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    SC Officials Want To Ban Buying Soda With Food Stamps: Overstepping or Overdue?

    Lawmakers in South Carolina want to make it impossible to buy soda with food stamps. Since about a third of people in the state are overweight, they're hoping it will begin to curb the obesity problem—but is their thinking misguided? More » SC Officials Want To Ban Buying Soda With Food Stamps...
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    How blasting AC/DC helped Marquette officials capture and free the Bradley Center bat

    The infamous bat that disrupted Saturday's game between Marquette and Providence apparently isn't a fan of hard rock music. In an effort to drive the bat from the rafters of the Bradley Center before Marquette hosts South Florida on Monday night, arena officials replicated the light and music...
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    Breaking news: NFL, NFLRA confirm that new deal between league, officials is done

    As it turned out, the NFL's nightmare scenario -- a team losing a game it should have won -- was all it took for the league and the NFL Referees' Association to get back to the bargaining table and wrap up a new deal. Negotiations picked up momentum after the Seattle Seahawks beat the Green Bay...
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    With Allyson Felix and Jeneba Tarmoh tied, what should track and field officials do?

    Allyson Felix and Jeneba Tarmoh finished in a dead heat for third place in the 100m dash at the Olympic Trials in Eugene, Ore., on Saturday. With the top three runners going to the Olympics, the tie has to be broken. Shockingly, U.S. Track and Field does not have tie-breaker procedures in place...
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    Who is glad Vick got hurt and is whining about the officials?

    i find it downright funny.The Eagles deserve all the bad karma that comes with Michael Vick! So many good answers!Lets face it he will live to annoy us for years to come.The people on here takeing the high moral road saying they don't want anybody to get hurt can be that way.I am hopeing this...
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    NFL expects female officials sooner than later

    They've been doing their part-time jobs from one year to multiple decades, and they each have different outside professions. But the one thing that every current NFL official has in common is that each one of them is male. That could be changing very soon. According to Jane McManus of...
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    Is anyone else as frightened as I am that it is now legal to fire elected officials?

    One person, appointed by the Governor, after two whole days are training are being allowed to do this. That is just what Emergency Financial Planners in Michigan are can this be legal and how can other citizens be letting it happen. Kudos to those in MI who are attempting to recall...
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    Will Congress pass a law forcing Government Officials, Employees, at all...

    ...levels, to abide by the same laws as? every other citizen in this country? No 'full salary pension' for the rest of their lives when they only held the seat in Congress for two terms and are only 50 years old? no special Health Care Insurance? Will this new Congress even introduce a bill that...
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    Pakistan Cricketers to Meet Officials Amid Match-Fixing Scam

    Three Pakistani cricket players alledgedly involved in a betting scam have left the team's training ground in southwest England for London, where they will meet with top Pakistani cricket and government officials. Team captain Salman Butt and bowlers Mohammad Aamer and Mohammad Asif are expected...
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    First the Van Jones lie, now Sherrod, do I see a pattern here of black officials

    being forced out by lies? spread by faux news?
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    Officials Look To Stop 'Medicalization' To Stem Health Care Costs

    The Florida Times-Union: Stopping the "medicalization" of good health is being targeted again by economists and policymakers as a way to stem health care costs. "If Americans would stop thinking of certain problems in a medical context, experts argue, it might chip away at the more than $2...
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    State Dept. Official Highlights Uneven Gains For Female Elected Officials Worldwide

    Despite attention on female candidates' success in Tuesday's primary elections, women seeking government positions in other countries have made unsteady progress, Melanne Verveer -- U.S. ambassador-at-large for global women's issues -- told a House subcommittee on Wednesday, the AP/Atlanta...
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    Federal Officials Say Crackdown On Medicare Fraud Recovers $2.5 Billion

    The Associated Press: "The government says it recovered $2.5 billion in overpayments for the Medicare trust fund last year as the Obama administration focused attention on fraud enforcement efforts in the health care industry. Investigators have new tools this year to help crack down on health...
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    Officials In 25 States Probe American Trade Association Insurance

    The Fiscal Times: "Authorities in over 25 states are investigating [the] insurance company, American Trade Association (ATA), and have uncovered what they believe is a deep well of scams that ensnared an estimated 12,000 people who paid about $14 million in premiums. ATA and its lawyer did not...
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    Officials Investigate If Use Of Surgical Robot Led To Injuries

    The Wall Street Journal: Injuries at a small New Hampshire hospital that uses a surgical robot have some questioning the use of such machines in the care of people. The machine, which is named after Leonardo da Vinci, has been linked to surgeries where patients have been hurt, including two with...
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    Law Enforcement Officials Seek, Find Medicare Fraud

    The Palm Beach Post: To pay for the health reform bill, Medicare fraud is "ripe for plucking, top South Florida prosecutors say." "In 2008, of all the Medicare payouts for home health care services nationwide, over 50 percent were shelled out in Miami-Dade. That was despite the fact that only 2...
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    State, County Officials Take Action On Abortion-Related Issues

    The following summarizes recent action on abortion-related measures in three states. ~ Alaska: Superior Court Judge Frank Pfiffner on Tuesday ordered Alaska Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell to rewrite ballot language for a proposed initiative that would require parental notification before a minor can...
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    Officials Crack Down On Medicare Fraud In Miami And Los Angeles

    NPR: "When it comes to health care fraud, schemes that target Medicare are among the most common and lucrative. That's because the $400 billion federal program is a fat and easy target. The Obama administration ... has requested an increase for an effort to crack down on Medicare fraud. The...
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    Senior U.N. Officials Express Concern Over Military Provision Of Humanitarian Aid In

    The New York Times examines the recent criticisms made by senior U.N. officials in Afghanistan that NATO forces are contributing to "the militarization of humanitarian aid" and the Wednesday announcement that the U.N. will not participate in the military's reconstruction effort in Marja...
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    Medicaid And Budget Issues: California, Nevada Officials Outline Dire Scenarios For H

    Central Valley Business Times: "California is going to have to pay a $51.8 billion bill for health and dental benefits for state retirees, says state Controller John Chiang in a report to the Legislature Tuesday. 'Even as we try to claw our way out of the recession and provide needed cash to the...