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    Valuable Alternative To Animal Models Predicts Reactions To Novel Drugs And Cosmetics

    A simple lab-based skin test which eliminates the risk of adverse reactions to new drugs, cosmetics and household chemicals has been developed by a Newcastle University, UK team. It uses real human skin and immune cells to show any reaction such as a rash or blistering indicating a wider immune...
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    Food Insecurity Predicts Mental Health Problems In Adolescents

    A study published in the December 2012 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry found that adolescents who experienced food insecurity in the past year have a higher prevalence of mental disorders than adolescents whose families have reliable access to...
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    Pilates Out, Push-ups In: Survey Predicts 2013?s Top Fitness Trends

    Fancy fitness classes are out and back-to-basics workouts are in, according to the the American College of Sports Medicine. In a*worldwide survey conducted by the ACSM, health and fitness professionals*predict that 2013 will bring less high-concept, complicated or gimmicky workouts and more of a...
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    Zuckerberg Predicts We'll All Be Sharing 1,000 Times as Much Crap 10 Years From Now

    If you thought people were already sharing way too much on social networks, you're in for a rough future. At least, that's what your buddy Mark Zuckerberg thinks, and it's probably safe to say he's might know what he's talking about. More »
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    Technology That Predicts Disease Spread In Mass Gatherings

    Hosts of mass gatherings (MGs) could benefit from new opportunities that would assist in the preparation and response to threats of infectious diseases, as revealed by the fifth paper on MGs health in The Lancet Infectious Diseases Series. One of these opportunities would be to couple...
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    Test For Alzheimer's Disease Predicts Cognitive Decline In Parkinson's Disease

    A method of classifying brain atrophy patterns in Alzheimer's disease patients using MRIs can also detect cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease, according to a new study by researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Researchers also found that higher...
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    Scientists predicts that the the population in the world will rise to 9 or 10

    billion year 2050.? Which factor will get affected? And where will the people live then?
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    What would be the moral implications of technology that predicts people's future...

    ...choices? To be more specific, lets say you could predict accurately some of the most obscure actions a person takes throughout their day, to the point where you could show up where they will be, or have their preferences already prepared even though it's not a routine for them, or sell them...
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    Preschoolers' Grasp Of Numbers Predicts Math Performance In School Years

    A new study published in the journal PLoS ONE reports that the precision with which preschoolers estimate quantities, prior to any formal education in mathematics, predicts their mathematics ability in elementary school, according to research from the Kennedy Krieger Institute. Humans have an...
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    Hormone Predicts Which Kidney Patients Might Die Early

    The blood levels of a particular hormone can help predict which kidney disease patients will develop heart problems, need dialysis, and die prematurely, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN). Testing for this hormone could...
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    House Dust Mite Test On Wheezy Toddlers Predicts Asthma In Teenage Years

    Wheezy toddlers who have a sensitivity to house dust mites are more at risk of developing asthma by the age of 12, a University of Melbourne led study has shown. Children aged one two years with a family history of allergy, who had a positive skin prick test to house dust mites, had a higher...
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    New PTSD Test Successfully Predicts Who Will Develop Condition

    A new post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prediction tool, developed by Geisinger Health System researchers, is simple to administer and appears to outperform other screening methods, according to new findings published electronically in the August issue of the journal General Hospital...
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    Controversial Blood Test Predicts How Long You Will Live [Blood]

    A new test set to hit the market in Britain in the next year aims to tell patients how long they have to live, and naturally that's not happening without controversy. The test measures a person's telomeres, those structures found on the tips of chromosomes. The length of telomeres apparently...
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    Protein That Predicts Prognosis Of Leukemia Patients May Also Be A Therapeutic Target

    Researchers at Whitehead Institute and Children's Hospital Boston have identified a protein, called Musashi 2, that is predictive of prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. High levels of Musashi 2 protein is associated with increased cell...
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    National Debt Will Continue To Surge, CBO Predicts, While Experts Increase Scrutiny O

    The Washington Post: "In its latest long-term forecast, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted that the national debt, which has surged to nearly 60 percent of annual economic output in the wake of the recession, would continue rising in the coming decades despite cost-containment...
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    Former GOP Leader Armey Predicts Health Bill Will Pass

    A Republican leader is expressing some sentiment that the bill cannot be stopped, The Associated Press reports. "Republican Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, among the bill's sharpest opponents, said he was 'less confident' than before that it could be stopped. 'They'd have to be remarkable...
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    Former GOP Leader Armey Predicts Health Bill Will Pass

    A Republican leader is expressing some sentiment that the bill cannot be stopped, The Associated Press reports. "Republican Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, among the bill's sharpest opponents, said he was 'less confident' than before that it could be stopped. 'They'd have to be remarkable...
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    Brain Activity Predicts Emotional Resiliency Following A Fight With A Partner

    Common wisdom tells us that for a successful relationship partners shouldn't go to bed angry. But new research from a psychologist at Harvard University suggests that brain activity - specifically in the region called the lateral prefrontal cortex - is a far better indicator of how someone will...
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    Brain Activity Predicts Emotional Resiliency Following A Fight With A Partner

    Common wisdom tells us that for a successful relationship partners shouldn't go to bed angry. But new research from a psychologist at Harvard University suggests that brain activity - specifically in the region called the lateral prefrontal cortex - is a far better indicator of how someone will...
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    Brain Activity Predicts Emotional Resiliency Following A Fight With A Partner

    Common wisdom tells us that for a successful relationship partners shouldn't go to bed angry. But new research from a psychologist at Harvard University suggests that brain activity - specifically in the region called the lateral prefrontal cortex - is a far better indicator of how someone will...