
  1. B

    Shorinji Kempo Fighter vs Pit fighter Video?

    Problem is the Pit fighter use heavy Steroid that what got him so damn strong. I was wondering if it wasn't for Steroid would Martial art have chance against him? By the way its Japanese Animation, not Cartoon. Because Cartoon doesn't show bloody fight, Cartoon more of Define of Bug Bunny...
  2. V

    Brandy Bookamer Injured Protecting Daughter from 5 Pit Bulls

    [No message]
  3. D

    my pit bike clutch will not work?

    when i go to click it into gear it will stall straight away and the clutch doesnt have any effect. any ideas thanks people
  4. J

    Will a mosh pit at a P!NK concert be dangerous for a 14y/o?

    I am going to a P!NK concert in September and I will be in the mosh pit, will a mosh pit at a Pink concert be dangerous?
  5. A

    Scary moment on Daytona pit road as Ryan Newman nearly takes out pit crew member

    Almost a very scary moment at Daytona on Saturday night as Ryan Newman found himself spun around on pit road. And if there's one place you don't want to be traveling backwards at high speed, it's the one place on the track where there are actual unprotected people walking around. Some fast...
  6. A

    Video: Danica Patrick crewman almost run over by Landon Cassill on pit road

    Ever been told to keep your head on a swivel? That's one of the most important adages when working on pit road, and a crew member for Danica Patrick's team almost found out what it can be like when you don't during Saturday night's Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway as Landon Cassill came to the...
  7. A

    Member of Ryan Newman?s crew confronts Kurt Busch on pit road after Darlington race

    Ryan Newman's gas man Andy Rueger confronted Kurt Busch and his team on pit road after Saturday night's Southern 500 after members of Newman's team were angry with Busch's actions after a wreck that involved both Busch and Newman with six laps to go in the race. Busch initially brought out the...
  8. M

    What kind of gym or fitness club would have a foam pit and pads?

    I've always wanted to learn how to flip. I don't try because the thought of breaking my neck. I've done some on trampolines and going into a pool. I want to be able to do them on the ground.
  9. C

    Do you think my pit is full blooded?

    both parents had papers but people keep telling me she is dalmation and btw i had a post be reported saying it wasnt a question and illegal to guidelines i read guide lines i saw nothing about polls so plz vote for my dog http://wilsontimes.com/cutestpet/vote/index.php Thats also a link to her...
  10. H

    After waching the classic sci-fi movie John Quartermass and the pit,has...

    ...you experience any dreams or .......!!? Any dreams or paranormal activity relating to alien beings.Like sleep paralisis???
  11. J

    what is a good pit bike/dirt bike for beginners and cheap prices? quick!1?

    ... I'm 4 ft and 8in 10yrs old, I want a bike that's 50 mph or less, and a name Brand bike. And a weight limit of 300 pounds. DON'T CALL ME FAT!
  12. J

    Which pit bike for me?

    hey, I have enough money saved for a pitbike, if ur just gonna say ther crap and stuf, dont bother. I am aroun 6 foot 2 in height and was thinking of a klx styled bike as a crf pitbike will be a bit to small. I have looked at pitpro 140 xr and pitpro 125 se but not sure my budget is around $1300
  13. A

    Johnson tees off — for him — on pit crew, Montoya

    Generally when you get a pit-road penalty and end up finishing 5th, you're feeling pretty good about your race, right? And that's why you're not Jimmie Johnson, my friend. After Sunday's Loudon race, in which the 48 team overcame wounds both external and self-inflicted to notch yet another...
  14. O

    MTG Creeping Tar Pit?

    If my Creeping Tar Pit takes creature form during my attack phase, what happens when he gets hit by a lightning Bolt?
  15. O

    MTG Creeping Tar Pit?

    If my Creeping Tar Pit takes creature form during my attack phase, what happens when he gets hit by a lightning Bolt?
  16. D

    Pit bikes - What CC For a beginner?

    At the moment i have a Honda CR85 but its a very old model so its not very fast and the power band doesnt have much of a powerband and doesnt pull up - Which is good for me. But a want a new bike so newer models have a bigger powerband and pull up which scares me a bit as im a beginner this is...
  17. K

    Need to replace wheels on ZongShen Pit Bike. Help?

    Well, actually just the rear wheel. I'm not sure what it's model or anything about it is. The guy I bought it off ages ago had no idea. How would I know what to buy? It needs to re-spoke the tires but I'm gonna just replace the rear tire. I also need to fix the kick start and brakes are...
  18. L

    Used Porsche 944's. A car to consider or a money pit to avoid?

    I'm pushing 40. I want a car as a gift to myself. I've had a 280zx & a gen2 RX7 in my past. So I know about quirky sports cars. I've got some lawsuit money in the bank & despite the gas prices I'm not driving some crappy econo car. So I've seen a few 944's in my price range. Yet I've heard the...
  19. B

    how much does pit bull grow?

    how much does pit bull grow
  20. L

    what is it with the trend in owning pit bulls?

    Everyone I know whats to have a gsd lol APBT's do make horrible protection/guard dogs. They are very human friendly. Oh jeez, I train at the local shelter. APBT's up the yang there. I can teach an APBT sit, down and come (on release) in one visit. Any other breed? I may get lucky if they pick...