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    Louisiana High School Tries To Force Girls With Bellies To Take Pregnancy Test

    A Louisiana charter school has this awesome policy (that is not sexist or discriminatory at all) where they can force girls they suspect are pregnant to take a pregnancy tests. Then, what's even more awesome, is the fact that they can kick those girls out of school if the test comes back...
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    Excess Iodine Supplementation During Pregnancy Associated With Congenital Hypothyroid

    Congenital hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone deficiency at birth that, if left untreated, can lead to neurocognitive impairments in infants and children. Although the World Health Organization recommends 200-300 µg of iodine daily during pregnancy for normal fetal thyroid hormone production and...
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    37% Of Births From Unplanned Pregnancy, Proving Women Need Better Health Care

    Unplanned pregnancy constitute 37% of births, and even more of the total number of pregnancies (43% of unplanned pregnancies end in abortion), according to a new report on pregnancy and birth control choices from The CDC's National Center for Health Statistics. The data, taken from 2006 to 2010...
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    Drug Use And Antisocial Behavior Strongly Linked With Adolescent Pregnancy

    Numerous studies have been conducted on the impacting factors for pregnancy outcomes in young women, yet so far, no study has established which of these factors are the most important and the impact of depression on pregnancy outcomes is particularly unclear... More...
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    Why Heart Attacks Cause So Much More Damage In Late Pregnancy

    Heart attacks during pregnancy are uncommon, but the prevalence of heart disease in pregnant mothers has increased over the past decade as more women delay pregnancy until they are older. These women, who are generally less physically active than their younger peers, tend to have higher...
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    Gestational Diabetes Risk Associated With Antipsychotic Drugs During Pregnancy

    Women who take antipsychotic drugs during pregnancy are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, say researchers. The study, conducted by Robert Bodén. M.D., Ph.D., of the Centre for Pharmacoepidemiology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, and Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, and...
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    H1N1 Vaccination During Pregnancy Shows Unexpected Benefits In Large Study

    Getting a flu shot during pregnancy provides unanticipated benefits to the baby, according to the authors of a large population-based study examining the issue. Specifically, the study showed that H1N1 vaccination during the pandemic was associated with a significantly reduced risk of...
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    Choline Consumption During Pregnancy May 'Program' Healthier Babies

    Pregnant women may have added incentive to bulk up on broccoli and eggs now that a Cornell University study has found increased maternal intake of the nutrient choline could decrease their children's chances of developing hypertension and diabetes later in life. In a study led by Marie Caudill...
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    Questions about cigarette smoke && pregnancy?

    Hi. I got pregnant a while back. But, I miscarried at 10-12 weeks. That was about 4 or 5 weeks ago. Last week I had unprotected sex && I'm really worried about it. When I got pregnant the first time, I used to smoke. But when I got pregnant, I couldn't even stand it when someone lit up a...
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    Questions about cigarette smoke && pregnancy?

    Hi. I got pregnant a while back. But, I miscarried at 10-12 weeks. That was about 4 or 5 weeks ago. Last week I had unprotected sex && I'm really worried about it. When I got pregnant the first time, I used to smoke. But when I got pregnant, I couldn't even stand it when someone lit up a...
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    Questions about cigarette smoke && pregnancy?

    Hi. I got pregnant a while back. But, I miscarried at 10-12 weeks. That was about 4 or 5 weeks ago. Last week I had unprotected sex && I'm really worried about it. When I got pregnant the first time, I used to smoke. But when I got pregnant, I couldn't even stand it when someone lit up a...
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    Questions about cigarette smoke && pregnancy?

    Hi. I got pregnant a while back. But, I miscarried at 10-12 weeks. That was about 4 or 5 weeks ago. Last week I had unprotected sex && I'm really worried about it. When I got pregnant the first time, I used to smoke. But when I got pregnant, I couldn't even stand it when someone lit up a...
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    Infant Size, Birth Weight Not Affected By Anti-HIV Drug Use During Pregnancy

    Infants born to women who used the anti-HIV drug tenofovir as part of an anti-HIV drug regimen during pregnancy do not weigh less at birth and are not of shorter length than infants born to women who used anti-HIV drug regimens that do not include tenofovir during pregnancy, according to...
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    Victoria’s Secret’s Alessandra Ambrosio Dieted To Hide Pregnancy For Modeling Career

    Posing nude at eight months pregnant, Victoria's Secret model, Alessandra Ambrosio, says she feels more confident about her body than ever--which is great. What's not so great is the unhealthy way she treated her body when she first got pregnant and the unhealthy standards she is setting for...
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    Dieting During Pregnancy Increases Risk Of Obesity And Diabetes For Offspring

    If you're expecting, this might make you feel a little better about reaching for that pint of ice cream: New research published online in the FASEB Journal suggests that twins, and babies of mothers who diet around the time of conception and in early pregnancy, may have an increased risk of...
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    Potential Link Between Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy And Hypertension

    Use of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants during pregnancy appears to be linked with increased risk of pregnancy induced high blood pressure ("hypertension"), but a causal link has not been established. Pregnancy hypertension is sometimes linked with pre-eclampsia, a...
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    Where can I read some pregnancy diet/nutrition plans online? One that has

    breakfast, lunch and dinner plans? already written out completely. Obviously Im not trying to lose weight, I just want to eat healthier and prevent gaining excessive weight like a lot of pregnant women do. I dont want to be the type that just eats whatever I want because Im pregnant then...
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    Would arising teen problems like pregnancy & drug use would decrease if

    religion was taught in schools? in schools? like a different religion every week to ensure all requested religions were covered. Not forcing them to believe but laying out there options. for example: the fear of God would whoop'em into shape. Tell me what you think, Thanks for your answers.
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    Would arising teen problems like pregnancy & drug use would decrease if

    religion was taught in schools? in schools? like a different religion every week to ensure all requested religions were covered. Not forcing them to believe but laying out there options. for example: the fear of God would whoop'em into shape. Tell me what you think, Thanks for your answers.
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    Flu Shots During Pregnancy Help Birth Weight

    According to results of a randomized controlled trial published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), the effects of influenza immunization on babies born to vaccinated mothers shows a considerable positive effect on birth weight. The study, part of the Mother'sGift project...