
  1. E

    has anyone ever flown with a pet from colorado or minnesota?

    i'm flying with my dog in december, taking her as a carry-on, not checking her as baggage. i'm wondering if a vet health certificate is required by either state? i've called the airline (delta) who says the airline doesn't require it but some states do, and that i should check with my vet. i've...
  2. E

    has anyone ever flown with a pet from colorado or minnesota?

    i'm flying with my dog in december, taking her as a carry-on, not checking her as baggage. i'm wondering if a vet health certificate is required by either state? i've called the airline (delta) who says the airline doesn't require it but some states do, and that i should check with my vet. i've...
  3. K

    is it illegal to keep a fish you caught in the wild as a pet?

    like a bass perch or pike
  4. V

    best airline for pet travel?

    OK so holiday season is creeping up on us little by little and I need to make arrangements to get me and my miniature pinscher, Mia to and from NY to DC twice within the same month. I have a carrier for her, her shots are up to date, ... any suggestions on which airline is the best to travel...
  5. J

    Airline approved pet carriers for in cabin travel?

    Hello, I am wondering if anyone knows the dimensions and types of pet carriers that are allowed in the cabin of the plane when flying? I am flying from Alaska to Texas and need to take my dog so i need to find a carrier and don't know what to get. Also what else do i need to fly with my puppy...
  6. Z

    where can i get to buy a pet turtle in abu dhabi?

    i live in hamdan street. What do you call the turtles which are green and small just the penny size and donot grow more than that size?
  7. C

    Pet names, PDA, and labels?

    I hate being called sweetheart, and baby, I also don't like kisses and hand holding in public and I don't like labeling relationships i don't know, I'm 17 and in highschool, like is there something wrong with me? I'm constantly picking apart guys that like me, how can I get over this, what's...
  8. P

    How do I get my pet society vacation items onto the actual game?

    I play on my ipad and ive noticed people have the same hairstyles on the computer game, as the ones on vacation, Is there a button i have to press to stream the items? If it works, will my PFC on pet society vacation go to my facebook game?
  9. T

    Animal you can buy in a pet store that looks like gizmo from the grimlens ?

    Haha I want one lol
  10. M

    Find your perfect pet during Shelter Dog Month

    [No message]
  11. P

    question about my pet rat?

    k so she gave birth to 7 babies last night but she is not even 1 yr old she is about 6 or 8 months old will she be able to manage them? how can she be a mother when she herself is just a child
  12. E

    Quiz: What kind of pet would you be? Your sun and moon?

    Inspired by B's Q :) I got: You would be a pet dog You're friendly, loyal, and an all around good sport. People love to be near you. You are very open with your feelings, and you're quite vocal in expressing them. You are sincere and kind. You...
  13. J

    How do I improve my kid rating on the iPhone game tap pet hotel?

    I can't afford another caregiver for kids because it costs the bones and I only have one left and there is no way to get more without buying them. I need to improve my kid rating but I don't know how. Childproof my rooms? How do I do that?
  14. J

    My dog keeps whining when i pet her?

    about a year ago she was diagnosed with depression and has been given medication for it i don't know if its because she is depressed, im hurting her or who knows what
  15. L

    Question about pet fish?

    My brother and I went to the pet store today to check out some fishes. We both know general stuff about how to take care of fresh water fishes and etc. We end up getting 2 tetra - pristella and 1 goldfish - shubunkin. The worker asked us if we were going to put the shubunkin in the same tank as...
  16. S

    Keeping my pet rabbit outdoors?

    I'll be getting my first rabbit soon. He'll be a neutered male under a year old and there will be only one rabbit. I want to keep him inside but if i do then i'll have to put him in a small cage! If i can keep him outside then i can provide him with a two level hutch. The problem is, I live in...
  17. T

    Are Pet Owners Healthier And Happier?

    For many people, Fido and Fluffy are more than just pets, they're true and equal members of the family. And it's not hard to see why. Our pets greet us at the door after a long day of work, settle in our laps while we're watching TV, or 'sing' along when we hum a tune. They provide companionship...
  18. E

    If God has a signature, why couldn't he be bothered to sign his pet...

    ...creations, namely us? Doesn't a signed painting have more value than a paint by numbers?
  19. T

    How do i cope while my pet is gone?

    Jill, my human, left for college awhile ago, and i miss her greatly. i wonder if she's doing well in her classes, made any friends in college, and getting along with her roommate. just to note, she had a different name, Jill is just what i called her. btw i'm completely serious about whole...
  20. F

    My pet cat is in heat but she doesn't go outside and doesn't associate with...

    ...others. what am i supposed to do? she is six months old. whenever a male answers her call she always fleeing like she saw a ghost. we live in apartment house. this morning i put her in a bag and left her outside where there was another cat... i was worried still wanted her to mate. some...