
  1. J

    First popular recent zombie movie?

    There have been a lot of zombie related movies and tv shows recently. What was the first movie?
  2. Z

    Were Celebrities popular in school?

    I really do wnat to be an actor when i grow up but im so unpopular so im wondering.....
  3. K

    How to deal with popular girls and gossip?

    So I have a friend. When we met at the start of the year, she was nice and liked me. She was popular. Now she turn into a more b*sdkf person who gossips around about me. I can tell because I've heard her whispering about me to other girls and she'd shut up as soon i was was near. i could swear...
  4. C

    Survey: does the tune of this Popular pop song make you sad?

    Drake ft Rihanna- Take Care That piano thing, dun, dun dun dun dun :( It makes me feel sad awkwardly...
  5. R

    What are some popular movies out right now either on netflix or dvd or redbox?

    I'm having a sleepover with some friends and I wanna think of a good movie to watch. I'm not sure whether to watch a romantic movie, comedy, or action so yah.
  6. J

    Any good, popular, active chat rooms?

    I need a good, active, popular chat room. I would like for Minecraft chat rooms, Call of Duty chat rooms, and any other good chat rooms. Can you also name a few chat room apps I could get on my iPad and iPod Touch?
  7. A

    Emergency Contraception Is Really, Really Popular (And IUDs Aren’t)

    Use of emergency contraception has more than doubled recently, the New York Times reports. New federal data shows that between 2006 and 2010, 11% of sexually active women used the so-called "morning after pill," up from 4% in 2002.*And among early-twenty-somethings, almost 25% having used...
  8. J

    Why is Piers Morgan popular in the USA?

    Is seems that Americans are fooled by this guy's British accent - do they know what an immoral character he is?
  9. T

    Contrary To Popular Belief, Private Foreign Patients Are A Lucrative Source Of NHS In

    Contrary to some media reports, more UK residents currently travel abroad for treatment than international patients travel to the UK to access NHS or private treatment here, say researchers in this week's BMJ. Depending on the procedure undertaken, patients who travel abroad may also save the UK...
  10. S

    What game system is the most popular among teenage boys. Lol since like

    all of them play it.? Is it the xbox , wii , ps3 , Nintendo ds , lol which one do you think it is ( the ones you play )
  11. M

    List of popular celebrities Instagram names?

    I am following a few celebrities like beyonce rihanna and the kardashians. Also I was wondering what is kylie and Kendall jenners official Instagram ? Because there are a few kylie jenners which I have no idea to follow but I followed the one with something like 3.9m followers ?
  12. 4

    Why HUAWEI E589 become more and more popular ?

    Nowadays , many people want to buy huawei e589. Why HUAWEI E589 become more and more popular ?I do not know , if it has some features that others routers do not have , or it just only like a Iphone 4?
  13. E

    is the UFC (MMA) just as popular as boxing in the U.K.?

    it seems as though MMA is (or is becoming) the #1 fighting sport here in the states. i'm just curious if it is also doing the same in England where boxing is still a very popular sport. i've never been a fan of MMA, but i can't deny the growing popularity it has gained within the past 5 years.
  14. T

    Violence Recreated In The Most Popular TV Series Among Youngsters In Spain

    Published in the Comunicacion journal, a study conducted by the University of Seville analyses violence content in Spanish TV series. It concludes that Telecinco's Sin tetas no hay paraÃ*so is the most violent of the five studied. Despite the fact that other series have more scenes or minutes of...
  15. L

    How can i find most subscribed channels, most popular videos and etc. on youtube?

    I just cant find a link there :(
  16. L

    How can i find most subscribed channels, most popular videos and etc. on youtube?

    I just cant find a link there :(
  17. T

    75 Percent Of Patients Taking Popular Blood-Thinners Are Given Wrong Dose

    Cardiology researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute have found that approximately 75 percent of patients taking two common blood-thinning drugs may be receiving the wrong dosage levels, according to a new study. This could put them at risk for serious problems like...
  18. T

    What are some popular internet trends?

    What are some trends of 2012?
  19. A

    Name of this popular club/lounge song?

    lol, you need to provide a little more detail than that - was it a guy or a girl singing? slow-paced or fast? what other notable characteristics do you recall about the song?
  20. G

    Google Kinda Sorta Clarifies Piracy Plan and Says Most Popular Sites Aren't Likely To

    After facing criticism that its new policy of penalizing pirate sites might unfairly favor Google-owned YouTube, Google has come out to say that most popular sites are unlikely to be penalized. It hasn't clarified exactly why or how, though. More »