
  1. Jordan

    How Do I Tell If My Chinchillas Pregnant?

    Ok i have a chinchilla i got her from pet smart a little over a month ago she's being very aggressive wont let me get her out she fights me when i do shes laying on her side and drinking and eating more how do i tell for sure?
  2. K

    Sister is not pregnant but I am?

    My sister and I are twins (not identical). We've always done everything together. We both met our husbands at the same college, both got engaged during the same trip, and both got married at the same time. Now we both want to get pregnant at the same time, so we can raise our kids together...
  3. R

    How Do I Tell If My Chinchillas Pregnant?

    Ask her, duh!
  4. D

    can cooked kidney beans cause abortion in pregnant dogs?

    some time ago i was giving my dog food and beans was included and my grandma told me it causes abortion in dogs so it is not advisable to feed dogs with beans. Now my 8 mths dog is suspected to be pregnant but i have to abort it. does anybody know if it is true that beans can cause abortion in...
  5. C

    I think I'm pregnant but I tested negative, my doctor laughed @ me like I was a joke?

    she's overweight & I'm thin, I told her weird things have been going on plus I've been gaining weight in my stomach & she made a comment about how small I am. I KNOW MY BODY I tested negative on the urine test but I made her give me a blood test. The results are up in the air has anyone had a...
  6. M

    pregnant need relationship advice?

    im currently 31+3 weeks pregnant. I became pregnant pretty fast after 2-3 months with my bf but are both very very happy and would not have it any other way. The relationship since for me has turned out to not be what i want. im 21 and my boyfriend is 32 going on 6. he is a very caring boyfriend...
  7. S

    is it safe to travel on a bus at around 27 weeks pregnant?

    im 24 weeks pregnant now. but i should be going on a trip to Florida from Louisiana next month. so ill be around 27 weeks. is it safe for me or my baby to travel that far on a bus. the trip is about 20 hrs or more. i need help asap
  8. M

    Pregnant Teens hoping to chat.?

    Hi. my name is myla, i am 17 years old and am pregnant. I do not have support really at my house or in my town that has groups for teen parents. I was hoping to be able to find people to talk to on here and maybe to be able to to on yahoo messenger or AIM. I just think that when being pregnant...
  9. A

    How do I get the man who got me pregnant interested in me again?

    get him drunk
  10. E

    I will never drink while pregnant, but my fiance says its safe to drink

    it's really not safe to smoke or drink while pregnant, but to each his own
  11. A

    I will never drink while pregnant, but my fiance says its safe to drink

    It may be safe, but we don't know when and how much. Read up on fetal alcohol syndrome and you will want to avoid any possible risks. Why take the chance for a small thrill?
  12. H

    Help! i cant tell if my bunny is pregnant!?

    I've had these two little mini-rex bunnies since christmas eve 2010. I have a girl and a boy. i'm not exactly sure how old they are, but i think it's a little young. They are " supposevly" brother and sister and they have shared a cage since christmas eve. they are inside bunnies until it gets...
  13. M

    Bad dreams and pregnant help?

    I dreamed don't know why but when im pregnant i have dreams about the babies with my daughter i that i was holding a little baby dressed in pink with my next pregnancy i dreamed that i was hurting and gave birth to one of my twins and it was really tiny and dead on my thrid pregnancy i dreamed...
  14. B

    I forgot the name of a movie whn this boy's dad gets shot whn his mom was pregnant...

    ...of him and they keep moving? I watched this movie ages ago, and its about this boy, on the day when his mom was expecting him, his dad had some business to do, but he got shot and he grows up and that, but him and his mom keep moving house ( whenever his mom knows that them guys who shot his...
  15. M

    Eat smoked haddock when pregnant?

    Hi I know smoked haddock when brought from the supermarket can just be warmed and eaten and when pregnant it's not a good idea. But if I'm going to cook it on the pan properly just as with ordinary fish will this be fine? Thanks for your answers
  16. B

    Will getting pregnant on purpose keep a relationship together?

    my best friend Ive had for 4 years has a girlfriend (who, by the way, is manly and talks like a dude and gets in fights). they have been dating for 10 months now. about 1 week after they met they got into that ignorant "i love you" stage. well now she is pregnant and we KNOW FOR A FACT that she...
  17. A

    Am i pregnant or what are chances ttc cant get a test on vacation!!!?

    period is a month late . . my nipples are extremely sore hard and alaways erect . . wich is odd for me but that seems to be it to be honest . . . . no cramps or nausea . .. jut extremely sore nipples and breasts wich i never get thanks! x x x OH and my wisdom tooth hurts terribly . . probely...
  18. T

    AAPD Partners With Text4baby To Provide Pregnant Women And New Moms With Oral Health

    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), the recognized leader in children's oral health, announced an outreach partnership with the text4baby program. The AAPD's leading pediatric oral health experts will work closely with text4baby in the dissemination of information to pregnant...
  19. E

    My girlfriend and I haven't had sex..but she's pregnant..?

    So, Me and my girlfriend have been together for a year. And she says she's a virgin, but I found a pregnancy test that read positive in the bathroom of our apartment. I've noticed my bestfriend and her getting closer, to the point that it's severe flirting. I went away about 2 months ago, and...
  20. D

    My dog is 62 days pregnant and still no sign of labour?

    She is a German Shepherd and had diarrhea for 2 days (wed & Thurs). I phoned my vet and he says it sounded like she was getting ready to go and if she still hadn't went by Wed 22nd to call him again. Her belly has really dropped and she is licking herself now and again but nothing out of the...