
  1. E

    AUHSD and school cellphone policies?

    On the Anaheim Union High School District website it says that we can use our phones during lunch. My school doesn't let us use our phones. But in the school handbook the school says it will follow the districts rules on electronics does that mean I can use my phone and not get in trouble
  2. M

    Goodbye ugly sweater: Stores' holiday return policies

    [No message]
  3. T

    Lives Saved And Profits Increased By Alcohol Pricing Policies

    Setting minimum prices for alcohol increases health and economic benefits, say international experts, who met for a seminar on alcohol pricing and public health. The meeting - sponsored by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), the Centre for Addictions Research of British Columbia...
  4. R

    Wouldn't the long term strategic future of Fiscal Conservative Tax policies lead...

    ...you to conclude...? - let the Bush tax cuts expire - watch the economy respond exactly the way Conservatives have always said would happen for decades: job loss, GDP contraction, and ultimately less revenues rather than more revenues to the federal government, forcing more borrowing or more...
  5. T

    Exclusionary Policies In Schools Stigmatize Arrested Teens And Contribute To Educatio

    "Zero- tolerance" policies that rely heavily on suspensions and expulsions hinder teens who have been arrested from completing high school or pursuing a college degree, according to a new study from The University of Texas at Austin. In Chicago, 25,000 male adolescents are arrested each year...
  6. T

    More Than 400,000 Lives Likely Saved By Brazil's Strong Tobacco Control Policies

    High cigarette prices, smoke-free air laws, marketing restrictions and other measures, all part of Brazil's strong tobacco control policies, are credited for a 50 percent reduction in smoking prevalence between 1989 and 2010. The reduction contributed to an estimated 420,000 lives saved during...
  7. M

    Big-box stores offer price match policies to compete with online retailers

    [No message]
  8. F

    whats taco bells written up policies?

    How many times get you get written up in what time frame?
  9. M

    New TV pricing policies a tough sell for consumers

    [No message]
  10. M

    Some historians argue that American Immigration policies be viewd as restritive?

    can someone please help me answering this TRUE/FALSE questions.. ANSWER TRUE OR FLASE: 1.Some historians argue that American immigration policies can be viewed as "restrictive" and/or "limiting." 2. The "Immigration Act of 1924" blatantly disriminated against certain ethnic groups by changing...
  11. J

    What Social Policies does the UK have to protect interests of Elderly and

    Retired people? All I can think of is concessionary travel, pensions and winter fuel allowance. Thanks so much!
  12. T

    When Creating Policies For Better Health, Experts Weigh The Heavy Impact Words Have

    Are words weighing down America's ability to improve its health? According to a group of weight and health experts assembled by the Strategies to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance, the answer is yes. There is a need for media and policymakers to more responsibly address weight-related...
  13. K

    Rep. Lamborn apologizes for ‘tar baby’ remark on Obama policies?

    Colorado Republican Congressman Doug Lamborn apologized Monday night for saying during a Friday appearance on a Denver radio program that embracing President Barack Obama’s policies is like “touching a tar baby.” Lamborn made the comment on KHOW’s Caplis and Silverman program in reference to...
  14. D

    Will the inhumane policies of the rightwing die out with the aging

    segregationist generation of whites? Or are they simply going to pass down the tradition?
  15. T

    What liberal policies were introduced in Piedmont by Count Cavour? What role did...

    ...he feel Piedmont should play? ASAP! pleassse:)
  16. J

    can wells fargo change their policies with out telling me. like now my account is...

    ...free but in the future...? can they just change something? just answer this do you think they will change anything in the future or not.
  17. 1

    Is it funny that Barack Obama is defending Republican policies against the Left?

    The America-hating Left? They refuse to acknowledge that Republcan policies will get us strong economy again, like it was up until 2007 when Democrats took office, disastrous results in 2008?
  18. I

    what are some recent policies introduced by UK government?

    can you give me some info about the recent UK government's policies preferably about health. but policies relating to other matters is okay too. thanks :)
  19. S

    Were the policies created in the best interest of the US?

    help please!!!
  20. S

    What are two dynasties with policies and governing styles that are

    extremely different from each other? Are there any two chinese dynasties in the classical period that have very contrasting styles of ruling?