
  1. G

    Cloud behavior expands habitable zone of alien planets

    A new study that calculates the influence of cloud behavior on climate doubles the number of potentially habitable planets orbiting red dwarfs, the most common type of stars in the universe. This finding means that in the Milky Way galaxy alone, 60 billion planets may be orbiting red dwarf...
  2. G

    Weather on the Outer Planets Only Goes So Deep

    What is the long-range weather forecast for the giant planets Uranus and Neptune? These planets are home to extreme winds blowing at speeds of over 1000 km/hour, hurricane-like storms as large around as Earth, immense weather systems that last for years and fast-flowing jet streams. Both...
  3. A

    Is Animal Planets Lost Tapes Real?

    Its giving it right now I've followed it for a long while when I could just wondering are they all acted out and such? I mean I know the facts they say throughout the show is true (right?) But is the actual footage real? Or is the footage based off life events where they act it out? The...
  4. G

    Planets viewed from Earth as if they were at the distance of our moon

    Read the comments on this post...
  5. L

    How often are new planets and stars discovered? (and other interesting space facts)?

    I have to do a debate that space exploration is worth the cost. i need to know how often planets and stars are discoved so i can include it in my speech. all other interesting space facts to do with space exploration or anything else by that matter are greatly appreciated. please be accurate...
  6. G

    The hunt for planets circling other stars

    on Skeptically Speaking, recording live today. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  7. L

    Video of cruising past planets with music playing?

    I saw a video a long time ago. It was first person, and it started from earth and cruised past all the planets...While doing so, it was playing current music, then gradually went back in periods of radio transmissions (Music etc.) before ending with the first few radio transmissions, then...
  8. A

    Sci Fi Movies About Trying to avoid Monsters or Going to different planets?

    Does anyone know some shows/movies about People on the run from aliens such as War of the Worlds Monsters Or where they go to different planets on missions or exploring like Stargate? A list of movies and shows like that will get best answer. Thanks!
  9. A

    Sci Fi Movies About Trying to avoid Monsters or Going to different planets?

    Does anyone know some shows/movies about People on the run from aliens such as War of the Worlds Monsters Or where they go to different planets on missions or exploring like Stargate? A list of movies and shows like that will get best answer. Thanks!
  10. M

    Do you feel that your libra planets keep you arguing on both sides of the fence?

    libra, how do you keep touch or in sight with what you feel to be true.. since you are able to argue both sides... how much effort or fine tuning/practice would it require ps- i have libra planets
  11. G

    Kepler Finds Two Planets Transiting the Same Star

    By now, this news is a few days old, but there was something I wanted to check on before noting it. Here's the story: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. G

    How we found hundreds of Earth-like planets

    Astronomer Dimitar Sasselov and his colleagues search for Earth-like planets that may, someday, help us answer centuries-old questions about the origin and existence of biological life elsewhere (and on Earth). How many such planets have they found already? Several hundreds. Read the rest of...
  13. M

    Does anyone know if other planets in our Solar System have also undergone a

    warming trend? If so, then it would be easy to disprove the theory that global warming is a man-made phenomenon.
  14. M

    Does anyone know if other planets in our Solar System have also undergone a

    warming trend? If so, then it would be easy to disprove the theory that global warming is a man-made phenomenon.
  15. F

    Can someone explain to me why the alignment of planets in 2012 is rumored to

    be doomsday? I'm not talking about ancient civilizations here. I just want to know the simple explanation in space.
  16. P

    Poll: Do you believe in life on other planets?

    I'm not talking about UFO's and all that. My question is more broader, like from animal life to the possibility of other civilizations. Even in our own solar system we have identified possible habitats for life outside of the Earth (Venus' atmosphere, Jupiter's moon Europa). What do you believe?
  17. H

    Which spacecraft made the "grand tour", flying by all four of the Jovian planets?

    Which spacecraft made the "grand tour", flying by all four of the Jovian planets? A) Galileo B) New Horizons C) Voyager D) Ranger E) Viking
  18. H

    Which spacecraft made the "grand tour", flying by all four of the Jovian planets?

    Which spacecraft made the "grand tour", flying by all four of the Jovian planets? A) Galileo B) New Horizons C) Voyager D) Ranger E) Viking
  19. E

    I dreamt the alignments of planets.?

    Ok, I dreamt I was atop of a building looking down on street full of normal people just walking, when I looked into the sky I saw around around 4 planets aligned back to back, then I woke up. What does that mean? It looked beautiful also, being visible in the day time. They were big in size...
  20. D

    If we find life on other planets, how will that effect our religions?

    Life was created by supernovas that cooked stuff necessary for creating life. That stuff can't just go to Earth, it has to go many places. Life can adept to different envorments, evolution. As Ian Malcolm says in Jurassic Park, "Life will find a way." That means life has had to form in other...