
  1. T

    Lung transplant patients may fare better with larger organs - using a predicted total

    A higher predicted total lung capacity ratio, suggestive of oversized donor lungs, is associated with improved survival following lung transplantation, primarily among patients who undergo double-lung (bilateral) transplants, according to a new study in the August 2013 issue of The Annals of...
  2. T

    Stroke Costs Predicted To More Than Double In The Next 20 Years

    Costs to treat stroke are projected to more than double and the number of people having strokes may increase 20 percent by 2030, according to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. In a statement published in Stroke, an American Heart Association journal, the association...
  3. G

    Smashing particles reveals predicted pear-shaped nuclei

    When it comes to sexy fruit, the apple (think Eve), the banana (enough said) and even the tart lemon may come to mind. But except in those with a penchant for middle-aged bodies, the first choice is probably not the pear. For physicists at the University of Liverpool, there’s nothing better...
  4. T

    Nearly Half Of All Deaths From Prostate Cancer Can Be Predicted Before Age 50

    A new design of screening could improve ratio between benefit and harms of screening Focusing prostate cancer testing on men at highest risk of developing the disease is likely to improve the ratio between benefits and the harms of screening, suggests a paper published this week on
  5. T

    Long-Term Breast Cancer Risk For Postmenopausal Women Predicted By Blood Hormone Leve

    Blood hormone tests predicted a woman's risk for developing postmenopausal breast cancer for up to 20 years, according to data from the Nurses' Health Study presented at the 11th Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research. "We found that a single hormone...
  6. A

    How do I turn off 'predicted text' on A Nokia mobile phone?

    Arnab: You're a star; thanks very much. Just as a matter of interest my great grandmother was born in Dum Dum around 1864.
  7. H

    When was it that Mohamed became the prophet of Islam? Was it predicted in the...

    ...Koran? Christ was prophesied? in scripture long before his earthly birth, death, and resurrection. Jesus lived an exceptional sinless life and is under some confusion by organized religions, while Mohamed's is also under questionable confusion and sometimes violent conflict by the very people...
  8. F

    Do You Think the Time of the Second Coming of Christ Can Be Predicted?

    Say, within 10-20 years of the actual return?
  9. T

    Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Survival Predicted With Blood Proteins

    According to investigators at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Centocor R&D, a group of blood proteins can foresee which patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) - a progressive lung disease - are more likely to die within two years or live at least five years. The...
  10. M

    Apple accurately predicted its own future... in the eighties

    [No message]
  11. T

    Outcomes For Merkel Cell Carcinoma Predicted By Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

    Patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma who underwent a procedure called sentinel lymph node biopsy (SNLB) had a lower risk of cancer recurrence after two years, according to a study by researchers from Fox Chase Cancer Center. When the biopsy's results were used to guide subsequent tests and...
  12. T

    Extreme Summertime Temperatures Predicted To Become A Regular Occurrence, Posing Sign

    In an article in the current issue of the journal Climatic Change Letters, Boston University researchers have estimated the impact near-term increases in global-mean temperatures will have on summertime temperatures in the U.S. and around the globe. The "2°C global warming target" is in...
  13. G

    How Jules Verne Predicted Cell Phones in the 1870s [Humor]

    What? Everybody knows Jules Verne totally called the Cellular Revolution back in 1874—wrote a book about it called 'The Camera-Phone" and everything. There's even a write up about it here, in The Onion. More »
  14. G

    A Predicted Hadron Has Been Found

    A Hadron is a kind of particle, made of quarks. There are two kinds of hadrons, baryons (made out of three quarks) and mesons (made out of a quark and a quirky quark known as an antiquark). The particle of interest is made up of an up quark, a strange quark, and a heavy bottom quark...
  15. G

    This Video Game Predicted Twitter Back In 1999 [Welcome To The World Of Tomoroooowww]

    OK, not really, but Ragnar Tørnquist's adventure masterpiece The Longest Journey certainly got close, as you can see in the image above. Via, where else, Twitter. More »
  16. T

    Bone Density In Early Menopause May Be Predicted By Severity Of Facial Wrinkles

    A news study finds that the worse a woman's skin wrinkles are during the first few years of menopause, the lower her bone density is. The results will be presented Monday at The Endocrine Society's 93rd Annual Meeting in Boston. "In postmenopausal women the appearance of the skin may offer a...
  17. T

    If Christ did intended to come on May 21 (or any other dates predicted...

    ...earlier), what possible reasons...? do you think would have caused a postponement? (thank you. no TD from me) @Storm Thanks. I can agree with you on that point, as that would be the initial reaction to Camping prediction came Sunday. My extended question to you would be "what did you do...
  18. C

    What are the prophecies the bible has predicted?

    I know the self fulfilled one about Israel but what are some of the others?
  19. S

    The Mayan prophecies predicted the end of their civilisation. Will there be

    another catastrophe in 2012? The fall of civilisations are said to sometimes coincide with sun spot cycles. The Mayan people predicted accurately the end of their civilisation and the calculations they used suggest an end in 2012 to the last age with possibly the shifting of the magnetic pole...
  20. J

    Is it true the bible predicted the world will end in 2013? As this video

    documentary shows? Have you guys seen this newS?