
  1. C

    Which came first Samsung galaxy pop or Samsung galaxy mini?

    i know they were just the same but which one was the latest?
  2. A

    WWE Pop Quiz (Ten Points For a Prize)?

    1. What year did the WWE started? 2. Who is responsible for taking out of Stone Cold Steve Austin commission? A. Rikishi B. The Rock C. Mick Foley D. Triple H 3. Why is Shawn Michaels Betrayed his own tag team partner Marty Jannetty? 4. Name All The Members of the Nexus? 5. Who is The First...
  3. D

    Herschel Supply co POP quiz or Settlement?

    I was looking online and i saw a popquiz Herschel backpack and then i saw a Settlement backpack whichone should i buy (not worrying about the price) and what color its for school were we can wear white black and red shirts and black and khali pants plese help
  4. D

    How to stop pop ups to "talk dirty" to girls?

    To stop pop ups when I open my mail to talk dirty to girls. Getting really tired of these pop ups. (I'm female.)
  5. I

    Why does my hip pop when I do certain things?

    When I turn at night my left hip ALWAYS pops it never fails also if I move my hip a certain way it always pops. Also because I am homeschooled I try to stretch and do a workout every day to keep in shape and I can't because my hip hurts. It started hurting after I had to use a cane for 2 months...
  6. M

    Pop quiz: What kind of holiday gift is appropriate for teacher?

    [No message]
  7. A

    The We Topia game, and the pop up about a free ipad?

    A thing came up saying that they wanted to "gift" me with a free ipad. I have serious doubts about this...but I was wondering if anyone has actually filled out the form, and by some small microchance actually got this ipad?
  8. O

    music,all-girl pop band,late 90's early2000's?

    what is the name of the song that has lyrics that go something like this "come with me tonight,touch the moon and see how beautiful it can be." The music video shows the girls walking through the snow and then go into a cabin.At the end of the video the girls print out the picture of a man and...
  9. S

    Why can't I get my Task manager Screen to pop up when I do control alt delete?

    When I do cont, alt, delete, it takes forever for the task manager screen to pop up. Sometimes I have to do it three times for it to finally come up. Sometimes no matter what I do, it never comes up. What can I do to fix this. Thanks much. It is driving me nutso.
  10. A

    Thanksgiving Pop Quiz: What Does 100 Calories Of Pumpkin Pie Look Like?

    We're just days away from Thanksgiving dinner--which means we're also days away from Thanksgiving dessert. When it comes to slicing the pumpkin*pie, you probably usually ask for the smallest piece. But just how small do you have to go to keep your serving to 100 calories or fewer? Is it even...
  11. C

    Can you solve the mathematical fraction problem, 7/12 + 3/4? Pop Quiz, peoples. :P?

    Just a little quiz for those who forgot what school used to be like.
  12. Z

    i need a lesbian to pop out of a cake at a male bachelor party?

    are their any company's that specializes in hot lesbians?
  13. A

    Did i pop it or not .?

    First I peeped 2 times in like 5 minutes . Nd no I drank nothing . When I got home , nd peeped the color of my pee was normal . It was yellow like . But when I wiped , it was blood . Not a lot but I'm also kind of sore . When we were having sex he said he could feel my cherry but wasn't gonna...
  14. A

    Pop Quiz: What Does 100 Calories of Cranberries Look Like?

    A Thanksgiving tradition, canned jellied cranberries, served in their delightful circular shapes, are about as American as apple pie. Even if you hate the wiggling maroon log of goo (and would prefer to use the berries in a more wholesome way) odds are, the*medallions*of jelly are going to be...
  15. B

    why does my bike pop alot when running and takes for ever to start?

    My bike takes four ever to start. It turns over a little but want stay running . Its getting gas, carb is clean getting fire. But when i finely get it to start when i ride it pops when i give it gas. And when i pull the chock it want try to fire at all but if the chock is off it try's to fire...
  16. H

    In the year or two before Rome fell were they discussing petty scandals and pop

    stars in the Roman media? Seems that the United States is on very thin ice but the media still continues to act as if decade old sexual harassment scandals and Justin Beiber are the most important issues of the day. Was it like this in the last days of Rome?
  17. R

    R&P: Why are Rock and Pop in the same section?

    I am a genius. You saw this coming. Answer it.
  18. G

    Real Housewives of Atlanta Season Premiere Recap: "I've Got to Make This Funeral Pop!

    Real Housewives of Atlanta Season Premiere Recap: "I've Got to Make This Funeral Pop! Welcome back, Atlanta.* The Real Housewives of Hot-lanta returned tonight for another season of tacky fun—sex pillows and hot rod hearses, anyone?—*and snappy...
  19. J

    Pop Quiz! Chinese government?

    Illuatrate the difference among City (Shi) government, Prefecture (DiQu) government and County (Xian) government in China!
  20. B

    Why do I have a pop up on google chrome that says I have to install a plug in?

    Hi, I use Google Chrome and every time I go to a page it says that I have to install an additional plug in. I downloaded the java and the other thing and I have a windows 7. Please help me! I don't know what to do!