
  1. I

    P&S If you could would you have a pet Gizmo (from Gremlins)?

    Would you be able to follow the rules, and not destroy the town by creating a bunch of gremlins. Unless of course you're bored. I would want a pet Gizmo though, would you?
  2. @

    p&s - is cooked raw banana a good & tasty dish?

    can you do it?
  3. U

    pop quiz p&s: what is ?-100..?

    please rekindle my faith in humanity.. and don't say there's no answer. just 10i..? @ nick: i'm not acting superior. this is very basic algebra.. and thank you gellex.
  4. K

    Since when did the football section become the P&S section?

    And why isn't Cu Tie reporting all of these like he/she has for the past week?
  5. A

    At one point, did anyone actually use P&S to ask polls and surveys?

    BQ: did that question make sense? i feel like it didn't...
  6. N

    P&S: Your relationship status is ______?

    BQ: Are you happy with it?
  7. M

    POLL about P&S and other stuff?

    shall we summon inglip???
  8. H

    Do you like to rant about how DJ Weddings has been Top Contributor in P&S...

    ...for over a YEAR now? I do
  9. Y

    P&S: What word makes you laugh?

    I love the word fap. It makes me giggle pedo hiding in a bush.
  10. T

    If everyone from P&S went on Omegle at the same time, what are the chances that

    two people from it will meet? Lol that's a great idea Swag!
  11. M

    Has P&S had a sense of Humour bypass?

    Where has all the fun gone?
  12. M

    Where did everyones' sense of humour go in P&S?

    Someone (most likely a troll) asked "What number comes before zero" and of course some people answered it seriously but others said stuff like "9" or "-67" haha. and they got like 4 thumbs down for it. WTF? and then I just got like, lectured by some lady telling me to 'think for myself' and...
  13. W

    POLL: Do you think it's funny when some random on P&S...?

    that you've never seen has "SUSPENDED" on their username or they decide to post a question saying that they're quitting Y!A like it matters or anyone even knows who they are it's like...don't flatter yourself, bitchola
  14. K

    Who on P&S makes you laugh?

    Bonkers does...he cracks me up
  15. S

    I would like to introduce P&S to my girlfriend? Isn't she sexy?
  16. A

    Which P&S user asks some of the most interesting and funny questions?

    Or in other words has a good sense of humor in his questions and answers.
  17. M

    P&S: Can you pass this random quiz..?

    1.Who was George W.Bush ''succeeded'' by..?? 2.True or False-There was/is a water powered car..?? 3.True or False-Most pet owners sleep with their pets..?? 4.True or False-More than 40% of marriage proposals are made over the phone..?? Bonus: How many natural lakes are in Maryland??
  18. I

    P&S: When arguing with someone, have you ever said, "are you retarded?"?

    P&S: When arguing with someone, have you ever said, "are you retarded?"? I have.. i feel bad >_<
  19. J

    Why did it seem like a few hours ago no-one was supporting humor on p&s? Is

    it something to do with the people? who come here at that time?
  20. P

    DO you loose your sense of humor of you stay away from P&S for too long?

    thank God...I thought it was just me