health care and that residents are important agents of...